Class TCPKeepAlive


public final class TCPKeepAlive extends Object
TCP keep-alive policy. This configuration only referenced when using native Netty epoll library.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final int
    Idle time in seconds before TCP sends keep-alive packet.
    final int
    Wait time in seconds before retrying unacknowledged packet.
    final int
    Maximum keep-alive packet attempts before invalidating the socket.
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor.
    TCPKeepAlive(int idle, int intvl, int probes)
    Enable TCP keep-alive when using native Netty epoll library.
    Copy TCP keep-alive policy from another keep-alive policy.
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • idle

      public final int idle
      Idle time in seconds before TCP sends keep-alive packet.

      Default: 59

    • intvl

      public final int intvl
      Wait time in seconds before retrying unacknowledged packet.

      Default: 59

    • probes

      public final int probes
      Maximum keep-alive packet attempts before invalidating the socket.

      Default: 2

  • Constructor Details

    • TCPKeepAlive

      public TCPKeepAlive(int idle, int intvl, int probes)
      Enable TCP keep-alive when using native Netty epoll library.
      idle - idle time in seconds before TCP sends keep-alive packet
      intvl - wait time in seconds before retrying unacknowledged packet
      probes - maximum keep-alive packet attempts before invalidating the socket
    • TCPKeepAlive

      public TCPKeepAlive(TCPKeepAlive other)
      Copy TCP keep-alive policy from another keep-alive policy.
    • TCPKeepAlive

      public TCPKeepAlive()
      Default constructor.