All Classes and Interfaces

Policy attributes used for user administration commands.
Instantiate an AerospikeClient object to access an Aerospike database cluster and perform database operations.
Aerospike exceptions that can be thrown from the client.
Exception thrown when async command was rejected because the async delay queue is full.
Exception thrown when node is in backoff mode due to excessive number of errors.
Exception thrown when a batch exists method fails.
Exception thrown when a batch write method fails.
Exception thrown when a batch read method fails.
Exception thrown when client can't connect to the server.
Exception thrown when namespace is invalid.
Exception thrown when chosen node is not active.
Exception thrown when client can't parse data returned from server.
Exception thrown when query was terminated prematurely.
Exception thrown when scan was terminated prematurely.
Exception thrown when a Java serialization error occurs.
Exception thrown when database request expires before completing.
Async index task monitor.
Authentication mode.
Batch delete operation.
Policy attributes used in batch delete commands.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands with variable bins per key.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands with variable operations.
Batch parent policy.
Batch key and read only operations with default policy.
Policy attributes used in batch read commands.
Batch key and record result.
Batch command type.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch operate commands.
Batch record results.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands with variable bins per key.
Batch user defined functions.
Policy attributes used in batch UDF execute commands.
Batch key and read/write operations with write policy.
Policy attributes used in batch write commands.
Column name/value pair.
Bit expression generator.
Bit operations.
Action to take when bitwise add/subtract results in overflow/underflow.
Bit operation policy.
Bitwise operation flags for resize.
Bitwise operation policy write bit flags.
Container object for client policy Command.
Cluster statistics.
Asynchronous result notifications for cluster statistics.
Desired consistency guarantee when committing a transaction on the server.
Connection statistics.
Nested CDT context.
Asynchronous result notifications for delete commands.
Aerospike event loop interface.
Common methods for Netty and NIO event loop.
Aerospike event loops interface.
Asynchronous event loop configuration.
Asynchronous result notifications for execute commands.
Task used to poll for long-running server execute job completion.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch exists commands.
Asynchronous result notifications for exists commands.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch exists commands.
Expression generator.
Expression type.
Expression operations.
Expression read flags.
Packed expression byte instructions.
Expression write bit flags.
Query filter definition.
How to handle record writes based on record generation.
HyperLogLog (HLL) expression generator.
HyperLogLog (HLL) operations.
HyperLogLog operation policy.
HyperLogLog operation policy write bit flags.
Host name/port of database server.
This interface's sole purpose is to allow mock frameworks to operate on AerospikeClient without being constrained by final methods.
Secondary index collection type.
Asynchronous result notifications for create/drop index commands.
Task used to poll for long running create index completion.
Underlying data type of secondary index.
Access server's info monitoring protocol.
Asynchronous info command result notification.
Policy attributes used for info commands.
Unique record identifier.
User defined function languages.
List expression generator.
List bin operations.
List storage order.
List policy directives when creating a list and writing list items.
List return type.
List sort flags.
List write bit flags.
Aerospike client logging facility.
An object implementing this interface may be passed in to setCallback(), so the caller can channel Aerospike client logs as desired.
Log escalation level.
Lua static configuration variables.
Map expression generator.
Map bin operations.
Map storage order.
Map policy directives when creating a map and writing map items.
Map return type.
Map write bit flags.
Unique key map write type.
Monitor that coordinates wait/notify between different threads.
Aerospike wrapper around netty event loop.
Aerospike wrapper around netty event loops.
Netty SslContext container.
Aerospike wrapper around NIO Selector.
Asynchronous event loops.
Server node representation.
Node statistics.
Database operation definition.
Server particle types.
Partition filter used in scan/query.
Transaction policy attributes used in all database commands.
User privilege.
Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user's role.
Result notification for sync query command.
Container object for policy attributes used in query operations.
Read policy for AP (availability) namespaces.
Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces.
Container object for records.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch get commands.
How to handle writes when the record already exists.
Asynchronous result notifications for get or operate commands.
Asynchronous result notifications for batch get and scan/query commands.
This class manages record retrieval from queries.
Regex bit flags.
Task used to poll for UDF registration completion.
Defines algorithm used to determine the target node for a command.
Database operation error codes.
This class manages result retrieval from queries.
Role definition.
An object implementing this interface is passed in scan() calls, so the caller can be notified with scan results.
Container object for optional parameters used in scan operations.
Query statement parameters.
Task used to poll for server task completion.
Asynchronous result notifications for index status command.
TCP keep-alive policy.
Thread local buffer storage.
Limit the number of commands allowed at any point in time.
Use multiple throttles that enforce a limit on the maximum number of commands.
TLS connection policy.
User and assigned roles.
Polymorphic value classes used to efficiently serialize objects into the wire protocol.
Boolean value.
Boolean value that converts to integer when sending a bin to the server.
Byte segment value.
Byte array value.
Byte value.
Double value.
Float value.
GeoJSON value.
HyperLogLog value.
Infinity value.
Integer value.
List value.
Long value.
Map value.
Empty value.
Short value.
Sorted map value.
String value.
Value array.
Wildcard value.
Asynchronous result notifications for put, append, prepend, add, delete and touch commands.
Container object for policy attributes used in write operations.