Class ClassContext

  extended by
      extended by

public class ClassContext
extends Context

A Context used when checking .class files.

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
file, mDriver
Constructor Summary
ClassContext(LintDriver driver, Project project, Project main, file, jarFile, binDir, byte[] bytes, org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode, boolean fromLibrary, java.lang.String sourceContents)
          Construct a new ClassContext
Method Summary
static java.lang.String createSignature(java.lang.String owner, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc)
          Computes a user-readable type signature from the given class owner, name and description.
static int findLineNumber(org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode node)
          Finds the line number closest to the given node
static int findLineNumber(org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode node)
          Finds the line number closest to the given class declaration
static int findLineNumber(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode node)
          Finds the line number closest to the given method declaration
 byte[] getBytecode()
          Returns the raw bytecode data for this class file
 org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode getClassNode()
          Returns the bytecode object model
static java.lang.String getFqcn(java.lang.String owner)
          Converts from a VM owner name (such as foo/bar/Foo$Baz) to a fully qualified class name (such as
static java.lang.String getInternalName(java.lang.String fqcn)
          Computes the internal class name of the given fully qualified class name. getJarFile()
          Returns the jar file, if any.
 Location getLocation(org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode instruction)
          Returns a location for the given AbstractInsnNode.
 Location getLocation(org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode)
          Returns a location for the given ClassNode, where class node is either the top level class, or an inner class, in the current context.
 Location getLocation(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode methodNode, org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode)
          Returns a location for the given MethodNode.
 Location getLocationForLine(int line, java.lang.String patternStart, java.lang.String patternEnd, Location.SearchHints hints)
          Returns a location for the given source line number in this class file's source file, if available.
 java.lang.String getSourceContents()
          Returns the contents of the source file for this class file, if found.
 java.lang.String getSourceContents(boolean read)
          Returns the contents of the source file for this class file, if found. getSourceFile()
          Returns the source file for this class file, if possible.
 boolean isFromClassLibrary()
          Returns whether this class is part of a library (not this project).
 void report(Issue issue, org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode field, Location location, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object data)
          Reports an issue applicable to a given method node.
 void report(Issue issue, Location location, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object data)
          Reports an issue.
 void report(Issue issue, org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode method, org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode instruction, Location location, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object data)
          Reports an issue applicable to a given method node.
Methods inherited from class
getClient, getConfiguration, getContents, getDriver, getFolderVersion, getFolderVersion, getMainProject, getPhase, getProject, getProperty, getScope, getSdkInfo, isEnabled, log, requestRepeat, setProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClassContext(@NonNull
                    LintDriver driver,
                    Project project,
                    Project main,
                    byte[] bytes,
                    org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode,
                    boolean fromLibrary,
                    java.lang.String sourceContents)
Construct a new ClassContext

driver - the driver running through the checks
project - the project containing the file being checked
main - the main project if this project is a library project, or null if this is not a library project. The main project is the root project of all library projects, not necessarily the directly including project.
file - the file being checked
jarFile - If the file is a relative path within a jar file, this is the jar file, otherwise null
binDir - the root binary directory containing this .class file.
bytes - the bytecode raw data
classNode - the bytecode object model
fromLibrary - whether this class is from a library rather than part of this project
sourceContents - initial contents of the Java source, if known, or null
Method Detail


public byte[] getBytecode()
Returns the raw bytecode data for this class file

the byte array containing the bytecode data


public org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode getClassNode()
Returns the bytecode object model

the bytecode object model, never null


public getJarFile()
Returns the jar file, if any. If this is null, the .class file is a real file on disk, otherwise it represents a relative path within the jar file.

the jar file, or null


public boolean isFromClassLibrary()
Returns whether this class is part of a library (not this project).

true if this class is part of a library


public getSourceFile()
Returns the source file for this class file, if possible.

the source file, or null


public java.lang.String getSourceContents()
Returns the contents of the source file for this class file, if found.

the source contents, or ""


public java.lang.String getSourceContents(boolean read)
Returns the contents of the source file for this class file, if found. If read is false, do not read the source contents if it has not already been read. (This is primarily intended for the lint infrastructure; most client code would call getSourceContents() .)

read - whether to read the source contents if it has not already been initialized
the source contents, which will never be null if read is true, or null if read is false and the source contents hasn't already been read.


public Location getLocationForLine(int line,
                                           java.lang.String patternStart,
                                           java.lang.String patternEnd,
                                           Location.SearchHints hints)
Returns a location for the given source line number in this class file's source file, if available.

line - the line number (1-based, which is what ASM uses)
patternStart - optional pattern to search for in the source for range start
patternEnd - optional pattern to search for in the source for range end
hints - additional hints about the pattern search (provided patternStart is non null)
a location, never null


public void report(@NonNull
                   Issue issue,
                   Location location,
                   java.lang.String message,
                   java.lang.Object data)
Reports an issue.

Detectors should only call this method if an error applies to the whole class scope and there is no specific method or field that applies to the error. If so, use report(Issue, MethodNode, AbstractInsnNode, Location, String, Object) or report(Issue, FieldNode, Location, String, Object), such that suppress annotations are checked.

report in class Context
issue - the issue to report
location - the location of the issue, or null if not known
message - the message for this warning
data - any associated data, or null


public void report(@NonNull
                   Issue issue,
                   org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode method,
                   org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode instruction,
                   Location location,
                   java.lang.String message,
                   java.lang.Object data)
Reports an issue applicable to a given method node.

issue - the issue to report
method - the method scope the error applies to. The lint infrastructure will check whether there are suppress annotations on this method (or its enclosing class) and if so suppress the warning without involving the client.
instruction - the instruction within the method the error applies to. You cannot place annotations on individual method instructions (for example, annotations on local variables are allowed, but are not kept in the .class file). However, this instruction is needed to handle suppressing errors on field initializations; in that case, the errors may be reported in the <clinit> method, but the annotation is found not on that method but for the FieldNode's.
location - the location of the issue, or null if not known
message - the message for this warning
data - any associated data, or null


public void report(@NonNull
                   Issue issue,
                   org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode field,
                   Location location,
                   java.lang.String message,
                   java.lang.Object data)
Reports an issue applicable to a given method node.

issue - the issue to report
field - the scope the error applies to. The lint infrastructure will check whether there are suppress annotations on this field (or its enclosing class) and if so suppress the warning without involving the client.
location - the location of the issue, or null if not known
message - the message for this warning
data - any associated data, or null


public static int findLineNumber(@NonNull
                                 org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode node)
Finds the line number closest to the given node

node - the instruction node to get a line number for
the closest line number, or -1 if not known


public static int findLineNumber(@NonNull
                                 org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode node)
Finds the line number closest to the given method declaration

node - the method node to get a line number for
the closest line number, or -1 if not known


public static int findLineNumber(@NonNull
                                 org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode node)
Finds the line number closest to the given class declaration

node - the method node to get a line number for
the closest line number, or -1 if not known


public Location getLocation(@NonNull
                                    org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode)
Returns a location for the given ClassNode, where class node is either the top level class, or an inner class, in the current context.

classNode - the class in the current context
a location pointing to the class declaration, or as close to it as possible


public Location getLocation(@NonNull
                                    org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode methodNode,
                                    org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode classNode)
Returns a location for the given MethodNode.

methodNode - the class in the current context
classNode - the class containing the method
a location pointing to the class declaration, or as close to it as possible


public Location getLocation(@NonNull
                                    org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode instruction)
Returns a location for the given AbstractInsnNode.

instruction - the instruction to look up the location for
a location pointing to the instruction, or as close to it as possible


public static java.lang.String getFqcn(@NonNull
                                               java.lang.String owner)
Converts from a VM owner name (such as foo/bar/Foo$Baz) to a fully qualified class name (such as

owner - the owner name to convert
the corresponding fully qualified class name


public static java.lang.String createSignature(java.lang.String owner,
                                               java.lang.String name,
                                               java.lang.String desc)
Computes a user-readable type signature from the given class owner, name and description. For example, for owner="foo/bar/Foo$Baz", name="foo", description="(I)V", it returns "void".

owner - the class name
name - the method name
desc - the method description
a user-readable string


public static java.lang.String getInternalName(@NonNull
                                                       java.lang.String fqcn)
Computes the internal class name of the given fully qualified class name. For example, it converts into foo/bar/Foo$Bar

fqcn - the fully qualified class name
the internal class name