int daysAfterInitiation
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String uploadId
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucketName
permission granted to you
in order to upload new objects to a bucket.
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
File file
ObjectMetadata metadata
CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl
AccessControlList accessControlList
String storageClass
For more information on Amazon S3 storage classes and available values,
see the StorageClass
String redirectLocation
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
SSEAwsKeyManagementParams sseAwsKeyManagementParams
ObjectTagging tagging
String objectLockMode
Date objectLockRetainUntilDate
String objectLockLegalHoldStatus
String owner
String extendedRequestId
String cloudFrontId
Map<K,V> additionalDetails
String errorResponseXml
String status
int days
String storageClass
String id
String prefix
String status
LifecycleFilter filter
int expirationInDays
boolean expiredObjectDeleteMarker
int noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays
Date expirationDate
List<E> transitions
List<E> noncurrentVersionTransitions
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload abortIncompleteMultipartUpload
int days
Date date
String storageClass
String policyText
String indexDocumentSuffix
String errorDocument
RedirectRule redirectAllRequestsTo
List<E> routingRules
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String uploadId
List<E> partETags
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucketName
String key
String location
String eTag
String versionId
Date expirationTime
String expirationTimeRuleId
boolean isRequesterCharged
String sourceBucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String sourceKey
String sourceVersionId
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
String destinationBucketName
String destinationKey
String storageClass
For more information on Amazon S3 storage classes and available values,
see the StorageClass
ObjectMetadata newObjectMetadata
CannedAccessControlList cannedACL
AccessControlList accessControlList
List<E> matchingETagConstraints
List<E> nonmatchingEtagConstraints
Date unmodifiedSinceConstraint
Date modifiedSinceConstraint
String redirectLocation
SSECustomerKey sourceSSECustomerKey
SSECustomerKey destinationSSECustomerKey
SSEAwsKeyManagementParams sseAwsKeyManagementParams
boolean isRequesterPays
ObjectTagging newObjectTagging
String metadataDirective
String objectLockMode
Date objectLockRetainUntilDate
String objectLockLegalHoldStatus
String etag
Date lastModifiedDate
String versionId
Date expirationTime
String expirationTimeRuleId
boolean isRequesterCharged
String uploadId
int partNumber
String sourceBucketName
String sourceKey
String sourceVersionId
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
String destinationBucketName
String destinationKey
List<E> matchingETagConstraints
List<E> nonmatchingEtagConstraints
Date unmodifiedSinceConstraint
Date modifiedSinceConstraint
Long firstByte
Long lastByte
.SSECustomerKey sourceSSECustomerKey
SSECustomerKey destinationSSECustomerKey
boolean isRequesterPays
String etag
Date lastModifiedDate
String versionId
int partNumber
String bucketName
String region
CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl
AccessControlList accessControlList
boolean objectLockEnabled
CryptoMode cryptoMode
CryptoStorageMode storageMode
Provider cryptoProvider
boolean alwaysUseCryptoProvider
SecureRandom secureRandom
boolean ignoreMissingInstructionFile
missing instruction file would always cause security exception.String fileHeaderInfo
String comments
) returns the first character of the string.
The full string is retrieved with CSVInput.getCommentsAsString()
. To prevent issues in the string-to-character
conversion, the empty string is prohibited by CSVInput.setComments(String)
.String quoteEscapeCharacter
) returns the first character of the string.
The full string is retrieved with CSVInput.getQuoteEscapeCharacterAsString()
. To prevent issues in the string-to-character
conversion, the empty string is prohibited by CSVInput.setQuoteEscapeCharacter(String)
.String recordDelimiter
) returns the first character of the string.
The full string is retrieved with CSVInput.getRecordDelimiterAsString()
. To prevent issues in the string-to-character
conversion, the empty string is prohibited by CSVInput.setRecordDelimiter(String)
.String fieldDelimiter
) returns the first character of the string.
The full string is retrieved with CSVInput.getFieldDelimiterAsString()
. To prevent issues in the string-to-character
conversion, the empty string is prohibited by CSVInput.setFieldDelimiter(String)
.String quoteCharacter
) returns the first character of the string.
The full string is retrieved with CSVInput.getQuoteCharacterAsString()
. To prevent issues in the string-to-character
conversion, the empty string is prohibited by CSVInput.setQuoteCharacter(String)
.Boolean allowQuotedRecordDelimiter
String quoteFields
String quoteEscapeCharacter
String recordDelimiter
String fieldDelimiter
String quoteCharacter
String bucketName
String bucketName
String bucketName
String status
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
boolean quiet
MultiFactorAuthentication mfa
more information on MFA Delete.List<E> keys
boolean isRequesterPays
boolean bypassGovernanceRetention
String bucketName
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String versionId
MultiFactorAuthentication mfa
more information on MFA Delete.boolean bypassGovernanceRetention
String emailAddress
ExtraMaterialsDescription supplemental
String instructionFileSuffix
boolean keyWrapExpected
Note, however, that if CryptoMode.StrictAuthenticatedEncryption
is in use, key wrapping is always expected for the CEK regardless.
String encryptionType
String kmsKeyId
String kmsContext
String replicaKmsKeyID
String status
Map<K,V> extra
ExtraMaterialsDescription.ConflictResolution resolve
.S3KeyFilter s3KeyFilter
HttpMethod method
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String versionId
String contentType
String contentMd5
Date expiration
boolean zeroByteContent
Map<K,V> requestParameters
ResponseHeaderOverrides responseHeaders
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
String sseAlgorithm
String kmsCmkId
String bucketName
String bucketName
AnalyticsConfiguration analyticsConfiguration
String bucketName
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration serverSideEncryptionConfiguration
String bucketName
MetricsConfiguration metricsConfiguration
String bucketName
String bucketName
PolicyStatus policyStatus
String bucketName
S3ObjectIdBuilder s3ObjectIdBuilder
boolean isRequesterPays
ObjectLockLegalHold legalHold
String bucket
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String versionId
boolean isRequesterPays
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
Integer partNumber
S3ObjectIdBuilder s3ObjectIdBuilder
long[] range
List<E> matchingETagConstraints
List<E> nonmatchingEtagConstraints
Date unmodifiedSinceConstraint
Date modifiedSinceConstraint
ResponseHeaderOverrides responseHeaders
boolean isRequesterPays
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
Integer partNumber
ObjectLockRetention retention
String bucketName
PublicAccessBlockConfiguration publicAccessBlockConfiguration
String bucketName
String tier
Grantee grantee
Permission permission
String bucketName
String bucketRegion
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata
CannedAccessControlList cannedACL
AccessControlList accessControlList
StorageClass storageClass
String redirectLocation
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
SSEAwsKeyManagementParams sseAwsKeyManagementParams
boolean isRequesterPays
ObjectTagging tagging
String objectLockMode
Date objectLockRetainUntilDate
String objectLockLegalHoldStatus
String bucketName
String key
String uploadId
Date abortDate
String abortRuleId
boolean isRequesterCharged
CSVInput csv
JSONInput json
ParquetInput parquet
String compressionType
String type
String recordDelimiter
String functionARN
List<E> analyticsConfigurationList
String continuationToken
.boolean isTruncated
String nextContinuationToken
List<E> inventoryConfigurationList
String continuationToken
.boolean isTruncated
String nextContinuationToken
List<E> metricsConfigurationList
String continuationToken
.boolean isTruncated
String nextContinuationToken
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String delimiter
list. These rolled-up
keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. The most commonly used
delimiter is "/", which simulates a hierarchical organization similar to
a file system directory structure.String prefix
Integer maxUploads
String keyMarker
Together with the upload ID marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin.
If the upload ID marker is not specified, only the keys lexicographically greater than the specified key-marker will be included in the list.
If the upload ID marker is specified, any multipart uploads for a key equal to the key-marker may also be included, provided those multipart uploads have upload IDs lexicographically greater than the specified marker.
String uploadIdMarker
Together with the key marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin. If no key marker is specified, the upload ID marker is ignored. Otherwise, any multipart uploads for a key equal to the key marker may be included in the list only if they have an upload ID lexicographically greater than the specified marker.
String encodingType
ObjectListing previousObjectListing
VersionListing previousVersionListing
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String prefix
String marker
as the marker
for the next request to list objects.String delimiter
list. These rolled-up keys
are not returned elsewhere in the response. The most commonly used
delimiter is "/", which simulates a hierarchical organization similar to
a file system directory structure.Integer maxKeys
String encodingType
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String delimiter
list. These rolled-up keys
are not returned elsewhere in the response. The most commonly used
delimiter is "/", which simulates a hierarchical organization similar to
a file system directory structure.String encodingType
Integer maxKeys
String prefix
String continuationToken
boolean fetchOwner
String startAfter
boolean isRequesterPays
List<E> objectSummaries
List<E> commonPrefixes
boolean isTruncated
String bucketName
int keyCount
String nextContinuationToken
String prefix
String delimiter
int maxKeys
String encodingType
String continuationToken
String startAfter
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String uploadId
Integer maxParts
Integer partNumberMarker
String encodingType
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String prefix
String keyMarker
This enables pagination; to get the next page of results use the next key
marker and next version ID marker (from
) as the markers for the
next request to list versions. Or use the convenience method
String versionIdMarker
This enables pagination; to get the next page of results use the next key
marker and next version ID marker (from
) as the markers for the
next request to list versions. Or use the convenience method
String delimiter
list. These rolled-up keys
are not returned elsewhere in the response. The most commonly used
delimiter is "/", which simulates a hierarchical organization similar to
a file system directory structure.Integer maxResults
String encodingType
String status
ReplicationTimeValue eventThreshold
String key
String uploadId
Owner owner
Owner initiator
String storageClass
Date initiated
String bucketName
String keyMarker
String delimiter
String prefix
String uploadIdMarker
int maxUploads
String encodingType
boolean isTruncated
String nextKeyMarker
String nextUploadIdMarker
List<E> multipartUploads
List<E> commonPrefixes
List<E> objectSummaries
List<E> commonPrefixes
String bucketName
String nextMarker
boolean isTruncated
String prefix
String marker
int maxKeys
String delimiter
String encodingType
String objectLockEnabled
ObjectLockRule rule
String status
DefaultRetention defaultRetention
Map<K,V> userMetadata
Map<K,V> metadata
Date httpExpiresDate
Date expirationTime
This and the expiration time rule aren't stored in the metadata map because the header contains both the time and the rule.
String expirationTimeRuleId
Boolean ongoingRestore
Date restoreExpirationTime
S3Location s3
CSVOutput csv
JSONOutput json
int partNumber
String eTag
String bucketName
String key
String uploadId
Integer maxParts
Integer partNumberMarker
String encodingType
Owner owner
Owner initiator
String storageClass
boolean isTruncated
Integer nextPartNumberMarker
List<E> parts
Date abortDate
String abortRuleId
boolean isRequesterCharged
int partNumber
Date lastModified
String eTag
long size
Boolean isPublic
URL presignedUrl
long[] range
URL presignedUrl
HttpMethodName httpMethodName
File file
ObjectMetadata metadata
ObjectMetadata metadata
String contentMd5
boolean isRequesterPays
String versionId
String eTag
Date expirationTime
String expirationTimeRuleId
String contentMd5
ObjectMetadata metadata
boolean isRequesterCharged
String queueARN
String protocol
String hostName
String replaceKeyPrefixWith
String replaceKeyWith
String httpRedirectCode
String bucketARN
String account
String storageClass
AccessControlTranslation accessControlTranslation
EncryptionConfiguration encryptionConfiguration
ReplicationTime replicationTime
Metrics metrics
String prefix
String status
ReplicationDestinationConfig destinationConfig
SourceSelectionCriteria sourceSelectionCriteria
ReplicationFilter filter
Integer priority
ExistingObjectReplication existingObjectReplication
DeleteMarkerReplication deleteMarkerReplication
String status
ReplicationTimeValue time
Integer minutes
RequestPaymentConfiguration.Payer payer
Boolean enabled
int expirationInDays
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String versionId
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
For more information about enabling lifecycle versioning for a bucket,
see AmazonS3#setBucketLifecycleConfiguration(SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest)
boolean isRequesterPays
GlacierJobParameters glacierJobParameters
This should not be used for restores with a specified OutputLocation.
String type
String tier
String description
SelectParameters selectParameters
OutputLocation outputLocation
boolean isRequesterCharged
String restoreOutputPath
RoutingRuleCondition condition
RedirectRule redirect
String keyPrefixEquals
String httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals
String bucketName
String prefix
Encryption encryption
String cannedACL
AccessControlList accessControlList
ObjectTagging tagging
List<E> userMetadata
String storageClass
String key
String bucketName
ObjectMetadata metadata
String redirectLocation
Integer taggingCount
boolean isRequesterCharged
String bucketName
String key
String eTag
long size
Date lastModified
String storageClass
Owner owner
String bucketName
String key
String versionId
boolean isLatest
Date lastModified
Owner owner
String eTag
long size
String storageClass
boolean isDeleteMarker
Progress details
ByteBuffer payload
Stats details
String bucketName
String key
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
String expression
String expressionType
RequestProgress requestProgress
InputSerialization inputSerialization
OutputSerialization outputSerialization
ScanRange scanRange
InputSerialization inputSerialization
String expressionType
String expression
ScanRange scanRange
OutputSerialization outputSerialization
ServerSideEncryptionByDefault applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
AccessControlList acl
CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl
String bucketName
AnalyticsConfiguration analyticsConfiguration
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
BucketCrossOriginConfiguration crossOriginConfiguration
String bucketName
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration serverSideEncryptionConfiguration
String bucketName
InventoryConfiguration inventoryConfiguration
String bucketName
BucketLifecycleConfiguration lifecycleConfiguration
String bucketName
BucketLoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration
String bucketName
MetricsConfiguration metricsConfiguration
BucketNotificationConfiguration notificationConfiguration
String bucketName
String bucketName
String policyText
Boolean confirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess
String bucketName
BucketReplicationConfiguration replicationConfiguration
String token
String bucketName
BucketTaggingConfiguration taggingConfiguration
String bucketName
BucketVersioningConfiguration versioningConfiguration
MultiFactorAuthentication mfa
for more details on MFA Delete.String bucketName
BucketWebsiteConfiguration configuration
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String versionId
AccessControlList acl
CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl
boolean isRequesterPays
String bucket
String key
ObjectLockLegalHold legalHold
boolean isRequesterPays
String versionId
boolean requesterCharged
String bucket
ObjectLockConfiguration objectLockConfiguration
boolean isRequesterPays
String token
boolean requesterCharged
String bucket
String key
ObjectLockRetention retention
boolean isRequesterPays
String versionId
boolean bypassGovernanceRetention
boolean requesterCharged
String bucketName
String key
String versionId
ObjectTagging tagging
String bucketName
PublicAccessBlockConfiguration publicAccessBlockConfiguration
String bucketName
RequestPaymentConfiguration configuration
Map<K,V> map
EncryptionMaterials latest
SseKmsEncryptedObjects sseKmsEncryptedObjects
String status
EncryptionMaterials materials
String topicARN
ObjectMetadata uploadPartMetadata
Map<K,V> materialsDescription
long partSize
long diskLimit
. The default is .ObjectMetadata objectMetadata
String bucketName
When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
When using this operation using an access point through the AWS SDKs, you provide the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about access point ARNs, see Using Access Points in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
String key
String uploadId
int partNumber
long partSize
String md5Digest
File file
long fileOffset
boolean isLastPart
SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey
boolean isRequesterPays
int partNumber
String eTag
boolean isRequesterCharged
List<E> versionSummaries
List<E> commonPrefixes
String bucketName
String nextKeyMarker
String nextVersionIdMarker
boolean isTruncated
String prefix
String keyMarker
String versionIdMarker
int maxKeys
String delimiter
String encodingType
String id
AnalyticsFilter filter
StorageClassAnalysis storageClassAnalysis
AnalyticsS3BucketDestination s3BucketDestination
AnalyticsFilterPredicate predicate
String prefix
Tag tag
StorageClassAnalysisDataExport dataExport
String outputSchemaVersion
AnalyticsExportDestination destination
String id
InventoryDestination destination
Boolean isEnabled
InventoryFilter inventoryFilter
String includedObjectVersions
List<E> optionalFields
InventorySchedule schedule
InventoryS3BucketDestination S3BucketDestination
InventoryFilterPredicate predicate
String prefix
String accountId
String bucketArn
String format
String prefix
InventoryEncryption encryption
String frequency
String keyId
LifecycleFilterPredicate predicate
String prefix
Tag tag
String id
MetricsFilter filter
MetricsFilterPredicate predicate
String prefix
Tag tag
ReplicationFilterPredicate predicate
String prefix
Tag tag
PauseStatus status
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