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offset - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.Info
OK - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.ResultCode
Operation was successful.
onExists(Key, boolean) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsSequenceListener
This method is called when an asynchronous batch exists result is received from the server.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchListListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchOperateListListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(BatchRecord[], AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchRecordArrayListener
This method is called when one or more keys fail.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchRecordSequenceListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchSequenceListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ClusterStatsListener
This method is called when command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.DeleteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous delete command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExecuteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous execute command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsArrayListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsListener
This method is called when an asynchronous exists command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsSequenceListener
This method is called when an asynchronous batch exists command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.IndexListener
This method is called when an asynchronous command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.InfoListener
This method is called when an asynchronous info command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordArrayListener
This method is called when the command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordListener
This method is called when an asynchronous get or operate command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordSequenceListener
This method is called when an asynchronous batch get or scan command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.TaskStatusListener
This method is called when an asynchronous command fails.
onFailure(AerospikeException) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.WriteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous write command fails.
onRecord(BatchRecord, int) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchRecordSequenceListener
This method is called when a record is received from the server.
onRecord(BatchRead) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchSequenceListener
This method is called when an asynchronous batch record is received from the server.
onRecord(Key, Record) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordSequenceListener
This method is called when an asynchronous record is received from the server.
onRecord(Key, Record) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.query.QueryListener
This method is called when a record is received from the server.
onSuccess(List<BatchRead>) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchListListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess(List<BatchRecord>, boolean) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchOperateListListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess(BatchRecord[], boolean) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchRecordArrayListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchRecordSequenceListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.BatchSequenceListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess(ClusterStats) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ClusterStatsListener
This method is called when command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key, boolean) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.DeleteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous delete command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key, Object) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExecuteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous execute command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key[], boolean[]) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsArrayListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key, boolean) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsListener
This method is called when an asynchronous exists command completes successfully.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.ExistsSequenceListener
This method is called when the asynchronous batch exists command completes.
onSuccess(AsyncIndexTask) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.IndexListener
This method is called when an asynchronous command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.InfoListener
This method is called when an asynchronous info command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key[], Record[]) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordArrayListener
This method is called when the command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key, Record) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordListener
This method is called when an asynchronous get or operate command completes successfully.
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.RecordSequenceListener
This method is called when the asynchronous batch get or scan command completes.
onSuccess(int) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.TaskStatusListener
This method is called when an asynchronous command completes successfully.
onSuccess(Key) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.listener.WriteListener
This method is called when an asynchronous write command completes successfully.
OP_NOT_APPLICABLE - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.ResultCode
The operation cannot be applied to the current bin value on the server.
opened - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.cluster.ConnectionStats
Total number of node connections opened since node creation.
opened - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node.AsyncPool
operate(WritePolicy, Key, Operation...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, RecordListener, WritePolicy, Key, Operation...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.
operate(BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Read/Write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, BatchOperateListListener, BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously read/write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordSequenceListener, BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously read/write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordArrayListener, BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordSequenceListener, BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in class com.aerospike.client.AerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
operate(WritePolicy, Key, Operation...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, RecordListener, WritePolicy, Key, Operation...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.
operate(BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Read/Write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, BatchOperateListListener, BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously read/write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordSequenceListener, BatchPolicy, List<BatchRecord>) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously read/write multiple records for specified batch keys in one batch call.
operate(BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordArrayListener, BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
operate(EventLoop, BatchRecordSequenceListener, BatchPolicy, BatchWritePolicy, Key[], Operation...) - Method in interface com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient
Asynchronously perform read/write operations on multiple keys.
Operation - Class in com.aerospike.client
Database operation definition.
Operation(Operation.Type, String, Value) - Constructor for class com.aerospike.client.Operation
Operation.Type - Enum in com.aerospike.client
ops - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.BatchRead
Optional operations for this key.
ops - Variable in class com.aerospike.client.BatchWrite
Required operations for this key.
or(BitPolicy, Exp, Exp, Exp, Exp) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.exp.BitExp
Create expression that performs bitwise "or" on value and byte[] bin at bitOffset for bitSize and returns byte[].
or(Exp...) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.exp.Exp
Create "or" (||) operator that applies to a variable number of expressions.
or(BitPolicy, String, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.aerospike.client.operation.BitOperation
Create bit "or" operation.
ORDERED_MAP - Static variable in class com.aerospike.client.cdt.MapReturnType
Return an ordered map.
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