@Deprecated @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value={FIELD,METHOD}) public @interface DynamoDBNativeBoolean
or Boolean
of a modeled class which should be serialized as a DynamoDB BOOL. For
backwards compatibility with old versions of the DynamoDBMapper
by default booleans are serialized using the DynamoDB N type, with a value
of '1' representing 'true' and a value of '0' representing 'false'.
Using this annotation on the field definition or getter method definition
for the attribute will cause it to be serialized as DynamoDB-native BOOL
type. Old versions of the DynamoDBMapper
which do not know about the
BOOL type will be unable to read items containing BOOLs, so don't use me
unless all readers of your table are using an updated version of the mapper.Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.