Interface Subsegment

    • Method Detail

      • end

        boolean end()
        Ends the subsegment. Sets the end time to the current time. Sets inProgress to false. Decrements its parent segment's segment-reference counter.
        true if 1) the parent segment now has a ref. count of zero and 2) the parent segment is sampled
      • getNamespace

        @Nullable java.lang.String getNamespace()
        Specified by:
        getNamespace in interface Entity
        the namespace
      • setNamespace

        void setNamespace​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Specified by:
        setNamespace in interface Entity
        namespace - the namespace to set
      • setParentSegment

        void setParentSegment​(Segment parentSegment)
        parentSegment - the parentSegment to set
      • getPrecursorIds

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPrecursorIds()
        the precursorIds
      • setPrecursorIds

        void setPrecursorIds​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> precursorIds)
        precursorIds - the precursorIds to set
      • addPrecursorId

        void addPrecursorId​(java.lang.String precursorId)
        precursorId - the precursor ID to add to the set
      • shouldPropagate

        boolean shouldPropagate()
        Determines if this subsegment should propagate its trace context downstream
        true if its trace context should be propagated downstream, false otherwise
      • streamSerialize

        java.lang.String streamSerialize()
        Serializes the subsegment as a standalone String with enough information for the subsegment to be streamed on its own.
        the string representation of the subsegment with enouogh information for it to be streamed
      • prettyStreamSerialize

        java.lang.String prettyStreamSerialize()
        Pretty-serializes the subsegment as a standalone String with enough information for the subsegment to be streamed on its own. Only used for debugging.
        the pretty string representation of the subsegment with enouogh information for it to be streamed
      • close

        void close()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable