Class RemoteAndroidTestRunner

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RemoteAndroidTestRunner
extends java.lang.Object
implements IRemoteAndroidTestRunner

Runs a Android test command remotely and reports results.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
RemoteAndroidTestRunner(java.lang.String packageName, IShellEnabledDevice remoteDevice)
          Alternate constructor.
RemoteAndroidTestRunner(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String runnerName, IShellEnabledDevice remoteDevice)
          Creates a remote Android test runner.
Method Summary
 void addBooleanArg(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Adds a boolean argument to include in instrumentation command.
 void addInstrumentationArg(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Adds a argument to include in instrumentation command.
 void cancel()
          Requests cancellation of this test run.
 java.lang.String getAmInstrumentCommand()
 java.lang.String getPackageName()
          Returns the application package name.
 java.lang.String getRunnerName()
          Returns the runnerName.
 java.lang.String getRunOptions()
          Returns options for the am instrument command.
 void removeInstrumentationArg(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a previously added argument.
 void run(java.util.Collection<ITestRunListener> listeners)
          Execute this test run.
 void run(ITestRunListener... listeners)
          Execute this test run.
 void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
          Sets to run only tests in this class Must be called before 'run'.
 void setClassNames(java.lang.String[] classNames)
          Sets to run only tests in the provided classes Must be called before 'run'.
 void setCoverage(boolean coverage)
          Sets this code coverage mode of this test run.
 void setDebug(boolean debug)
          Sets this debug mode of this test run.
 void setLogOnly(boolean logOnly)
          Sets this test run to log only mode - skips test execution.
 void setMaxtimeToOutputResponse(int maxTimeToOutputResponse)
 void setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(long maxTimeToOutputResponse, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit maxTimeUnits)
          Sets the maximum time allowed between output of the shell command running the tests on the devices.
 void setMethodName(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String testName)
          Sets to run only specified test method Must be called before 'run'.
 void setRunName(java.lang.String runName)
          Set a custom run name to be reported to the ITestRunListener on

If unspecified, will use package name

 void setRunOptions(java.lang.String options)
          Sets options for the am instrument command.
 void setTestCollection(boolean collect)
          Sets this test run to test collection mode.
 void setTestPackageName(java.lang.String packageName)
          Sets to run all tests in specified package Must be called before 'run'.
 void setTestSize(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize size)
          Sets to run only tests of given size.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RemoteAndroidTestRunner(java.lang.String packageName,
                               java.lang.String runnerName,
                               IShellEnabledDevice remoteDevice)
Creates a remote Android test runner.

packageName - the Android application package that contains the tests to run
runnerName - the instrumentation test runner to execute. If null, will use default runner
remoteDevice - the Android device to execute tests on


public RemoteAndroidTestRunner(java.lang.String packageName,
                               IShellEnabledDevice remoteDevice)
Alternate constructor. Uses default instrumentation runner.

packageName - the Android application package that contains the tests to run
remoteDevice - the Android device to execute tests on
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getPackageName()
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Returns the application package name.

Specified by:
getPackageName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public java.lang.String getRunnerName()
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Returns the runnerName.

Specified by:
getRunnerName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests in this class Must be called before 'run'.

Specified by:
setClassName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
className - fully qualified class name (eg x.y.z)


public void setClassNames(java.lang.String[] classNames)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests in the provided classes Must be called before 'run'.

If providing more than one class, requires a InstrumentationTestRunner that supports the multiple class argument syntax.

Specified by:
setClassNames in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
classNames - array of fully qualified class names (eg x.y.z)


public void setMethodName(java.lang.String className,
                          java.lang.String testName)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only specified test method Must be called before 'run'.

Specified by:
setMethodName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
className - fully qualified class name (eg x.y.z)
testName - method name


public void setTestPackageName(java.lang.String packageName)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run all tests in specified package Must be called before 'run'.

Specified by:
setTestPackageName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
packageName - fully qualified package name (eg x.y.z)


public void addInstrumentationArg(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.lang.String value)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Adds a argument to include in instrumentation command.

Must be called before 'run'. If an argument with given name has already been provided, it's value will be overridden.

Specified by:
addInstrumentationArg in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
name - the name of the instrumentation bundle argument
value - the value of the argument


public void removeInstrumentationArg(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Removes a previously added argument.

Specified by:
removeInstrumentationArg in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
name - the name of the instrumentation bundle argument to remove


public void addBooleanArg(java.lang.String name,
                          boolean value)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Adds a boolean argument to include in instrumentation command.

Specified by:
addBooleanArg in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
name - the name of the instrumentation bundle argument
value - the value of the argument
See Also:
addInstrumentationArg(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public void setLogOnly(boolean logOnly)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this test run to log only mode - skips test execution.

Specified by:
setLogOnly in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setDebug(boolean debug)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this debug mode of this test run. If true, the Android test runner will wait for a debugger to attach before proceeding with test execution.

Specified by:
setDebug in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setCoverage(boolean coverage)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this code coverage mode of this test run.

Specified by:
setCoverage in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setTestSize(IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize size)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets to run only tests of given size. Must be called before 'run'.

Specified by:
setTestSize in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
size - the IRemoteAndroidTestRunner.TestSize to run.


public void setTestCollection(boolean collect)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets this test run to test collection mode. If true, will skip test execution and will set all appropriate runner arguments required for a successful test collection.

Specified by:
setTestCollection in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setMaxtimeToOutputResponse(int maxTimeToOutputResponse)
Specified by:
setMaxtimeToOutputResponse in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void setMaxTimeToOutputResponse(long maxTimeToOutputResponse,
                                       java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit maxTimeUnits)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Sets the maximum time allowed between output of the shell command running the tests on the devices.

This allows setting a timeout in case the tests can become stuck and never finish. This is different from the normal timeout on the connection.

By default no timeout will be specified.

Specified by:
setMaxTimeToOutputResponse in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
maxTimeToOutputResponse - the maximum amount of time during which the command is allowed to not output any response. A value of 0 means the method will wait forever (until the receiver cancels the execution) for command output and never throw.
maxTimeUnits - Units for non-zero maxTimeToOutputResponse values.
See Also:
IDevice.executeShellCommand(String,, int)


public void setRunName(java.lang.String runName)
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Set a custom run name to be reported to the ITestRunListener on

If unspecified, will use package name

Specified by:
setRunName in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner


public void run(ITestRunListener... listeners)
         throws TimeoutException,
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Execute this test run.

Convenience method for

Specified by:
run in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
listeners - listens for test results
TimeoutException - in case of a timeout on the connection.
AdbCommandRejectedException - if adb rejects the command
ShellCommandUnresponsiveException - if the device did not output any test result for a period longer than the max time to output. - if connection to device was lost.
See Also:


public void run(java.util.Collection<ITestRunListener> listeners)
         throws TimeoutException,
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Execute this test run.

Specified by:
run in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
listeners - collection of listeners for test results
TimeoutException - in case of a timeout on the connection.
AdbCommandRejectedException - if adb rejects the command
ShellCommandUnresponsiveException - if the device did not output any test result for a period longer than the max time to output. - if connection to device was lost.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getAmInstrumentCommand()


public java.lang.String getRunOptions()
Returns options for the am instrument command.


public void setRunOptions(@NonNull
                          java.lang.String options)
Sets options for the am instrument command. See com/android/commands/am/ for full list of options.


public void cancel()
Description copied from interface: IRemoteAndroidTestRunner
Requests cancellation of this test run.

Specified by:
cancel in interface IRemoteAndroidTestRunner