Interface IShellOutputReceiver

All Known Implementing Classes:
CollectingOutputReceiver, InstrumentationResultParser, MultiLineReceiver, NullOutputReceiver

public interface IShellOutputReceiver

Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with out from a remote shell command on a device/emulator.

Method Summary
 void addOutput(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
          Called every time some new data is available.
 void flush()
          Called at the end of the process execution (unless the process was canceled).
 boolean isCancelled()
          Cancel method to stop the execution of the remote shell command.

Method Detail


void addOutput(byte[] data,
               int offset,
               int length)
Called every time some new data is available.

data - The new data.
offset - The offset at which the new data starts.
length - The length of the new data.


void flush()
Called at the end of the process execution (unless the process was canceled). This allows the receiver to terminate and flush whatever data was not yet processed.


boolean isCancelled()
Cancel method to stop the execution of the remote shell command.

true to cancel the execution of the command.