Interface RequestTypeKey

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface RequestTypeKey
    A request type key can be used to identify the type of a request. This is needed to dispatch a certain request to the best fitting pipeline according to the configuration. It's important to understand that the request type key is not a key for each individual request but just a key for the type of the request. Thus is expected that every different request type like SOAP or REST operation has its unique request type key. Depending on the used technology e.g. SOAP or REST there is the possibility the to simplify the configuration of load management by summarizing request types together. Therefore this class defines the method reduceKey(). It is required that implementations of this interface also overwrite Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode(). Otherwise request dispatching will not work properly.
    JEAF Development Team
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        java.lang.String getKey()
        Method returns a String representation of the key. It is expected that for the same type of request always the same key is returned.
        String String representation of the key.
      • reduceKey

        RequestTypeKey reduceKey()
        Method is used to reduce the key. There may be request type keys that have a hierarchical structure like REST request or can be grouped by some other criteria. Goal of this method is to reduce the current key by removing one level from its structure if possible.
        RequestTypeKey Reduced request type key. If reducing the key is not supported or no longer possible then then method should return null.