Class IndexSettingsAsSearchParams


public class IndexSettingsAsSearchParams extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • IndexSettingsAsSearchParams

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams()
  • Method Details

    • setAttributesToRetrieve

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String> attributesToRetrieve)
    • addAttributesToRetrieve

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addAttributesToRetrieve(String attributesToRetrieveItem)
    • getAttributesToRetrieve

      @Nullable public List<String> getAttributesToRetrieve()
      Attributes to include in the API response. To reduce the size of your response, you can retrieve only some of the attributes. - `*` retrieves all attributes, except attributes included in the `customRanking` and `unretrievableAttributes` settings. - To retrieve all attributes except a specific one, prefix the attribute with a dash and combine it with the `*`: `[\"*\", \"-ATTRIBUTE\"]`. - The `objectID` attribute is always included.
    • setRanking

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRanking(List<String> ranking)
    • addRanking

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addRanking(String rankingItem)
    • getRanking

      @Nullable public List<String> getRanking()
      Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results. By default, each entry corresponds to a [ranking criteria]( The tie-breaking algorithm sequentially applies each criterion in the order they're specified. If you configure a replica index for [sorting by an attribute](, you put the sorting attribute at the top of the list. **Modifiers**
      Sort the index by the values of an attribute, in ascending order.
      Sort the index by the values of an attribute, in descending order.
      Before you modify the default setting, you should test your changes in the dashboard, and by [A/B testing](
    • setCustomRanking

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setCustomRanking(List<String> customRanking)
    • addCustomRanking

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addCustomRanking(String customRankingItem)
    • getCustomRanking

      @Nullable public List<String> getCustomRanking()
      Attributes to use as [custom ranking]( The custom ranking attributes decide which items are shown first if the other ranking criteria are equal. Records with missing values for your selected custom ranking attributes are always sorted last. Boolean attributes are sorted based on their alphabetical order. **Modifiers**
      Sort the index by the values of an attribute, in ascending order.
      Sort the index by the values of an attribute, in descending order.
      If you use two or more custom ranking attributes, [reduce the precision]( of your first attributes, or the other attributes will never be applied.
    • setRelevancyStrictness

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRelevancyStrictness(Integer relevancyStrictness)
    • getRelevancyStrictness

      @Nullable public Integer getRelevancyStrictness()
      Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results. You can only set `relevancyStrictness` on [virtual replica indices]( Use this setting to strike a balance between the relevance and number of returned results.
    • setAttributesToHighlight

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAttributesToHighlight(List<String> attributesToHighlight)
    • addAttributesToHighlight

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addAttributesToHighlight(String attributesToHighlightItem)
    • getAttributesToHighlight

      @Nullable public List<String> getAttributesToHighlight()
      Attributes to highlight. By default, all searchable attributes are highlighted. Use `*` to highlight all attributes or use an empty array `[]` to turn off highlighting. With highlighting, strings that match the search query are surrounded by HTML tags defined by `highlightPreTag` and `highlightPostTag`. You can use this to visually highlight matching parts of a search query in your UI. For more information, see [Highlighting and snippeting](
    • setAttributesToSnippet

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAttributesToSnippet(List<String> attributesToSnippet)
    • addAttributesToSnippet

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addAttributesToSnippet(String attributesToSnippetItem)
    • getAttributesToSnippet

      @Nullable public List<String> getAttributesToSnippet()
      Attributes for which to enable snippets. Snippets provide additional context to matched words. If you enable snippets, they include 10 words, including the matched word. The matched word will also be wrapped by HTML tags for highlighting. You can adjust the number of words with the following notation: `ATTRIBUTE:NUMBER`, where `NUMBER` is the number of words to be extracted.
    • setHighlightPreTag

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setHighlightPreTag(String highlightPreTag)
    • getHighlightPreTag

      @Nullable public String getHighlightPreTag()
      HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
    • setHighlightPostTag

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setHighlightPostTag(String highlightPostTag)
    • getHighlightPostTag

      @Nullable public String getHighlightPostTag()
      HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
    • setSnippetEllipsisText

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setSnippetEllipsisText(String snippetEllipsisText)
    • getSnippetEllipsisText

      @Nullable public String getSnippetEllipsisText()
      String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
    • setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean restrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays)
    • getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays

      @Nullable public Boolean getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays()
      Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query. By default, all items are highlighted and snippeted.
    • setHitsPerPage

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setHitsPerPage(Integer hitsPerPage)
    • getHitsPerPage

      @Nullable public Integer getHitsPerPage()
      Number of hits per page. minimum: 1 maximum: 1000
    • setMinWordSizefor1Typo

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer minWordSizefor1Typo)
    • getMinWordSizefor1Typo

      @Nullable public Integer getMinWordSizefor1Typo()
      Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
    • setMinWordSizefor2Typos

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer minWordSizefor2Typos)
    • getMinWordSizefor2Typos

      @Nullable public Integer getMinWordSizefor2Typos()
      Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
    • setTypoTolerance

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance typoTolerance)
    • getTypoTolerance

      @Nullable public TypoTolerance getTypoTolerance()
      Get typoTolerance
    • setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean allowTyposOnNumericTokens)
    • getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens

      @Nullable public Boolean getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens()
      Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query. Turn off this setting to reduce the number of irrelevant matches when searching in large sets of similar numbers.
    • setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String> disableTypoToleranceOnAttributes)
    • addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String disableTypoToleranceOnAttributesItem)
    • getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes

      @Nullable public List<String> getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes()
      Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance]( Returning only exact matches can help when: - [Searching in hyphenated attributes]( - Reducing the number of matches when you have too many. This can happen with attributes that are long blocks of text, such as product descriptions. Consider alternatives such as `disableTypoToleranceOnWords` or adding synonyms if your attributes have intentional unusual spellings that might look like typos.
    • setIgnorePlurals

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals ignorePlurals)
    • getIgnorePlurals

      @Nullable public IgnorePlurals getIgnorePlurals()
      Get ignorePlurals
    • setRemoveStopWords

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords removeStopWords)
    • getRemoveStopWords

      @Nullable public RemoveStopWords getRemoveStopWords()
      Get removeStopWords
    • setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String keepDiacriticsOnCharacters)
    • getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters

      @Nullable public String getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters()
      Characters for which diacritics should be preserved. By default, Algolia removes diacritics from letters. For example, `é` becomes `e`. If this causes issues in your search, you can specify characters that should keep their diacritics.
    • setQueryLanguages

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage> queryLanguages)
    • addQueryLanguages

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage queryLanguagesItem)
    • getQueryLanguages

      @Nullable public List<SupportedLanguage> getQueryLanguages()
      Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries. This setting sets a default list of languages used by the `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` settings. This setting also sets a dictionary for word detection in the logogram-based [CJK]( languages. To support this, you must place the CJK language **first**. **You should always specify a query language.** If you don't specify an indexing language, the search engine uses all [supported languages](, or the languages you specified with the `ignorePlurals` or `removeStopWords` parameters. This can lead to unexpected search results. For more information, see [Language-specific configuration](
    • setDecompoundQuery

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setDecompoundQuery(Boolean decompoundQuery)
    • getDecompoundQuery

      @Nullable public Boolean getDecompoundQuery()
      Whether to split compound words into their building blocks. For more information, see [Word segmentation]( Word segmentation is supported for these languages: German, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian.
    • setEnableRules

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setEnableRules(Boolean enableRules)
    • getEnableRules

      @Nullable public Boolean getEnableRules()
      Whether to enable rules.
    • setEnablePersonalization

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setEnablePersonalization(Boolean enablePersonalization)
    • getEnablePersonalization

      @Nullable public Boolean getEnablePersonalization()
      Whether to enable Personalization.
    • setQueryType

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setQueryType(QueryType queryType)
    • getQueryType

      @Nullable public QueryType getQueryType()
      Get queryType
    • setRemoveWordsIfNoResults

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults removeWordsIfNoResults)
    • getRemoveWordsIfNoResults

      @Nullable public RemoveWordsIfNoResults getRemoveWordsIfNoResults()
      Get removeWordsIfNoResults
    • setMode

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMode(Mode mode)
    • getMode

      @Nullable public Mode getMode()
      Get mode
    • setSemanticSearch

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch semanticSearch)
    • getSemanticSearch

      @Nullable public SemanticSearch getSemanticSearch()
      Get semanticSearch
    • setAdvancedSyntax

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean advancedSyntax)
    • getAdvancedSyntax

      @Nullable public Boolean getAdvancedSyntax()
      Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries. Use the `advancedSyntaxFeatures` parameter to control which feature is supported.
    • setOptionalWords

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setOptionalWords(List<String> optionalWords)
    • addOptionalWords

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addOptionalWords(String optionalWordsItem)
    • getOptionalWords

      @Nullable public List<String> getOptionalWords()
      Words that should be considered optional when found in the query. By default, records must match all words in the search query to be included in the search results. Adding optional words can help to increase the number of search results by running an additional search query that doesn't include the optional words. For example, if the search query is \"action video\" and \"video\" is an optional word, the search engine runs two queries. One for \"action video\" and one for \"action\". Records that match all words are ranked higher. For a search query with 4 or more words **and** all its words are optional, the number of matched words required for a record to be included in the search results increases for every 1,000 records: - If `optionalWords` has less than 10 words, the required number of matched words increases by 1: results 1 to 1,000 require 1 matched word, results 1,001 to 2000 need 2 matched words. - If `optionalWords` has 10 or more words, the number of required matched words increases by the number of optional words dividied by 5 (rounded down). For example, with 18 optional words: results 1 to 1,000 require 1 matched word, results 1,001 to 2000 need 4 matched words. For more information, see [Optional words](
    • setDisableExactOnAttributes

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String> disableExactOnAttributes)
    • addDisableExactOnAttributes

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addDisableExactOnAttributes(String disableExactOnAttributesItem)
    • getDisableExactOnAttributes

      @Nullable public List<String> getDisableExactOnAttributes()
      Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion]( This can be useful for attributes with long values, where the likelyhood of an exact match is high, such as product descriptions. Turning off the Exact ranking criterion for these attributes favors exact matching on other attributes. This reduces the impact of individual attributes with a lot of content on ranking.
    • setExactOnSingleWordQuery

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery exactOnSingleWordQuery)
    • getExactOnSingleWordQuery

      @Nullable public ExactOnSingleWordQuery getExactOnSingleWordQuery()
      Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
    • setAlternativesAsExact

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact> alternativesAsExact)
    • addAlternativesAsExact

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact alternativesAsExactItem)
    • getAlternativesAsExact

      @Nullable public List<AlternativesAsExact> getAlternativesAsExact()
      Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
      Plurals and similar declensions added by the `ignorePlurals` setting are considered exact matches.
      Single-word synonyms, such as \"NY/NYC\" are considered exact matches.
      Multi-word synonyms, such as \"NY/New York\" are considered exact matches.
    • setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures> advancedSyntaxFeatures)
    • addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures advancedSyntaxFeaturesItem)
    • getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures

      @Nullable public List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures> getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures()
      Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
      Phrases in quotes must match exactly. For example, `sparkly blue \"iPhone case\"` only returns records with the exact string \"iPhone case\".
      Query words prefixed with a `-` must not occur in a record. For example, `search -engine` matches records that contain \"search\" but not \"engine\".
      This setting only has an effect if `advancedSyntax` is true.
    • setDistinct

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setDistinct(Distinct distinct)
    • getDistinct

      @Nullable public Distinct getDistinct()
      Get distinct
    • setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean replaceSynonymsInHighlight)
    • getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight

      @Nullable public Boolean getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight()
      Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym. By default, the original words are highlighted even if a synonym matches. For example, with `home` as a synonym for `house` and a search for `home`, records matching either \"home\" or \"house\" are included in the search results, and either \"home\" or \"house\" are highlighted. With `replaceSynonymsInHighlight` set to `true`, a search for `home` still matches the same records, but all occurences of \"house\" are replaced by \"home\" in the highlighted response.
    • setMinProximity

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMinProximity(Integer minProximity)
    • getMinProximity

      @Nullable public Integer getMinProximity()
      Minimum proximity score for two matching words. This adjusts the [Proximity ranking criterion]( by equally scoring matches that are farther apart. For example, if `minProximity` is 2, neighboring matches and matches with one word between them would have the same score. minimum: 1 maximum: 7
    • setResponseFields

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setResponseFields(List<String> responseFields)
    • addResponseFields

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams addResponseFields(String responseFieldsItem)
    • getResponseFields

      @Nullable public List<String> getResponseFields()
      Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests. By default, all response properties are included. To reduce the response size, you can select, which attributes should be included. You can't exclude these properties: `message`, `warning`, `cursor`, `serverUsed`, `indexUsed`, `abTestVariantID`, `parsedQuery`, or any property triggered by the `getRankingInfo` parameter. Don't exclude properties that you might need in your search UI.
    • setMaxFacetHits

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMaxFacetHits(Integer maxFacetHits)
    • getMaxFacetHits

      @Nullable public Integer getMaxFacetHits()
      Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values]( maximum: 100
    • setMaxValuesPerFacet

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer maxValuesPerFacet)
    • getMaxValuesPerFacet

      @Nullable public Integer getMaxValuesPerFacet()
      Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet. maximum: 1000
    • setSortFacetValuesBy

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setSortFacetValuesBy(String sortFacetValuesBy)
    • getSortFacetValuesBy

      @Nullable public String getSortFacetValuesBy()
      Order in which to retrieve facet values.
      Facet values are retrieved by decreasing count. The count is the number of matching records containing this facet value.
      Retrieve facet values alphabetically.
      This setting doesn't influence how facet values are displayed in your UI (see `renderingContent`). For more information, see [facet value display](
    • setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean attributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity)
    • getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity

      @Nullable public Boolean getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity()
      Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity. This setting only affects ranking if the Attribute ranking criterion comes before Proximity in the `ranking` setting. If true, the best matching attribute is selected based on the minimum proximity of multiple matches. Otherwise, the best matching attribute is determined by the order in the `searchableAttributes` setting.
    • setRenderingContent

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setRenderingContent(RenderingContent renderingContent)
    • getRenderingContent

      @Nullable public RenderingContent getRenderingContent()
      Get renderingContent
    • setEnableReRanking

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setEnableReRanking(Boolean enableReRanking)
    • getEnableReRanking

      @Nullable public Boolean getEnableReRanking()
      Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking]( This setting only has an effect if you activated Dynamic Re-Ranking for this index in the Algolia dashboard.
    • setReRankingApplyFilter

      public IndexSettingsAsSearchParams setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter reRankingApplyFilter)
    • getReRankingApplyFilter

      @Nullable public ReRankingApplyFilter getReRankingApplyFilter()
      Get reRankingApplyFilter
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object