Class BrowseResponse<T>


public class BrowseResponse<T> extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • BrowseResponse

      public BrowseResponse()
  • Method Details

    • setAbTestID

      public BrowseResponse setAbTestID(Integer abTestID)
    • getAbTestID

      @Nullable public Integer getAbTestID()
      A/B test ID. This is only included in the response for indices that are part of an A/B test.
    • setAbTestVariantID

      public BrowseResponse setAbTestVariantID(Integer abTestVariantID)
    • getAbTestVariantID

      @Nullable public Integer getAbTestVariantID()
      Variant ID. This is only included in the response for indices that are part of an A/B test. minimum: 1
    • setAroundLatLng

      public BrowseResponse setAroundLatLng(String aroundLatLng)
    • getAroundLatLng

      @Nullable public String getAroundLatLng()
      Computed geographical location.
    • setAutomaticRadius

      public BrowseResponse setAutomaticRadius(String automaticRadius)
    • getAutomaticRadius

      @Nullable public String getAutomaticRadius()
      Automatically-computed radius.
    • setExhaustiveFacetsCount

      public BrowseResponse setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean exhaustiveFacetsCount)
    • getExhaustiveFacetsCount

      @Nullable public Boolean getExhaustiveFacetsCount()
      Indicates whether the facet count is exhaustive (exact) or approximate.
    • setExhaustiveNbHits

      public BrowseResponse setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean exhaustiveNbHits)
    • getExhaustiveNbHits

      @Nullable public Boolean getExhaustiveNbHits()
      Indicates whether the number of hits `nbHits` is exhaustive (exact) or approximate.
    • setExhaustiveTypo

      public BrowseResponse setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean exhaustiveTypo)
    • getExhaustiveTypo

      @Nullable public Boolean getExhaustiveTypo()
      Indicates whether the search for typos was exhaustive (exact) or approximate.
    • setFacets

      public BrowseResponse setFacets(Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> facets)
    • putFacets

      public BrowseResponse putFacets(String key, Map<String,Integer> facetsItem)
    • getFacets

      @Nullable public Map<String,Map<String,Integer>> getFacets()
      Mapping of each facet name to the corresponding facet counts.
    • setFacetsStats

      public BrowseResponse setFacetsStats(Map<String,FacetsStats> facetsStats)
    • putFacetsStats

      public BrowseResponse putFacetsStats(String key, FacetsStats facetsStatsItem)
    • getFacetsStats

      @Nullable public Map<String,FacetsStats> getFacetsStats()
      Statistics for numerical facets.
    • setHitsPerPage

      public BrowseResponse setHitsPerPage(Integer hitsPerPage)
    • getHitsPerPage

      @Nonnull public Integer getHitsPerPage()
      Number of hits per page. minimum: 1 maximum: 1000
    • setIndex

      public BrowseResponse setIndex(String index)
    • getIndex

      @Nullable public String getIndex()
      Index name used for the query.
    • setIndexUsed

      public BrowseResponse setIndexUsed(String indexUsed)
    • getIndexUsed

      @Nullable public String getIndexUsed()
      Index name used for the query. During A/B testing, the targeted index isn't always the index used by the query.
    • setMessage

      public BrowseResponse setMessage(String message)
    • getMessage

      @Nullable public String getMessage()
      Warnings about the query.
    • setNbHits

      public BrowseResponse setNbHits(Integer nbHits)
    • getNbHits

      @Nonnull public Integer getNbHits()
      Number of hits the search query matched.
    • setNbPages

      public BrowseResponse setNbPages(Integer nbPages)
    • getNbPages

      @Nonnull public Integer getNbPages()
      Number of pages of results for the current query.
    • setNbSortedHits

      public BrowseResponse setNbSortedHits(Integer nbSortedHits)
    • getNbSortedHits

      @Nullable public Integer getNbSortedHits()
      Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
    • setPage

      public BrowseResponse setPage(Integer page)
    • getPage

      @Nonnull public Integer getPage()
      Page to retrieve (the first page is `0`, not `1`).
    • setRedirect

      public BrowseResponse setRedirect(BaseSearchResponseRedirect redirect)
    • getRedirect

      @Nullable public BaseSearchResponseRedirect getRedirect()
      Get redirect
    • setParsedQuery

      public BrowseResponse setParsedQuery(String parsedQuery)
    • getParsedQuery

      @Nullable public String getParsedQuery()
      Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
    • setProcessingTimeMS

      public BrowseResponse setProcessingTimeMS(Integer processingTimeMS)
    • getProcessingTimeMS

      @Nonnull public Integer getProcessingTimeMS()
      Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
    • setQueryAfterRemoval

      public BrowseResponse setQueryAfterRemoval(String queryAfterRemoval)
    • getQueryAfterRemoval

      @Nullable public String getQueryAfterRemoval()
      Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
    • setServerUsed

      public BrowseResponse setServerUsed(String serverUsed)
    • getServerUsed

      @Nullable public String getServerUsed()
      Host name of the server that processed the request.
    • setUserData

      public BrowseResponse setUserData(Object userData)
    • getUserData

      @Nullable public Object getUserData()
      Lets you store custom data in your indices.
    • setRenderingContent

      public BrowseResponse setRenderingContent(RenderingContent renderingContent)
    • getRenderingContent

      @Nullable public RenderingContent getRenderingContent()
      Get renderingContent
    • setHits

      public BrowseResponse setHits(List<T> hits)
    • addHits

      public BrowseResponse addHits(T hitsItem)
    • getHits

      @Nonnull public List<T> getHits()
      Get hits
    • setQuery

      public BrowseResponse setQuery(String query)
    • getQuery

      @Nonnull public String getQuery()
      Text to search for in an index.
    • setParams

      public BrowseResponse setParams(String params)
    • getParams

      @Nonnull public String getParams()
      URL-encoded string of all search parameters.
    • setCursor

      public BrowseResponse setCursor(String cursor)
    • getCursor

      @Nullable public String getCursor()
      Cursor indicating the location to resume browsing from. Must match the value returned by the previous call. Pass this value to the subsequent browse call to get the next page of results. When the end of the index has been reached, `cursor` is absent from the response.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object