AdbCommandRejectedException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Exception thrown when adb refuses a command.
addBooleanArg(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Adds a boolean argument to include in instrumentation command.
addBooleanArg(String, boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
addClientChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IClientChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a Client property changed, by sending it one of the messages defined in the AndroidDebugBridge.IClientChangeListener interface.
addDebugBridgeChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IDebugBridgeChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a new AndroidDebugBridge is connected, by sending it one of the messages defined in the AndroidDebugBridge.IDebugBridgeChangeListener interface.
addDeviceChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when a IDevice is connected, disconnected, or when its properties or its Client list changed, by sending it one of the messages defined in the AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener interface.
addInstrumentationArg(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Adds a argument to include in instrumentation command.
addInstrumentationArg(String, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
addLogCatListener(LogCatListener) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatReceiverTask
addOutput(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
addOutput(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellOutputReceiver
Called every time some new data is available.
addOutput(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
addOutput(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NullOutputReceiver
addStackCallAddress(long) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Adds a stack call address for this allocation.
advance(int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor
Sent when some progress have been made.
allocatedClassMatches(String, Locale) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
AllocationInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Holds an Allocation information.
AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter - Class in com.android.ddmlib
AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
AllocationInfo.SortMode - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
ALLOCATIONS_KW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
AllocationsParser - Class in com.android.ddmlib
AllocationsParser() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationsParser
alpha_length - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
alpha_offset - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
AndroidDebugBridge - Class in com.android.ddmlib
A connection to the host-side android debug bridge (adb)

This is the central point to communicate with any devices, emulators, or the applications running on them.

AndroidDebugBridge.IClientChangeListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with Client changes.
AndroidDebugBridge.IDebugBridgeChangeListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with AndroidDebugBridge changes.
AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with IDevice addition, deletion, and changes.
append(HeapSegment) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
Append the contents of other to this segment if it describes the segment immediately after this one.
arePropertiesSet() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns true> if properties have been cached
ArrayHelper - Class in com.android.ddmlib.utils
Utility class providing array to int/long conversion for data received from devices through adb.
ArrayHelper() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.utils.ArrayHelper


BEGIN_STACKTRACE_KW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
bitrateMbps - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions
blue_length - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
blue_offset - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
bpp - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
bridgeChanged(AndroidDebugBridge) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge.IDebugBridgeChangeListener
Sent when a new AndroidDebugBridge is connected.
build() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder
ByteBufferUtil - Class in com.android.ddmlib
ByteBufferUtil() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.ByteBufferUtil
bytesAllocated - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo


call(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Initiate an incoming call on the emulator.
canAppend(HeapSegment) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
See if other comes immediately after this segment.
cancel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
Cancel the output collection
cancel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver
Cancels the current remote service.
cancel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Requests cancellation of test run.
cancel() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Requests cancellation of this test run.
cancel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
cancelCall(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Cancels a current call.
CanceledException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Abstract exception for exception that can be thrown when a user input cancels the action.
captureLayers(Client, String, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
captureView(Client, String, String, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
CHANGE_BUILD_INFO - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Device change bit mask: build info change.
CHANGE_CLIENT_LIST - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Device change bit mask: Client list change.
CHANGE_DEBUGGER_STATUS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: debugger status change
CHANGE_HEAP_ALLOCATION_STATUS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: allocation information updated
CHANGE_HEAP_ALLOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: allocation information updated
CHANGE_HEAP_DATA - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: head data updated
CHANGE_HEAP_MODE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: heap update flag change
CHANGE_INFO - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: combination of Client.CHANGE_NAME, Client.CHANGE_DEBUGGER_STATUS, and Client.CHANGE_PORT.
CHANGE_METHOD_PROFILING_STATUS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: allocation information updated
CHANGE_NAME - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: application name change
CHANGE_NATIVE_HEAP_DATA - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: native heap data updated
CHANGE_PORT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: debugger port change
CHANGE_STATE - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Device change bit mask: IDevice.DeviceState change.
CHANGE_THREAD_DATA - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: thread data updated
CHANGE_THREAD_MODE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: thread update flag change
CHANGE_THREAD_STACKTRACE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Client change bit mask: thread stack trace updated
checkForType(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
Checks if the value is of the proper type for this receiver.
checkType(EventContainer.EventValueType) - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
Checks that the EventContainer.EventValueType is compatible with the EventValueDescription.ValueType.
CHUNK_VUGL - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
Enable/Disable tracing of OpenGL calls.
CHUNK_VULW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
List ViewRootImpl's of this process.
CHUNK_VUOP - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
Generic View Operation, first parameter in the packet should be one of the VUOP_* constants below.
CHUNK_VURT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
Operation on view root, first parameter in packet should be one of VURT_* constants
clearHeapData() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
Abandon the current list of heap segments.
Client - Class in com.android.ddmlib
This represents a single client, usually a Dalvik VM process.
clientChanged(Client, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge.IClientChangeListener
Sent when an existing client information changed.
ClientData - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Contains the data of a Client.
ClientData.AllocationTrackingStatus - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
ClientData.DebuggerStatus - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
ClientData.HeapData - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Heap Information.
ClientData.HeapData() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
ClientData.HeapInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
ClientData.HeapInfo(long, long, long, long, long, byte) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
ClientData.IAllocationTrackingHandler - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
ClientData.IHprofDumpHandler - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Handlers able to act on HPROF dumps.
ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Handlers able to act on Method profiling info
ClientData.MethodProfilingStatus - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
clientDisconnected(Client) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
clientReady(Client) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
close() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Closes this instance of the emulator console.
close() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Closes the connection.
CollectingOutputReceiver - Class in com.android.ddmlib
A IShellOutputReceiver which collects the whole shell output into one String.
CollectingOutputReceiver() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
CollectingOutputReceiver(CountDownLatch) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
com.android.ddmlib - package com.android.ddmlib
com.android.ddmlib.log - package com.android.ddmlib.log
com.android.ddmlib.logcat - package com.android.ddmlib.logcat
com.android.ddmlib.testrunner - package com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
com.android.ddmlib.utils - package com.android.ddmlib.utils
compare(AllocationInfo, AllocationInfo) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
compareTo(AllocationInfo) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
compareTo(HeapSegment) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
compareTo(HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
createBridge() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Creates a AndroidDebugBridge that is not linked to any particular executable.
createBridge(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Creates a new debug bridge from the location of the command line tool.
createForward(int, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Creates a port forwarding between a local and a remote port.
createForward(int, String, IDevice.DeviceUnixSocketNamespace) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Creates a port forwarding between a local TCP port and a remote Unix Domain Socket.
CURRENT_PLATFORM - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
Returns current platform, one of DdmConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS, DdmConstants.PLATFORM_DARWIN, DdmConstants.PLATFORM_LINUX or DdmConstants.PLATFORM_UNKNOWN.
currentPlatform() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
Returns current platform


d(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.DEBUG level message.
data - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmStatus
Data status.
data - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
The entry's raw data.
data - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
DdmConstants - Class in com.android.ddmlib
DdmConstants() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
DdmPreferences - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Preferences for the ddm library.
DebugPortManager - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Centralized point to provide a DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider to ddmlib.
DebugPortManager() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.DebugPortManager
DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that provides a non random debugger port for a newly created Client.
DEFAULT_ADBHOST_VALUE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT_BASE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default value for the debug port base
DEFAULT_INITIAL_HEAP_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default value for heap update flag upon client connection.
DEFAULT_INITIAL_THREAD_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default value for thread update flag upon client connection.
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default value for the logcat Log.LogLevel
DEFAULT_PROFILER_BUFFER_SIZE_MB - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default profiler buffer size (megabytes)
DEFAULT_SELECTED_DEBUG_PORT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default value for the selected client debug port
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default timeout values for adb connection (milliseconds)
DEFAULT_USE_ADBHOST - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Default values for the use of the ADBHOST environment variable.
deviceChanged(IDevice, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener
Sent when a device data changed, or when clients are started/terminated on the device.
deviceConnected(IDevice) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener
Sent when the a device is connected to the AndroidDebugBridge.
deviceDisconnected(IDevice) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener
Sent when the a device is connected to the AndroidDebugBridge.
DIRECTORY_APP - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Application folder.
DIRECTORY_DATA - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Top level data folder.
DIRECTORY_MNT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Top level mount folder.
DIRECTORY_SDCARD - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Top level sdcard folder.
DIRECTORY_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Top level system folder.
DIRECTORY_TEMP - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Top level temp folder.
disconnectBridge() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Disconnects the current debug bridge, and destroy the object.
done() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
Terminates the process.
done() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Called by parent when adb session is complete.
DOT_TRACE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
Extension for Traceview files.
DOWNLOAD_SPEEDS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Array of download speeds: full speed, gsm, hscsd, gprs, edge/egprs, umts/3g, hsdpa.
dumpDisplayList(Client, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
dumpHprof() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Makes the VM dump an HPROF file
dumpTheme(Client, String, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
dumpViewHierarchy(Client, String, boolean, boolean, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug


e(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.ERROR level message.
e(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.ERROR level Throwable information.
EmulatorConsole - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Provides control over emulated hardware of the Android emulator.
EmulatorConsole.GsmMode - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
Gsm Mode enum.
EmulatorConsole.GsmStatus - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Gsm Status class
EmulatorConsole.GsmStatus() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmStatus
EmulatorConsole.NetworkStatus - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Network Status class
EmulatorConsole.NetworkStatus() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.NetworkStatus
enableAllocationTracker(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Enables or disables the Allocation tracker for this client.
END_STACKTRACE_KW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
equals(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
escape(String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns an escaped version of the entry name.
EventContainer - Class in com.android.ddmlib.log
Represents an event and its data.
EventContainer.CompareMethod - Enum in com.android.ddmlib.log
Comparison method for EventContainer.testValue(int, Object, com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.CompareMethod)
EventContainer.EventValueType - Enum in com.android.ddmlib.log
Type for event data.
EventLogParser - Class in com.android.ddmlib.log
Parser for the "event" log.
EventLogParser() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
EventValueDescription - Class in com.android.ddmlib.log
Describes an EventContainer value.
EventValueDescription.ValueType - Enum in com.android.ddmlib.log
Represents the type of a numerical value.
executeGarbageCollector() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Forces the client to execute its garbage collector.
executeShellCommand(String, IShellOutputReceiver, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. Use IShellEnabledDevice.executeShellCommand(String, IShellOutputReceiver, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).
executeShellCommand(String, IShellOutputReceiver) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Executes a shell command on the device, and sends the result to a receiver

This is similar to calling executeShellCommand(command, receiver, DdmPreferences.getTimeOut()).

executeShellCommand(String, IShellOutputReceiver, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellEnabledDevice
Executes a shell command on the device, and sends the result to a receiver.


FEATURE_HPROF - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature allowing to dump hprof files
FEATURE_HPROF_STREAMING - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature allowing direct streaming of hprof dumps
FEATURE_OPENGL_TRACING - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature indicating support for tracing OpenGL calls.
FEATURE_PROFILING - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature enabling starting/stopping method profiling
FEATURE_PROFILING_STREAMING - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature enabling direct streaming of method profiling data
FEATURE_SAMPLING_PROFILER - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature enabling sampling profiler.
FEATURE_VIEW_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
String for feature indicating support for providing view hierarchy.
FILE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Device side file separator.
FileListingService - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Provides Device side file listing service.
FileListingService.FileEntry - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Represents an entry in a directory.
FileListingService.IListingReceiver - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with asynchronous result from ls command on the device.
fillPathBuilder(StringBuilder, boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Recursively fills the pathBuilder with the full path
fillPathSegments(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Recursively fills the segment list with the full path.
filter(String, boolean, Locale) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
Returns true if the given filter matches case insensitively (according to the given locale) this allocation info.
findChild(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the child FileListingService.FileEntry matching the name.
FIRST_EMULATOR_SN - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Serial number of the first connected emulator.
flush() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
flush() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellOutputReceiver
Called at the end of the process execution (unless the process was canceled).
flush() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
flush() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NullOutputReceiver
FN_HPROF_CONVERTER - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
hprof-conv executable (with extension for the current OS)
FN_TRACEVIEW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
traceview executable (with extension for the current OS)
fromString(String, Log.LogLevel) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
Construct a list of LogCatFilter objects by decoding the query.


getAbi() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the abi flavor (32-bit or 64-bit) of the application, null if unknown or not set.
getAbis() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the ABIs supported by this device.
getAdbHostValue() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the value of the ADBHOST variable set by the user.
getAddress() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Returns the address of this stack frame.
getAllocatedClass() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
Returns the name of the allocated class.
getAllocationCount() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns the allocation count.
getAllocations() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the list of tracked allocations.
getAllocationSite() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
getAllocationStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the allocation tracking status.
getAllocNumber() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
Returns the allocation number.
getAppName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getAppName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getARGB(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns an ARGB integer value for the pixel at index in RawImage.data.
getAvdName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
getAvdName() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the name of the AVD the emulator is running.
getBattery() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Return the device's battery level, from 0 to 100 percent.
getBattery(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Return the device's battery level, from 0 to 100 percent.
getBatteryLevel() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. use IDevice.getBattery()
getBatteryLevel(long) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. use #getBattery(long, TimeUnit))
getBlueMask() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns the mask value for the blue color.
getBridge() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns the current debug bridge.
getByLetter(char) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns the Log.LogLevel enum matching the specified letter.
getByLetterString(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns the Log.LogLevel enum matching the specified letter.
getByString(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
getCachedChildren() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the cached children of the entry.
getCharacteristic() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.HardwareFeature
getChildren(FileListingService.FileEntry, boolean, FileListingService.IListingReceiver) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Returns the children of a FileListingService.FileEntry.
getChildrenSync(FileListingService.FileEntry) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Returns the children of a FileListingService.FileEntry.
getClassName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
Returns the fully qualified class name of the test.
getClient(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns a Client by its application name.
getClientData() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns the ClientData object containing this client information.
getClientDescription() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the client description.
getClientName(int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the name of the client by pid or null if pid is unknown
getClients() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the array of clients.
getCompletedTests() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Gets the set of completed tests.
getConnectionAttemptCount() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns the number of times the AndroidDebugBridge object attempted to connect to the adb daemon.
getConsole(IDevice) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Returns an EmulatorConsole object for the given Device.
getDate() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the date string of the entry, as returned by ls.
getDebuggerConnectionStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the debugger connection status.
getDebuggerListenPort() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns the debugger port for this client.
getDebugPortBase() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the debug port used by the first Client.
getDensity() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the density bucket of the device screen.
getDevice() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns the IDevice on which this Client is running.
getDevices() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns the devices.
getElapsedTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
getEmulatorPort(String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Return port of emulator given its serial number.
getEndAddress() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
getEndAddress() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeLibraryMapInfo
Returns the end address of the library.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Return the System.currentTimeMillis() time that the ITestInvocationListener#testEnded(TestIdentifier) event was received.
getEnum(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmMode
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.SyncException
getEventInfoMap() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
getEventValueType() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
getFileListingService() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns a FileListingService for this device.
getFirstTraceClassName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
getFirstTraceMethodName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
getFullEscapedPath() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Return the fully escaped path of the entry.
getFullPath() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Return the full path of the entry.
getGreenMask() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns the mask value for the green color.
getGroup() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the group owner of the entry, as returned by ls.
getGsmStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Returns the current gsm status of the emulator
getHeaderSize(int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns the size of the header for a specific version of the framebuffer adb protocol.
getHeapSegments() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
Get the collected heap data, if sealed.
getInfo() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the extra info for the entry.
getInitialHeapUpdate() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the initial Client flag for heap updates.
getInitialThreadUpdate() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the initial Client flag for thread updates.
getInt() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns the data as an int.
getJvmFlags() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the VM flags in use, or null if unknown.
getKind() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
getLength() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
getLength() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
getLibraryName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeLibraryMapInfo
Returns the name of the library.
getLibraryName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Returns the name of the library name.
getLineNumber() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Returns the line number, or -1 if unknown.
getLogFormatString(Log.LogLevel, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Formats a log message.
getLogLevel() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the minimum Log.LogLevel being displayed.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getLong() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns the data as a long.
getMappedNativeLibraries() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the list of native libraries mapped in memory for this client.
getMatchingStackFrames(String, boolean, Locale) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
getMessage() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getMessage() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.SyncException.SyncError
getMethodName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Returns the name of the method.
getMethodProfilingStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the method profiling status.
getMetrics() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Get the associated test metrics.
getMountPoint(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns a mount point.
getName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the name of the entry
getName() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellEnabledDevice
Returns a (humanized) name for this device.
getName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
getName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
getNativeAllocationList() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the list of NativeAllocationInfo.
getNetworkStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Get the network status of the emulator.
getNextElement(HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
getNullProgressMonitor() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Returns a sync progress monitor that does nothing.
getNumAllFailedTests() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Return total number of tests in a failure state (failed, assumption failure)
getNumCompleteTests() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Gets the number of complete tests in this run ie with status != incomplete.
getNumTests() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Gets the number of tests in this run.
getNumTestsInState(TestResult.TestStatus) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Gets the number of tests in given state for this run.
getObjectFromStorageString(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
Creates an Object from a storage string created with EventContainer.EventValueType.getStorageString(Object).
getObjectFromString(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
Returns an object of a valid type (based on the value returned by EventValueDescription.getEventValueType()) from a String value.
getOutput() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
getOwner() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the owner string of the entry, as returned by ls.
getPackageName() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Returns the application package name.
getPackageName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
getParent() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the parent entry.
getPathSegments() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the path as a list of segments.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the permission string of the entry, as returned by ls.
getPid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the process ID.
getPid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getPid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getPort(IDevice, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider
Returns a non-random debugger port for the specified application running on the specified Device.
getPriority() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns the numerical value of the priority.
getPriorityLetter() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns the letter identifying the priority of the Log.LogLevel.
getProcessedHeapData() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
Get the processed heap data, if present.
getProcessedHeapMap() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
getProfilerBufferSizeMb() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the profiler buffer size (megabytes).
getProperties() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. use IShellEnabledDevice.getSystemProperty(String) instead
getPropertiesAttributes() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
Get the properties attributes as key value pairs to be included in the test report.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Convenience method that attempts to retrieve a property via IShellEnabledDevice.getSystemProperty(String) with minimal wait time, and swallows exceptions.
getPropertyCacheOrSync(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. use IShellEnabledDevice.getSystemProperty(String) instead
getPropertyCount() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. implementation detail
getPropertySync(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. use IShellEnabledDevice.getSystemProperty(String)
getReceiver() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.NullOutputReceiver
getRedMask() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns the mask value for the red color.
getRelevantStackCallInfo() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns the first NativeStackCallInfo that is relevant.
getResolvedStackCall() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns the resolved stack call.
getRestartAttemptCount() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns the number of times the AndroidDebugBridge object attempted to restart the adb daemon.
getResultFile(File) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
Creates a File where the report will be created.
getRoot() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Returns the root element.
getRotated() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Returns a rotated version of the image The image is rotated counter-clockwise.
getRunFailureMessage() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Return the run failure error message, null if run did not fail.
getRunMetrics() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
getRunnerName() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Returns the runnerName.
getRunnerName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
getRunResult() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
Returns the TestRunResult
getScreenshot() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Takes a screen shot of the device and returns it as a RawImage.
getSelectedDebugPort() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the debug port used by the selected Client.
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the serial number of the device.
getSize() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
Returns the size of the allocation.
getSize() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the size string of the entry, as returned by ls.
getSize() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns the size of this allocation.
getSizeValue() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the size of the entry.
getSocketAddress() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns the socket address of the ADB server on the host.
getSolidity() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
getSortMode() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
getSourceFile() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Returns the name of the source file.
getStackCallAddresses() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns the stack call of this allocation as raw addresses.
getStackCallTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the approximate time of the stacktrace data.
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
getStackTrace() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IStackTraceInfo
Returns the stack trace.
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Get the associated String stack trace.
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
getStartAddress() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
getStartAddress() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeLibraryMapInfo
Returns the start address of the library.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Return the System.currentTimeMillis() time that the ITestInvocationListener#testStarted(TestIdentifier) event was received.
getState(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.DeviceState
Returns a IDevice.DeviceState from the string returned by adb devices.
getState() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns the state of the device.
getStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Get the TestResult.TestStatus result of the test.
getStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the VM thread status.
getStime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the cumulative system time.
getStorageString(Object) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
Returns a storage string for an Object of type supported by EventContainer.EventValueType.
getString(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ByteBufferUtil
getString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns the data as a String.
getStringValue() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns a non translated string representing the LogLevel.
getSyncService() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns a SyncService object to push / pull files to and from the device.
getSystemProperty(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellEnabledDevice
Do a potential asynchronous query for a system property.
getTag() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmMode
Returns the first tag of the enum.
getTag() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getTag() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getTagMap() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
getTestName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
Returns the name of the test.
getTestName(TestIdentifier) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
getTestResults() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Gets a map of the test results.
getTestSize(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize
Return the IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize corresponding to the given Android platform defined value.
getTestSuiteName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
getText() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
getTextSummary() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Return a user friendly string describing results.
getThreadId() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo
Returns the id of the thread that performed the allocation.
getThreadId() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the thread's ID.
getThreadName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the thread's name.
getThreads() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the list of threads as ThreadInfo objects.
getTid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getTid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the system tid.
getTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the time string of the entry, as returned by ls.
getTime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
getTimeOut() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns the timeout to be used in adb connections (milliseconds).
getTotalNativeMemory() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the total native memory.
getType() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns the Entry type as an int, which will match one of the TYPE_(...) constants
getType() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns the type of the data.
getType(Object) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns the type of an object.
getUseAdbHost() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Returns a boolean indicating that the user uses or not the variable ADBHOST.
getUserId() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the client's user id.
getUtime() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns the cumulative user time.
getValue() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
Returns the integer value of the enum.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns a value by index.
getValue() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
Returns the integer value of the enum.
getValueAsDouble(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns a value by index as a double.
getValueAsString(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Returns a value by index as a String.
getValueType() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
getValueType(int) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
Returns a EventValueDescription.ValueType from an integer value, or null if no match were found.
getVmHeapData() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the ClientData.HeapData object for the VM.
getVmHeapIds() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns an iterator over the list of known VM heap ids.
getVmHeapInfo(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the most-recent info values for the specified VM heap.
getVmIdentifier() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns the Client's VM identifier.
green_length - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
green_offset - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage


handleChunk(Client, int, ByteBuffer, boolean, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
handleTestRunFailed(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Inform the parser of a instrumentation run failure.
HandleViewDebug - Class in com.android.ddmlib
HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler - Class in com.android.ddmlib
HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler(int) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler
handleViewDebugResult(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler
hasClients() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns whether the Device has Clients.
hasFailedTests() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
hasFeature(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns true if the Client supports the given feature
hashCode() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
hashCode() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
hasInitialDeviceList() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns whether the bridge has acquired the initial list from adb after being created.
hasPendingHprofDump() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
HeapSegment - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Describes the types and locations of objects in a segment of a heap.
HeapSegment(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
Create a new HeapSegment based on the raw contents of an HPSG chunk.
HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Describes an object/region encoded in the HPSG data.
HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
Creates an uninitialized element.
HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement(HeapSegment) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
Create an element describing the entry at the current position of hpsgData.
height - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
height - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions


i(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.INFO level message.
IDevice - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
A Device.
IDevice.DeviceState - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
The state of a device.
IDevice.DeviceUnixSocketNamespace - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
Namespace of a Unix Domain Socket created on the device.
IDevice.Feature - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
Device level software features.
IDevice.HardwareFeature - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
Device level hardware features.
init(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Initializes the ddm library.
init(IDevice) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
Inits the parser for a specific Device.
init(String[]) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
Inits the parser with the content of a tag file.
init(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
Inits the parser with a specified event-log-tags file.
initIfNeeded(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Initialized the library only if needed.
InstallException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Thrown if installation or uninstallation of application fails.
InstallException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.InstallException
InstallException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.InstallException
InstallException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.InstallException
installPackage(String, boolean, String...) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Installs an Android application on device.
installPackages(List<String>, int, boolean, String...) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Installs an Android application made of serveral APK files (one main and 0..n split packages)
installRemotePackage(String, boolean, String...) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Installs the application package that was pushed to a temporary location on the device.
InstrumentationResultParser - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Parses the 'raw output mode' results of an instrumentation test run from shell and informs a ITestRunListener of the results.
InstrumentationResultParser(String, Collection<ITestRunListener>) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Creates the InstrumentationResultParser.
InstrumentationResultParser(String, ITestRunListener) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Creates the InstrumentationResultParser for a single listener.
invalidateView(Client, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
InvalidTypeException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib.log
Exception thrown when accessing an EventContainer value with the wrong type.
InvalidTypeException() - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the default detail message.
InvalidTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
InvalidTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InvalidValueTypeException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib.log
Exception thrown when associating an EventContainer.EventValueType with an incompatible EventValueDescription.ValueType.
InvalidValueTypeException() - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the default detail message.
InvalidValueTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
InvalidValueTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
InvalidValueTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.log.InvalidValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
invokeMethod(Client, String, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
IRemoteAndroidTestRunner - Interface in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Interface for running a Android test command remotely and reporting result to a listener.
IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize - Enum in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
isAppFileName() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns if the file name is an application package name.
isApplicationPackage() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns if the entry is a valid application package.
isBootLoader() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns if the device is in bootloader mode.
isCanceled() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor
Sent to query for possible cancellation.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.CollectingOutputReceiver
isCancelled() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IShellOutputReceiver
Cancel method to stop the execution of the remote shell command.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver
Returns whether this receiver is canceling the remote service.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NullOutputReceiver
isCancelled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Returns true if test run canceled.
isConnected() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Returns whether the AndroidDebugBridge object is still connected to the adb daemon.
isDaemon() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ThreadInfo
Returns whether this is a daemon thread.
isDdmAware() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns true if the client VM is DDM-aware.
isDdmAware() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns whether the process is DDM-aware.
isDebuggerAttached() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns true if a debugger is currently attached to the client.
isDescending() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
isDeviceOffline() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.AdbCommandRejectedException
Returns true if the error is due to the device being offline.
isDirectory() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns if the entry is a folder or a link to a folder.
isEmulator() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns true if the device is an emulator.
isHeapDataComplete() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
Returns whether the heap data has been sealed.
isHeapUpdateEnabled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns whether any heap update is enabled.
IShellEnabledDevice - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
An abstract device that can receive shell commands.
IShellOutputReceiver - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with out from a remote shell command on a device/emulator.
isOffline() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns if the device is offline.
isOnline() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns if the device is ready.
isRoot() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Returns whether the entry is the root.
isRunComplete() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
isRunFailure() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
isSelectedClient() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns whether this client is the current selected client, accepting debugger connection on the "selected debugger port".
isStackCallResolved() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns whether the stack call addresses have been resolved into NativeStackCallInfo objects.
IStackTraceInfo - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that returns a stack trace.
isThreadUpdateEnabled() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns whether the thread update is enabled.
isValid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns whether this Client has a valid connection to the application VM.
isValid() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
See if this segment still contains data, and has not been appended to another segment.
isValidUserId() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Returns true if the user id of this client was set.
isWithinLibrary(long) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeLibraryMapInfo
Returns whether the specified address is inside the library.
isZygoteChild() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns whether the allocation happened in a child of the zygote process.
ITestRunListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Receives event notifications during instrumentation test runs.


kill() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a kill message to the VM.
kill() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sends a KILL command to the emulator.
KIND_ARRAY_1 - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes an array of 1-byte elements.
KIND_ARRAY_2 - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes an array of 2-byte elements.
KIND_ARRAY_4 - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes an array of 4-byte elements.
KIND_ARRAY_8 - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes an array of 8-byte elements.
KIND_CLASS_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes a class object.
KIND_INVALID - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The object kind is unknown or unspecified.
KIND_NATIVE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes a native object.
KIND_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes a data object.
KIND_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes an unknown type of object.


latency - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.NetworkStatus
network latency status.
len - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
16bit unsigned: length of the payload.
listViewRoots(Client, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
Log - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Log class that mirrors the API in main Android sources.
log(List<LogCatMessage>) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatListener
Log.ILogOutput - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provides methods that deal with outputting log messages.
Log.LogLevel - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
Log Level enum.
logAndDisplay(Log.LogLevel, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a log message and attempts to display it in a dialog.
LogCatFilter - Class in com.android.ddmlib.logcat
A Filter for logcat messages.
LogCatFilter(String, String, String, String, String, Log.LogLevel) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
Construct a filter with the provided restrictions for the logcat message.
LogCatListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib.logcat
LogCatMessage - Class in com.android.ddmlib.logcat
Model a single log message output from logcat -v long.
LogCatMessage(Log.LogLevel, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
Construct an immutable log message object.
LogCatMessageParser - Class in com.android.ddmlib.logcat
Class to parse raw output of adb logcat -v long to LogCatMessage objects.
LogCatMessageParser() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessageParser
LogCatReceiverTask - Class in com.android.ddmlib.logcat
LogCatReceiverTask(IDevice) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatReceiverTask
LogReceiver - Class in com.android.ddmlib.log
Receiver able to provide low level parsing for device-side log services.
LogReceiver(LogReceiver.ILogListener) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver
Creates a LogReceiver with an LogReceiver.ILogListener.
LogReceiver.ILogListener - Interface in com.android.ddmlib.log
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with LogReceiver.LogEntry objects coming from log service through a LogReceiver.
LogReceiver.LogEntry - Class in com.android.ddmlib.log
Represents a log entry and its raw data.
LogReceiver.LogEntry() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry


mAllocationUnitCount - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
mAllocationUnitSize - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
mapFile(File, long, ByteOrder) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ByteBufferUtil
matches(LogCatMessage) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatFilter
Check whether a given message will make it through this filter.
maxSizeInBytes - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
mHeapId - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
MIN_LATENCIES - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Array of delay values: no delay, gprs, edge/egprs, umts/3d
MNT_DATA - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
MNT_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
MNT_ROOT - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
mOffset - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
mStartAddress - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
mTag - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
MultiLineReceiver - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Base implementation of IShellOutputReceiver, that takes the raw data coming from the socket, and convert it into String objects.
MultiLineReceiver() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
mUsageData - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment


NativeAllocationInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Stores native allocation information.
NativeAllocationInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Constructs a new NativeAllocationInfo.
NativeLibraryMapInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Memory address to library mapping for native libraries.
NativeStackCallInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Represents a stack call.
NativeStackCallInfo(long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
Basic constructor with library, method, and sourcefile information
NETWORK_LATENCIES - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Arrays of valid network latencies
NETWORK_SPEEDS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Arrays of valid network speeds
newData(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.ILogListener
Sent when new raw data is coming from the log service.
newEntry(LogReceiver.LogEntry) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.ILogListener
Sent when a new LogReceiver.LogEntry has been parsed by the LogReceiver.
NO_STATIC_PORT - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider
nsec - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
nsec - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
NullOutputReceiver - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Implementation of IShellOutputReceiver that does nothing.
NullOutputReceiver() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.NullOutputReceiver


objectsAllocated - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
onEndFailure(Client, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IHprofDumpHandler
Called when a hprof dump failed to end on the VM side
onEndFailure(Client, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler
Called when method tracing failed to end on the VM side
onStartFailure(Client, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler
Called when method tracing failed to start
onSuccess(byte[], Client) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IAllocationTrackingHandler
Called when an allocation tracking was successful.
onSuccess(String, Client) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IHprofDumpHandler
Called when a HPROF dump succeeded.
onSuccess(byte[], Client) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IHprofDumpHandler
Called when a HPROF dump was successful.
onSuccess(String, Client) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler
Called when a method tracing was successful.
onSuccess(byte[], Client) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler
Called when a method tracing was successful.


parse(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationsParser
parse(LogReceiver.LogEntry) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
parse(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
parseNewData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver
Parses new data coming from the log service.
pid - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
pid - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
pid of the process that generated this LogReceiver.LogEntry
PLATFORM_DARWIN - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
PLATFORM_LINUX - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
PLATFORM_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
PLATFORM_WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmConstants
printAndPromptLog(Log.LogLevel, String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.Log.ILogOutput
Sent when a log message needs to be printed, and, if possible, displayed to the user in a dialog box.
printLog(Log.LogLevel, String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.Log.ILogOutput
Sent when a log message needs to be printed.
printLog(Log.LogLevel, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Prints a log message.
processLogLines(String[], IDevice) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessageParser
Parse a list of strings into LogCatMessage objects.
processNewLines(String[]) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
Called when new lines are being received by the remote process.
processNewLines(String[]) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.InstrumentationResultParser
Processes the instrumentation test output from shell.
profileView(Client, String, String, HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
PROP_BUILD_API_LEVEL - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_BUILD_CHARACTERISTICS - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_BUILD_CODENAME - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_BUILD_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_BUILD_VERSION_NUMBER - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Deprecated. Use IDevice.PROP_BUILD_API_LEVEL.
PROP_DEBUGGABLE - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_CPU_ABI - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_CPU_ABI2 - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_CPU_ABI_LIST - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_DENSITY - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
PROP_DEVICE_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
pull(FileListingService.FileEntry[], String, SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Pulls file(s) or folder(s).
pullFile(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Pulls a single file.
pullFile(FileListingService.FileEntry, String, SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Pulls a single file.
pullFile(String, String, SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Pulls a single file.
push(String[], FileListingService.FileEntry, SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Push several files.
pushFile(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Push a single file.
pushFile(String, String, SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.SyncService
Push a single file.
putString(ByteBuffer, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ByteBufferUtil


RawImage - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Data representing an image taken from a device frame buffer.
RawImage() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
readHeader(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
Reads the header of a RawImage from a ByteBuffer.
reason - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
reboot(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Reboot the device.
red_length - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
red_offset - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
REFRESH_RATE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
refreshEntry(FileListingService.FileEntry) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.IListingReceiver
register(MonitorThread) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
RemoteAndroidTestRunner - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Runs a Android test command remotely and reports results.
RemoteAndroidTestRunner(String, String, IShellEnabledDevice) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
Creates a remote Android test runner.
RemoteAndroidTestRunner(String, IShellEnabledDevice) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
Alternate constructor.
removeClientChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IClientChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a Client property changed.
removeDebugBridgeChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IDebugBridgeChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a new AndroidDebugBridge is started.
removeDeviceChangeListener(AndroidDebugBridge.IDeviceChangeListener) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when a IDevice is connected, disconnected, or when its properties or its Client list changed.
removeForward(int, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Removes a port forwarding between a local and a remote port.
removeForward(int, String, IDevice.DeviceUnixSocketNamespace) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Removes an existing port forwarding between a local and a remote port.
removeInstrumentationArg(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Removes a previously added argument.
removeInstrumentationArg(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
removeLogCatListener(LogCatListener) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatReceiverTask
removeRemotePackage(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Removes a file from device.
requestAllocationDetails() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a request to the VM to send the information about all the allocations that have happened since the call to Client.enableAllocationTracker(boolean) with enable set to null.
requestAllocationStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a request to the VM to send the enable status of the allocation tracking.
requestLayout(Client, String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
requestMethodProfilingStatus() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a request to the VM to send the enable status of the method profiling.
requestNativeHeapInformation() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a native heap update request.
requestThreadStackTrace(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a thread stack trace update request.
requestThreadUpdate() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sends a thread update request.
restart() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Restarts adb, but not the services around it.
RESULT_OK - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
rewindElements() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
run() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatReceiverTask
run(ITestRunListener...) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Execute this test run.
run(Collection<ITestRunListener>) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Execute this test run.
run(ITestRunListener...) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
run(Collection<ITestRunListener>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
runEventLogService(LogReceiver) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Runs the event log service and outputs the event log to the LogReceiver.
runLogService(String, LogReceiver) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Runs the log service for the given log and outputs the log to the LogReceiver.


saveTags(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventLogParser
Recreates the event-log-tags at the specified file path.
ScreenRecorderOptions - Class in com.android.ddmlib
ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder - Class in com.android.ddmlib
ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder
sec - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
sec - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
Seconds since epoch.
sendLocation(double, double, double) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
sendSms(String, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sends an SMS to the emulator
sendStartGlTracing(Client) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
sendStopGlTracing(Client) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
set(HeapSegment) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
Replace the element with the entry at the current position of hpsgData.
setAdbHostValue(String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the value of the ADBHOST variable.
setAggregateMetrics(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
setAllocationTrackingHandler(ClientData.IAllocationTrackingHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
setAsSelectedClient() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Sets the client to accept debugger connection on the "selected debugger port".
setBitRate(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder
setChildren(FileListingService.FileEntry, FileListingService.FileEntry[]) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.IListingReceiver
setClassName(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests in this class Must be called before 'run'.
setClassName(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setClassNames(String[]) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests in the provided classes Must be called before 'run'.
setClassNames(String[]) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setCoverage(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this code coverage mode of this test run.
setCoverage(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this debug mode of this test run.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setDebugPortBase(int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the debug port used by the first Client.
setEndTime(long) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Sets the end time
setGsmDataMode(EmulatorConsole.GsmMode) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sets the GSM data mode.
setGsmVoiceMode(EmulatorConsole.GsmMode) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sets the GSM voice mode.
setHeapInfoUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
setHeapSegmentUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
setHeapUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Enables or disables the heap update.
setHostName(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
setHprofDumpHandler(ClientData.IHprofDumpHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Sets the handler to receive notifications when an HPROF dump succeeded or failed.
setInitialHeapUpdate(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the initial Client flag for heap updates.
setInitialThreadUpdate(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the initial Client flag for thread updates.
setKind(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
setLayoutParameter(Client, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug
setLength(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
setLogLevel(String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the minimum Log.LogLevel to display.
setLogOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this test run to log only mode - skips test execution.
setLogOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setLogOutput(Log.ILogOutput) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Sets the Log.ILogOutput to use to print the logs.
setMaxtimeToOutputResponse(int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Deprecated. Use IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).
setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets the maximum time allowed between output of the shell command running the tests on the devices.
setMaxtimeToOutputResponse(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setMethodName(String, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only specified test method Must be called before 'run'.
setMethodName(String, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setMethodProfilingHandler(ClientData.IMethodProfilingHandler) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData
Sets the handler to receive notifications when an HPROF dump succeeded or failed.
setMetrics(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Set the test metrics, overriding any previous values.
setNetworkLatency(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sets the network latency.
setNetworkSpeed(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole
Sets the network speed.
setProcessedHeapData(byte[]) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
Sets the processed heap data.
setProcessedHeapMap(Map<Integer, ArrayList<HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement>>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapData
setProfilerBufferSizeMb(int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the profiler buffer size value.
setProvider(DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DebugPortManager
Sets the DebugPortManager.IDebugPortProvider that will be used when a new Client requests a debugger port.
setReportDir(File) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
Sets the report file to use.
setResolvedStackCall(List<NativeStackCallInfo>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Sets the resolved stack call for this allocation.
setRunComplete(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
setRunName(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Set a custom run name to be reported to the ITestRunListener on IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.run(com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener...)

If unspecified, will use package name

setRunName(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setRunOptions(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets options for the am instrument command.
setSelectedClient(Client) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Sets the client to accept debugger connection on the custom "Selected debug port".
setSelectedDebugPort(int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the debug port used by the selected Client.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder
setSolidity(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
setSortMode(AllocationInfo.SortMode) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
setSortMode(AllocationInfo.SortMode, boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.AllocationSorter
setStackTrace(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Set the stack trace.
setStatus(TestResult.TestStatus) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
Set the TestResult.TestStatus.
setTestCollection(boolean) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this test run to test collection mode.
setTestCollection(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setTestPackageName(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run all tests in specified package Must be called before 'run'.
setTestPackageName(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setTestSize(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests of given size.
setTestSize(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.RemoteAndroidTestRunner
setThreadUpdateEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Enables or disables the thread update.
setTimeLimit(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions.Builder
setTimeOut(int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the timeout value for adb connection.
setTrimLine(boolean) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.MultiLineReceiver
Set the trim lines flag.
setType(int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService.FileEntry
Sets a new type.
setUseAdbHost(boolean) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.DdmPreferences
Sets the value of the boolean indicating that the user uses or not the variable ADBHOST.
ShellCommandUnresponsiveException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Exception thrown when a shell command executed on a device takes too long to send its output.
ShellCommandUnresponsiveException() - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.ShellCommandUnresponsiveException
size - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
SIZE_KW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
sizeInBytes - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
SOLIDITY_FINALIZABLE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is pending finalization.
SOLIDITY_FREE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element describes a free block.
SOLIDITY_HARD - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is strongly-reachable.
SOLIDITY_INVALID - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The reachability of the object is unknown.
SOLIDITY_PHANTOM - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is phantom-reachable.
SOLIDITY_SOFT - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is softly-reachable.
SOLIDITY_SWEEP - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is not reachable, and is about to be swept/freed.
SOLIDITY_WEAK - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment.HeapSegmentElement
The element is weakly-reachable.
speed - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.NetworkStatus
network speed status.
stackEquals(NativeAllocationInfo) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
start(int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor
Sent when the transfer starts
startMethodTracer() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
startOpenGlTracing() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
startSamplingProfiler(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
startScreenRecorder(String, ScreenRecorderOptions, IShellOutputReceiver) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Initiates screen recording on the device if the device supports IDevice.Feature.SCREEN_RECORD.
startSubTask(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor
Sent when a sub task is started.
stop() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatReceiverTask
stop() - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor
Sent when the transfer is finished or interrupted.
stopMethodTracer() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
stopOpenGlTracing() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
stopSamplingProfiler() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
supportsFeature(IDevice.Feature) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns whether this device supports the given software feature.
supportsFeature(IDevice.HardwareFeature) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Returns whether this device supports the given hardware feature.
swap32bitFromArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.utils.ArrayHelper
Reads a signed 32 bit integer from an array coming from a device.
swap32bitsToArray(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.utils.ArrayHelper
Swaps an unsigned value around, and puts the result in an array that can be sent to a device.
swap64bitFromArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.utils.ArrayHelper
Reads a signed 64 bit integer from an array coming from a device.
swapU16bitFromArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.utils.ArrayHelper
Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from an array coming from a device, and returns it as an 'int'
SyncException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Exception thrown when a transfer using SyncService doesn't complete.
SyncException(SyncException.SyncError) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.SyncException
SyncException(SyncException.SyncError, String) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.SyncException
SyncException(SyncException.SyncError, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.SyncException
SyncException.SyncError - Enum in com.android.ddmlib
syncPackageToDevice(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Pushes a file to device
SyncService - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Sync service class to push/pull to/from devices/emulators, through the debug bridge.
SyncService.ISyncProgressMonitor - Interface in com.android.ddmlib
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with displaying transfer progress.


terminate() - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.AndroidDebugBridge
Terminates the ddm library.
testAssumptionFailure(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false
testAssumptionFailure(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testAssumptionFailure(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testEnded(TestIdentifier, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports the execution end of an individual test case.
testEnded(TestIdentifier, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testEnded(TestIdentifier, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testFailed(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports the failure of a individual test case.
testFailed(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testFailed(TestIdentifier, String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
TestIdentifier - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Identifies a parsed instrumentation test.
TestIdentifier(String, String) - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
Creates a test identifier.
testIgnored(TestIdentifier) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with org.junit.Ignore.
testIgnored(TestIdentifier) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testIgnored(TestIdentifier) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
TestResult - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Container for a result of a single test.
TestResult() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult
TestResult.TestStatus - Enum in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
testRunEnded(long, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports end of test run.
testRunEnded(long, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testRunEnded(long, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testRunFailed(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports test run failed to complete due to a fatal error.
testRunFailed(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testRunFailed(String) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
TestRunResult - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Holds results from a single test run.
TestRunResult() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
Create an emptyTestRunResult.
testRunStarted(String, int) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports the start of a test run.
testRunStarted(String, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testRunStarted(String, int) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testRunStopped(long) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports test run stopped before completion due to a user request.
testRunStopped(long) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testRunStopped(long) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testStarted(TestIdentifier) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.ITestRunListener
Reports the start of an individual test case.
testStarted(TestIdentifier) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestRunResult
testStarted(TestIdentifier) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener
testString() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.CompareMethod
Returns a short string representing the comparison.
testValue(int, Object, EventContainer.CompareMethod) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
Checks that the index-th value of this event against a provided value.
ThreadInfo - Class in com.android.ddmlib
Holds a thread information.
tid - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer
tid - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry
tid of the process that generated this LogReceiver.LogEntry
timeLimit - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions
timeLimitUnits - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions
TimeoutException - Exception in com.android.ddmlib
Exception thrown when a connection to Adb failed with a timeout.
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.android.ddmlib.TimeoutException
timeStamp - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.HeapInfo
toggleMethodProfiling() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Deprecated. Use Client.startMethodTracer(), Client.stopMethodTracer(), Client.startSamplingProfiler(int, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) or Client.stopSamplingProfiler() instead.
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Returns a string representation of the Client object.
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HeapSegment
toString() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.CompareMethod
Returns the display string.
toString() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription
toString() - Method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.logcat.LogCatMessage
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeStackCallInfo
toString() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestIdentifier
TOTAL_SIZE_KW - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.NativeAllocationInfo
TYPE_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Block
TYPE_CHARACTER - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Character
TYPE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Directory
TYPE_DIRECTORY_LINK - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Directory Link
TYPE_FIFO - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: FIFO
TYPE_FILE - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: File
TYPE_LINK - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Link
TYPE_OTHER - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Other
TYPE_SOCKET - Static variable in class com.android.ddmlib.FileListingService
Entry type: Socket


uninstallPackage(String) - Method in interface com.android.ddmlib.IDevice
Uninstalls an package from the device.
updateHeapInfo() - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.Client
Fires a single heap update.


v(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.VERBOSE level message.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.SortMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.AllocationTrackingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.DebuggerStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.MethodProfilingStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.DeviceState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.DeviceUnixSocketNamespace
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.Feature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.HardwareFeature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.CompareMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.SyncException.SyncError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult.TestStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.AllocationInfo.SortMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.AllocationTrackingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.DebuggerStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.ClientData.MethodProfilingStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.DeviceState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.DeviceUnixSocketNamespace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.Feature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.IDevice.HardwareFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.CompareMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventContainer.EventValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.log.EventValueDescription.ValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.Log.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.SyncException.SyncError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.TestResult.TestStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
voice - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.EmulatorConsole.GsmStatus
Voice status.


w(String, String) - Static method in class com.android.ddmlib.Log
Outputs a Log.LogLevel.WARN level message.
waitForResult(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.android.ddmlib.HandleViewDebug.ViewDumpHandler
wasCanceled() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.CanceledException
Returns true if the action was canceled by user input.
wasCanceled() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.InstallException
Returns true if the installation was canceled by user input.
wasCanceled() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.SyncException
Returns true if the sync was canceled by user input.
wasErrorDuringDeviceSelection() - Method in exception com.android.ddmlib.AdbCommandRejectedException
Returns whether adb refused to target a given device for the command.
width - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.RawImage
width - Variable in class com.android.ddmlib.ScreenRecorderOptions


XmlTestRunListener - Class in com.android.ddmlib.testrunner
Writes JUnit results to an XML files in a format consistent with Ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter.
XmlTestRunListener() - Constructor for class com.android.ddmlib.testrunner.XmlTestRunListener