Class | Description |
AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest | |
AddApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionResult | |
AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest | |
AddApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationResult | |
AddApplicationInputRequest |
AddApplicationInputResult |
AddApplicationOutputRequest |
AddApplicationOutputResult |
AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest |
AddApplicationReferenceDataSourceResult |
ApplicationDetail |
ApplicationSummary |
ApplicationUpdate |
Describes updates to apply to an existing Amazon Kinesis Analytics application.
CloudWatchLoggingOption |
Provides a description of CloudWatch logging options, including the log stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the
role ARN.
CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescription |
Description of the CloudWatch logging option.
CloudWatchLoggingOptionUpdate |
Describes CloudWatch logging option updates.
CreateApplicationRequest |
CreateApplicationResult |
CSVMappingParameters |
Provides additional mapping information when the record format uses delimiters, such as CSV.
DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionRequest | |
DeleteApplicationCloudWatchLoggingOptionResult | |
DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationRequest | |
DeleteApplicationInputProcessingConfigurationResult | |
DeleteApplicationOutputRequest |
DeleteApplicationOutputResult |
DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceRequest | |
DeleteApplicationReferenceDataSourceResult | |
DeleteApplicationRequest |
DeleteApplicationResult |
DescribeApplicationRequest |
DescribeApplicationResult |
DestinationSchema |
Describes the data format when records are written to the destination.
DiscoverInputSchemaRequest | |
DiscoverInputSchemaResult |
Input |
When you configure the application input, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is
created, and the mapping between the two.
InputConfiguration |
When you start your application, you provide this configuration, which identifies the input source and the point in
the input source at which you want the application to start processing records.
InputDescription |
Describes the application input configuration.
InputLambdaProcessor |
An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS
Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream, and the ARN of the IAM role that is used to
access the AWS Lambda function.
InputLambdaProcessorDescription |
An object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS
Lambda function that is used to preprocess records in the stream, and the ARN of the IAM role that is used to
access the AWS Lambda expression.
InputLambdaProcessorUpdate |
Represents an update to the InputLambdaProcessor
that is used to preprocess the records in the stream.
InputParallelism |
Describes the number of in-application streams to create for a given streaming source.
InputParallelismUpdate |
Provides updates to the parallelism count.
InputProcessingConfiguration |
Provides a description of a processor that is used to preprocess the records in the stream before being processed by
your application code.
InputProcessingConfigurationDescription |
Provides configuration information about an input processor.
InputProcessingConfigurationUpdate |
Describes updates to an InputProcessingConfiguration.
InputSchemaUpdate |
Describes updates for the application's input schema.
InputStartingPositionConfiguration |
Describes the point at which the application reads from the streaming source.
InputUpdate |
Describes updates to a specific input configuration (identified by the
InputId of an application). |
JSONMappingParameters |
Provides additional mapping information when JSON is the record format on the streaming source.
KinesisFirehoseInput |
Identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the streaming source.
KinesisFirehoseInputDescription |
Describes the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application
input configuration.
KinesisFirehoseInputUpdate |
When updating application input configuration, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream
as the streaming source.
KinesisFirehoseOutput |
When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream as the destination.
KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription |
For an application output, describes the Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream configured as its destination.
KinesisFirehoseOutputUpdate |
When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication
operation, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream configured as the destination.
KinesisStreamsInput |
Identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the streaming source.
KinesisStreamsInputDescription |
Describes the Amazon Kinesis stream that is configured as the streaming source in the application input
KinesisStreamsInputUpdate |
When updating application input configuration, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis stream as the streaming
KinesisStreamsOutput |
When configuring application output, identifies an Amazon Kinesis stream as the destination.
KinesisStreamsOutputDescription |
For an application output, describes the Amazon Kinesis stream configured as its destination.
KinesisStreamsOutputUpdate |
When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication
operation, provides information about an Amazon Kinesis stream configured as the destination.
LambdaOutput |
When configuring application output, identifies an AWS Lambda function as the destination.
LambdaOutputDescription |
For an application output, describes the AWS Lambda function configured as its destination.
LambdaOutputUpdate |
When updating an output configuration using the UpdateApplication
operation, provides information about an AWS Lambda function configured as the destination.
ListApplicationsRequest |
ListApplicationsResult |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
MappingParameters |
When configuring application input at the time of creating or updating an application, provides additional mapping
information specific to the record format (such as JSON, CSV, or record fields delimited by some delimiter) on the
streaming source.
Output |
Describes application output configuration in which you identify an in-application stream and a destination where you
want the in-application stream data to be written.
OutputDescription |
Describes the application output configuration, which includes the in-application stream name and the destination
where the stream data is written.
OutputUpdate |
Describes updates to the output configuration identified by the
OutputId . |
RecordColumn |
Describes the mapping of each data element in the streaming source to the corresponding column in the in-application
RecordFormat |
Describes the record format and relevant mapping information that should be applied to schematize the records on the
ReferenceDataSource |
Describes the reference data source by providing the source information (S3 bucket name and object key name), the
resulting in-application table name that is created, and the necessary schema to map the data elements in the Amazon
S3 object to the in-application table.
ReferenceDataSourceDescription |
Describes the reference data source configured for an application.
ReferenceDataSourceUpdate |
When you update a reference data source configuration for an application, this object provides all the updated values
(such as the source bucket name and object key name), the in-application table name that is created, and updated
mapping information that maps the data in the Amazon S3 object to the in-application reference table that is created.
S3Configuration |
Provides a description of an Amazon S3 data source, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket, the
ARN of the IAM role that is used to access the bucket, and the name of the Amazon S3 object that contains the data.
S3ReferenceDataSource |
Identifies the S3 bucket and object that contains the reference data.
S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription |
Provides the bucket name and object key name that stores the reference data.
S3ReferenceDataSourceUpdate |
Describes the S3 bucket name, object key name, and IAM role that Amazon Kinesis Analytics can assume to read the
Amazon S3 object on your behalf and populate the in-application reference table.
SourceSchema |
Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns
created in the in-application stream.
StartApplicationRequest |
StartApplicationResult |
StopApplicationRequest |
StopApplicationResult |
Tag |
A key-value pair (the value is optional) that you can define and assign to AWS resources.
TagResourceRequest | |
TagResourceResult | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceResult | |
UpdateApplicationRequest | |
UpdateApplicationResult |
Enum | Description |
ApplicationStatus | |
InputStartingPosition | |
RecordFormatType |
Exception | Description |
AmazonKinesisAnalyticsException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Kinesis Analytics
CodeValidationException |
User-provided application code (query) is invalid.
ConcurrentModificationException |
Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application.
InvalidApplicationConfigurationException |
User-provided application configuration is not valid.
InvalidArgumentException |
Specified input parameter value is invalid.
LimitExceededException |
Exceeded the number of applications allowed.
ResourceInUseException |
Application is not available for this operation.
ResourceNotFoundException |
Specified application can't be found.
ResourceProvisionedThroughputExceededException |
Discovery failed to get a record from the streaming source because of the Amazon Kinesis Streams
ServiceUnavailableException |
The service is unavailable.
TooManyTagsException |
Application created with too many tags, or too many tags added to an application.
UnableToDetectSchemaException |
Data format is not valid.
UnsupportedOperationException |
The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this
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