Class Context

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClassContext, JavaContext, ResourceContext

public class Context
extends java.lang.Object

Context passed to the detectors during an analysis run. It provides information about the file being analyzed, it allows shared properties (so the detectors can share results), etc.

NOTE: This is not a public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared to adjust your code for the next tools release.

Field Summary file
          The file being checked.
protected  LintDriver mDriver
          The driver running through the checks
Constructor Summary
Context(LintDriver driver, Project project, Project main, file)
          Construct a new Context
Method Summary
 boolean containsCommentSuppress()
          Returns whether this file contains any suppress comment markers
 LintClient getClient()
          Returns the lint client requesting the lint check
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          Returns the configuration for this project.
 java.lang.String getContents()
          Returns the contents of the file.
 LintDriver getDriver()
          Returns the driver running through the lint checks
 Project getMainProject()
          Returns the main project if this project is a library project, or self if this is not a library project.
 int getPhase()
          Returns the current phase number.
 Project getProject()
          Returns the project containing the file being checked
 java.util.EnumSet<Scope> getScope()
          Returns the scope for the lint job
 SdkInfo getSdkInfo()
          Gets the SDK info for the current project.
protected  java.lang.String getSuppressCommentPrefix()
          Returns the comment marker used in Studio to suppress statements for language, if any
 boolean isEnabled(Issue issue)
          Returns false if the given issue has been disabled.
 boolean isSuppressedWithComment(int startOffset, Issue issue)
          Returns true if the given issue is suppressed at the given character offset in the file's contents
 void log(java.lang.Throwable exception, java.lang.String format, java.lang.Object... args)
          Send an exception to the log.
 void report(Issue issue, Location location, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object data)
          Reports an issue.
 void requestRepeat(Detector detector, java.util.EnumSet<Scope> scope)
          Requests another pass through the data for the given detector.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final file
The file being checked. Note that this may not always be to a concrete file. For example, in the Detector.beforeCheckProject(Context) method, the context file is the directory of the project.


protected final LintDriver mDriver
The driver running through the checks

Constructor Detail


public Context(@NonNull
               LintDriver driver,
               Project project,
               Project main,
Construct a new Context

driver - the driver running through the checks
project - the project containing the file being checked
main - the main project if this project is a library project, or null if this is not a library project. The main project is the root project of all library projects, not necessarily the directly including project.
file - the file being checked
Method Detail


public java.util.EnumSet<Scope> getScope()
Returns the scope for the lint job

the scope, never null


public Configuration getConfiguration()
Returns the configuration for this project.

the configuration, never null


public Project getProject()
Returns the project containing the file being checked

the project, never null


public Project getMainProject()
Returns the main project if this project is a library project, or self if this is not a library project. The main project is the root project of all library projects, not necessarily the directly including project.

the main project, never null


public LintClient getClient()
Returns the lint client requesting the lint check

the client, never null


public LintDriver getDriver()
Returns the driver running through the lint checks

the driver


public java.lang.String getContents()
Returns the contents of the file. This may not be the contents of the file on disk, since it delegates to the LintClient, which in turn may decide to return the current edited contents of the file open in an editor.

the contents of the given file, or null if an error occurs.


public SdkInfo getSdkInfo()
Gets the SDK info for the current project.

the SDK info for the current project, never null


public boolean isEnabled(@NonNull
                         Issue issue)
Returns false if the given issue has been disabled. Convenience wrapper around Configuration.getSeverity(Issue).

issue - the issue to check
false if the issue has been disabled


public void report(@NonNull
                   Issue issue,
                   Location location,
                   java.lang.String message,
                   java.lang.Object data)
Reports an issue. Convenience wrapper around,,,, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)

issue - the issue to report
location - the location of the issue, or null if not known
message - the message for this warning
data - any associated data, or null


public void log(@Nullable
                java.lang.Throwable exception,
                java.lang.String format,
                java.lang.Object... args)
Send an exception to the log. Convenience wrapper around LintClient.log(java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...).

exception - the exception, possibly null
format - the error message using String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) syntax, possibly null
args - any arguments for the format string


public int getPhase()
Returns the current phase number. The first pass is numbered 1. Only one pass will be performed, unless a Detector calls requestRepeat(, java.util.EnumSet).

the current phase, usually 1


public void requestRepeat(@NonNull
                          Detector detector,
                          java.util.EnumSet<Scope> scope)
Requests another pass through the data for the given detector. This is typically done when a detector needs to do more expensive computation, but it only wants to do this once it knows that an error is present, or once it knows more specifically what to check for.

detector - the detector that should be included in the next pass. Note that the lint runner may refuse to run more than a couple of runs.
scope - the scope to be revisited. This must be a subset of the current scope (getScope(), and it is just a performance hint; in particular, the detector should be prepared to be called on other scopes as well (since they may have been requested by other detectors). You can pall null to indicate "all".


protected java.lang.String getSuppressCommentPrefix()
Returns the comment marker used in Studio to suppress statements for language, if any


public boolean containsCommentSuppress()
Returns whether this file contains any suppress comment markers


public boolean isSuppressedWithComment(int startOffset,
                                       Issue issue)
Returns true if the given issue is suppressed at the given character offset in the file's contents