Interface DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider

Enclosing class:

public static interface DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider

Classes which implement this interface provide a method that provides a non random debugger port for a newly created Client.

Field Summary
static int NO_STATIC_PORT
Method Summary
 int getPort(IDevice device, java.lang.String appName)
          Returns a non-random debugger port for the specified application running on the specified Device.

Field Detail


static final int NO_STATIC_PORT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getPort(IDevice device,
            java.lang.String appName)
Returns a non-random debugger port for the specified application running on the specified Device.

device - The device the application is running on.
appName - The application name, as defined in the AndroidManifest.xml package attribute of the manifest node.
The non-random debugger port or NO_STATIC_PORT if the Client should use the automatic debugger port provider.