A B C E G H I P R S T U 


afterExecute() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
Callback method after task object(TtlRunnable/TtlCallable) execute.


beforeExecute() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
Callback method before task object(TtlRunnable/TtlCallable) execute.


call() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
wrap method Callable.call().
cancel() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
capture() - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter
Capture all TransmittableThreadLocal values in current thread.
com.alibaba.ttl - package com.alibaba.ttl
com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool - package com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool
Thread pool decoration utils.
com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent - package com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent
TTL Agent.
compute() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveAction
The main computation performed by this task.
compute() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveTask
The main computation performed by this task.
copy(T) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
Computes the value for this transmittable thread-local variable as a function of the source thread's value at the time the task Object is created.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
exec() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveAction
Implements execution conventions for RecursiveActions.
exec() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveTask
Implements execution conventions for RecursiveTask.


get() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
get(Runnable) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlRunnable.
get(Runnable, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlRunnable.
get(Runnable, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlRunnable.
get(Callable<T>) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
Factory method, wrapper input Callable to TtlCallable.
get(Callable<T>, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
Factory method, wrapper input Callable to TtlCallable.
get(Callable<T>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
Factory method, wrapper input Callable to TtlCallable.
get(TimerTask) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlTimerTask.
get(TimerTask, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlTimerTask.
get(TimerTask, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
Factory method, wrapper input Runnable to TtlTimerTask.
getCallable() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
getRawResult() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveAction
Always returns null.
getRawResult() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveTask
getRunnable() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
return original/unwrapped Runnable.
gets(Collection<? extends Runnable>) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
wrapper input Runnable Collection to TtlRunnable Collection.
gets(Collection<? extends Runnable>, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
wrapper input Runnable Collection to TtlRunnable Collection.
gets(Collection<? extends Runnable>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
wrapper input Runnable Collection to TtlRunnable Collection.
gets(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
wrapper input Callable Collection to TtlCallable Collection.
gets(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
wrapper input Callable Collection to TtlCallable Collection.
gets(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
wrapper input Callable Collection to TtlCallable Collection.
getTimerTask() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
getTtlExecutor(Executor) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.TtlExecutors
TransmittableThreadLocal Wrapper of Executor, transmit the TransmittableThreadLocal from the task submit time of Runnable to the execution time of Runnable.
getTtlExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.TtlExecutors
TransmittableThreadLocal Wrapper of ExecutorService, transmit the TransmittableThreadLocal from the task submit time of Runnable or Callable to the execution time of Runnable or Callable.
getTtlScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.TtlExecutors
TransmittableThreadLocal Wrapper of ScheduledExecutorService, transmit the TransmittableThreadLocal from the task submit time of Runnable or Callable to the execution time of Runnable or Callable.


hashCode() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
hashCode() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
hashCode() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask


isTtlWrapper(T) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.TtlExecutors
check the executor is TTL wrapper executor or not.


premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent.TtlAgent
Entrance method of TTL Java Agent.


remove() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
replay(Object) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter
Replay the captured TransmittableThreadLocal values from TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter.capture(), and return the backup TransmittableThreadLocal values in current thread before replay.
restore(Object) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter
run() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
wrap method Runnable.run().
run() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlTimerTask
wrap method TimerTask.run().
runCallableWithCaptured(Object, Callable<R>) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter
runSupplierWithCaptured(Object, Supplier<R>) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter


set(T) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
setRawResult(Void) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveAction
Requires null completion value.
setRawResult(V) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveTask


toString() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlCallable
toString() - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRunnable
transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent.TtlTransformer
TransmittableThreadLocal<T> - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
TransmittableThreadLocal can transmit value from the thread of submitting task to the thread of executing task.
TransmittableThreadLocal() - Constructor for class com.alibaba.ttl.TransmittableThreadLocal
TransmittableThreadLocal.Transmitter - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
TtlAgent - Class in com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent
TTL Java Agent.
TtlCallable<V> - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
TtlCallable decorate Callable, so as to get TransmittableThreadLocal and transmit it to the time of Callable execution, needed when use Callable to thread pool.
TtlExecutors - Class in com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool
Factory Utils for getting TTL wrapper of jdk executors.
TtlRecursiveAction - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
A recursive resultless ForkJoinTask enhanced by TransmittableThreadLocal.
TtlRecursiveAction() - Constructor for class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveAction
TtlRecursiveTask<V> - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
A recursive result-bearing ForkJoinTask enhanced by TransmittableThreadLocal.
TtlRecursiveTask() - Constructor for class com.alibaba.ttl.TtlRecursiveTask
TtlRunnable - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
TtlRunnable decorate Runnable, so as to get TransmittableThreadLocal and transmit it to the time of Runnable execution, needed when use Runnable to thread pool.
TtlTimerTask - Class in com.alibaba.ttl
TtlTransformer - Class in com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.agent
TTL ClassFileTransformer of Java Agent


unwrap(T) - Static method in class com.alibaba.ttl.threadpool.TtlExecutors
Unwrap TTL wrapper executor to the original/underneath one.