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pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.BlobValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.BooleanValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.ByteSegmentValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.BytesValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.ByteValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.DoubleValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.FloatValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.GeoJSONValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.InfinityValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.IntegerValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.ListValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.LongValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.MapValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.NullValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value
Serialize the value using MessagePack.
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.StringValue
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.ValueArray
pack(Packer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Value.WildcardValue
PARAMETER_ERROR - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.ResultCode
Bad parameter(s) were passed in database operation call.
Parse(String) - Constructor for exception com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException.Parse
PARSE_ERROR - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.ResultCode
Client parse error.
parseHosts(String, int) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.Host
Parse command-line hosts from string format: hostname1[:tlsname1][:port1],...
parseInt() - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Info
Convert UTF8 numeric digits to an integer.
parseMultiResponse() - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Info
parseServiceHosts(String) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.Host
Parse server service hosts from string format: hostname1:port1,...
parseString(char) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Info
parseString(char, char, char) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.Info
PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.ListWriteFlags
Allow other valid list items to be committed if a list item fails due to write flag constraints.
PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.MapWriteFlags
Allow other valid map items to be committed if a map item is denied due to write flag constraints.
PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.operation.BitWriteFlags
Allow other valid operations to be committed if this operations is denied due to flag constraints.
PARTITION_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.ResultCode
Partition is unavailable.
PARTITIONS - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node
Number of partitions for each namespace.
password - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.policy.ClientPolicy
Password authentication to cluster.
Policy - Class in com.aerospike.client.policy
Transaction policy attributes used in all database commands.
Policy(Policy) - Constructor for class com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy
Copy policy from another policy.
Policy() - Constructor for class com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy
Default constructor.
pop(String, int, CTX...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.ListOperation
Create list pop operation.
popRange(String, int, int, CTX...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.ListOperation
Create list pop range operation.
popRange(String, int, CTX...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.ListOperation
Create list pop range operation.
port - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.Host
Port of database server.
PredExp - Class in com.aerospike.client.query
Predicate expression filter.
PredExp() - Constructor for class com.aerospike.client.query.PredExp
prepare(boolean) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.query.Statement
Prepare statement just prior to execution.
prepend(WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Prepend bin string values to existing record bin values.
prepend(EventLoop, WriteListener, WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously prepend bin string values to existing record bin values.
prepend(WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Prepend bin string values to existing record bin values.
prepend(EventLoop, WriteListener, WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously prepend bin string values to existing record bin values.
prepend(Bin) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.Operation
Create string prepend database operation.
priority - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy
Priority of request relative to other transactions.
Priority - Enum in com.aerospike.client.policy
Priority of operations on database server.
Privilege - Class in com.aerospike.client.admin
User privilege.
Privilege() - Constructor for class com.aerospike.client.admin.Privilege
PrivilegeCode - Enum in com.aerospike.client.admin
Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user's role.
privileges - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.admin.Role
List of assigned privileges.
protocols - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.policy.TlsPolicy
Allowable TLS protocols that the client can use for secure connections.
protocolType - Variable in enum com.aerospike.client.Operation.Type
put(WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Write record bin(s).
put(EventLoop, WriteListener, WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously write record bin(s).
put(MapPolicy, String, Value, Value, CTX...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.MapOperation
Create map put operation.
put(WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Write record bin(s).
put(EventLoop, WriteListener, WritePolicy, Key, Bin...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously write record bin(s).
put(Bin) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.Operation
Create set database operation.
put(Object) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.query.ResultSet
Put object on the queue.
putAsyncConnection(AsyncConnection, int) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node
putByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.async.NioEventLoop
putConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node
Put connection back into connection pool.
putInstance(LuaInstance) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.lua.LuaCache
Put lua instance back into pool if pool size (LuaConfig.InstancePoolSize) would not be exceeded.
putItems(MapPolicy, String, Map<Value, Value>, CTX...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.MapOperation
Create map put items operation Server writes each map item to map bin and returns map size.
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