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add(SeriesType, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
add(PointF, PointF) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
addFirst(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
addLast(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
addListener(PlotListener) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
addMarker(YValueMarker) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Appends the specified marker to the end of plot's yValueMarkers list.
addMarker(XValueMarker) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Appends the specified marker to the end of plot's xValueMarkers list.
addRegion(RectRegion, XYRegionFormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
addSegment(Segment, SegmentFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
addSeries(FormatterType, SeriesType...) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Convenience method to add a multiple series at once using the same formatter.
addSeries(SeriesType, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Add a new Series to the Plot.
addToBottom(KeyType, ValueType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
If key already exists within the structure, it's value is replaced with the new value and it's existing order is maintained.
addToBottom(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
addToBottom(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
addToTop(KeyType, ValueType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
If key already exists within the structure, it's value is replaced with the new value and it's existing order is maintained.
addToTop(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
addToTop(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
adjustDomainBoundary(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
adjustRangeBoundary(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer - Class in com.androidplot.xy
This is an experimental (but stable) implementation of an XYSeriesRenderer that provides instrumentation allowing advanced behaviors like dynamically coloring / styling individual segments of a series, etc.
AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer
AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Formatter designed to work in tandem with AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.
Anchor - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
Enumeration of possible anchor positions that a Widget can use.
appendToPath(Path, PointF, PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
This method exists for StepRenderer to override without having to duplicate any additional code.
appendToPath(Path, PointF, PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepRenderer
apply(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
applyDomainBoundaries(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
applyInsets(RectF, Insets) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.RectFUtils
Calculates a new RectF by applying insets to rect.
applyRangeBoundaries(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
applyRotation(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
APTrace - Class in com.androidplot.util
Wraps Trace to provide API-safe methods as well as an easy target for runtime removal via obfuscation.
APTrace() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.APTrace
areIdentical(RectF, RectF) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.RectFUtils
Determine if two RectF instances are equal.
asNumberList(Number...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
asRectF() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
attach(XYPlot) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Convenience method for enabling pan/zoom behavior on an instance of XYPlot, using a default behavior of PanZoom.Pan.BOTH and PanZoom.Zoom.SCALE.
attach(XYPlot, PanZoom.Pan, PanZoom.Zoom) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Old method for enabling pan/zoom behavior on an instance of XYPlot, using the default behavior of PanZoom.ZoomLimit.OUTER.
attach(XYPlot, PanZoom.Pan, PanZoom.Zoom, PanZoom.ZoomLimit) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
New method for enabling pan/zoom behavior on an instance of XYPlot.
attachSeries(SeriesType, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
AttrUtils - Class in com.androidplot.util
Methods for applying styleable attributes.
AttrUtils() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Axis - Enum in com.androidplot.xy


Bar(XYPlot, XYSeries, FormatterType, int, int, RectF) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
BarComparator(BarRenderer.BarOrientation, float) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarComparator
BarFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
BarFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
Should only be used in conjunction with calls to configure()...
BarFormatter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
BarFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
barGroup - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
BarRenderer<FormatterType extends BarFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders the points in an XYSeries as bars.
BarRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
BarRenderer.Bar<FormatterType extends BarFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
BarRenderer.BarComparator - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Used to determine the order in which bars of the same group will be drawn.
BarRenderer.BarGroupWidthMode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
Mode with which to calculate the width of each bar.
BarRenderer.BarOrientation - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
How bars should be laid out when in a group of 2 or more series.
begin(String) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.APTrace
beginDrawingCell(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
Done at the start of rendering a new cell.
BoundaryMode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
BoxModel - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Convenience implementation of BoxModelable.
BoxModel() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
Default with 0 for all padding / margin values
BoxModel(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
BoxModelable - Interface in com.androidplot.ui
Defines the properties of a BoxModel as used by Androidplot.
BubbleFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Format for drawing a value using BubbleRenderer.
BubbleFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
BubbleFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
BubbleFormatter(int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
BubbleRenderer<FormatterType extends BubbleFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders three dimensional data onto an XYPlot as bubbles; the x/y values define the position of the bubble and z is uses as a scaling value for the bubble's radius.
BubbleRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
BubbleRenderer.BubbleScaleMode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
BubbleSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Created by halfhp on 9/17/16.
BubbleSeries(Number...) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
BubbleSeries(List<Number>, List<Number>, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
BubbleSeries(List<Number>, List<Number>, List<Number>, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries


calculateBounds() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
calculateCoordinates(float, float, RectF, PositionMetrics) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
calculateLineEnd(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
calculateLineEnd(PointF, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
calculateMinMaxVals() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
calculatePan(PointF, Region, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
calculateScale(double[]) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Determines how many counts there are per cent of whatever the pie chart is displaying as a fraction, 1 being 100%.
calculateTransform(NormedXYSeries.Norm) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
calculateZoom(RectF, float, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
calculateZoom(SampledXYSeries, RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ZoomEstimator
CandlestickFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Format for drawing a value using CandlestickRenderer.
CandlestickFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
CandlestickFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
CandlestickFormatter(Paint, Paint, Paint, Paint, Paint, Paint, Paint, CandlestickFormatter.BodyStyle) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
CandlestickFormatter.BodyStyle - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
CandlestickMaker - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Helper utility to simplify the creation of of candlestick charts
CandlestickMaker() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickMaker
CandlestickRenderer<FormatterType extends CandlestickFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders a group of XYSeries as a candlestick chart into an XYPlot.
CandlestickRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
CandlestickSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Convenience class for representing a series of candlestick values; is NOT a descendant of XYSeries and therefore cannot be directly added to an XYPlot.
CandlestickSeries(CandlestickSeries.Item...) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
CandlestickSeries(List<CandlestickSeries.Item>) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
Creates a new CandlestickSeries.
CandlestickSeries(List<Number>, List<CandlestickSeries.Item>) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
CandlestickSeries.Item - Class in com.androidplot.xy
canvasRect - Variable in class com.androidplot.util.DisplayDimensions
CatmullRomInterpolator - Class in com.androidplot.xy
An implementation of Catmull-Rom interpolation, based on the information found at:
CatmullRomInterpolator() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator
CatmullRomInterpolator.Params - Class in com.androidplot.xy
CatmullRomInterpolator.Type - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
center() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
centerOnDomainOrigin(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Centers the domain axis on origin.
centerOnDomainOrigin(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Centers the domain on origin, calculating the upper and lower boundaries of the axis using mode and extent.
centerOnRangeOrigin(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Centers the range axis on origin.
centerOnRangeOrigin(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Centers the domain on origin, calculating the upper and lower boundaries of the axis using mode and extent.
check(CandlestickSeries) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickMaker
Check the validity of series data comprising a CandlestickSeries.
check(XYSeries, XYSeries, XYSeries, XYSeries) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickMaker
Check the validity of series data comprising a candlestick chart.
clear() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Remove all series from the plot.
clear() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
Remove all series from the plot.
clear() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Remove all values from the series
CLOSE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
com.androidplot - package com.androidplot
com.androidplot.pie - package com.androidplot.pie
com.androidplot.ui - package com.androidplot.ui
com.androidplot.ui.widget - package com.androidplot.ui.widget
com.androidplot.util - package com.androidplot.util
com.androidplot.xy - package com.androidplot.xy
Classes involved in the creation and presentation of XYPlot.
compare(BarRenderer.Bar, BarRenderer.Bar) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarComparator
compareTo(PositionMetrics) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
configure(Context, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
configureBoxModelable(TypedArray, BoxModelable, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a BoxModelable instance from xml attrs.
configureInsets(TypedArray, Insets, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
configureLinePaint(TypedArray, Paint, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a Paint instance used for drawing lines from xml attrs.
configurePositionMetrics(TypedArray, PositionMetrics, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a Widget from xml attrs.
configureSize(TypedArray, Size, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a Size instance from xml attrs.
configureStep(TypedArray, StepModel, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
configureTextAlign(TypedArray, Paint, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure Paint text alignment from xml attrs.
configureTextPaint(TypedArray, Paint, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a Paint instance used for drawing text from xml attrs.
configureTextPaint(TypedArray, Paint, int, int, Integer) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
Configure a Paint instance used for drawing text from xml attrs.
configureWidget(TypedArray, Widget, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
configureWidgetRotation(TypedArray, Widget, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
contains(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
Tests whether a value is within the given range
contains(SeriesType, Class<? extends FormatterType>) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
contains(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
True if this region contains the specified coordinates.
contains(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
contains(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
containsPoint(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Determines whether or not point lies within this Widget.
containsPoint(float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Checks whether the point exists within the visible grid space.
containsPoint(float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Checks whether the point is within the plot's graph area.
containsPoint(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
` Convenience method - wraps containsPoint(PointF).
convertPoint(XYCoords, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
createBarRect(float, float, float, float, BarFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
createFromEdges(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.RectFUtils
Generates a RectF from two height and two width values; the h and w values will be passed into the RectF constructor such that RectF.left <= RectF.right and <= RectF.bottom.
cullPointsCache() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer


degsToScreenDegs(float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
convert conventional degrees (90 degrees is north) to screen degrees (90 degrees is south) Values >= 369 will be converted back into the range of 0 - 359.999...
denormalizeXVal(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
denormalizeYVal(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
DIMENSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
DIMENSION_REGEX - Static variable in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
dimensionConstantLookup - Static variable in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
disable(Class<? extends SeriesRenderer>) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack
Invokes RenderStack.StackElement.setEnabled(boolean) with a value of false on all stack elements associated with the specified renderer.
DisplayDimensions - Class in com.androidplot.util
Convenience class for managing BoxModel data
DisplayDimensions() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.DisplayDimensions
DisplayDimensions(RectF, RectF, RectF) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.DisplayDimensions
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, SegmentFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, SeriesFormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
Draw the legend icon in the rect passed in.
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, BarFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer
doDrawLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, LineAndPointFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
doGetRendererInstance(PieChart) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
doGetRendererInstance(PlotType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
doGetRendererInstance(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepFormatter
doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieWidget
doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
Do not call this method directly.
doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
doubleValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
dpToPix(float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
Converts a dp value to pixels.
draw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
draw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
draw(Canvas, XYPlot, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
draw(Canvas, XYPlot, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XValueMarker
draw(Canvas, XYPlot, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.YValueMarker
drawAnchor(Canvas, PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
drawBackground(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
drawBackground(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
drawBar(Canvas, BarRenderer.Bar<FormatterType>, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
drawBody(Canvas, PointF, PointF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
drawBorder(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Draws the plot's outer border.
drawBorder(Canvas, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
drawBubble(Canvas, FormatterType, BubbleSeries, int, PointF, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
Render a bubble onto the canvas
drawCursorLabel(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawCursors(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawData(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Draws lines and points for each element in the series.
drawDomainLine(Canvas, float, Number, Paint, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawGrid(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Draws the grid and domain/range labels for the plot.
drawGridBackground(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawIcon(Canvas, RectF, PieLegendItem) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendWidget
drawIcon(Canvas, RectF, ItemT) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
Draw the icon representing the legend item
drawIcon(Canvas, RectF, XYLegendItem) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendWidget
drawItem(Canvas, RectF, ItemT) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
drawLabel(Canvas, XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle, Number, float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelRenderer
drawLabel(Canvas, String, Paint, float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelRenderer
drawLineLabel(Canvas, XYGraphWidget.Edge, Number, float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawLowerCap(Canvas, PointF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
drawMarkers(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawMarkerText(Canvas, String, RectF, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
Renders the text associated with user defined markers
drawPoint(Canvas, PointF, Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawRangeLine(Canvas, float, Number, Paint, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
drawRect(Canvas, RectF, Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
drawRegionLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, XYRegionFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendWidget
drawSegment(Canvas, RectF, Segment, SegmentFormatter, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
drawSegment(Canvas, float[], int, int, FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer
drawSegmentLabel(Canvas, PointF, Segment, SegmentFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
drawSeries(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, LineAndPointFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
drawSeriesLegendIcon(Canvas, RectF, SeriesFormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
drawTextLabel(Canvas, PointF, String, PointLabelFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
drawTextVerticallyCentered(Canvas, String, float, float, Paint) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.FontUtils
Draws text vertically centered on the specified coordinates
drawTriangle(Canvas, RectF, Paint, Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
drawUpperCap(Canvas, PointF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
drawWick(Canvas, PointF, PointF, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
DynamicTableModel - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Encapsulates the visual aspects of a table; number of rows and columns and the height and width in pixels of each element within the table.
DynamicTableModel(int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
Convenience method.
DynamicTableModel(int, int, TableOrder) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel


EditableXYSeries - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
An XYSeries that exposes methods to set values and resize
elements() - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
elements() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
elements() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
elements() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
end() - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.APTrace
equals(Object) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
To be equal, two instances must both be instances of FastNumber.
estimate(XYPlot) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRegistry
Estimator - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Base for all estimation management schemes.
Estimator() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.Estimator


FastLineAndPointRenderer - Class in com.androidplot.xy
A faster implementation of of LineAndPointRenderer.
FastLineAndPointRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer
FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Formatter designed to work in tandem with AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.
FastNumber - Class in com.androidplot.util
An extension of Number optimized for speed at the cost of memory.
FastXYSeries - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
An implementation of XYSeries that defines additional methods to speed up rendering by giving a hint to the renderer about the min/max values contained in the series.
FILL - Static variable in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
FillDirection - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
Defines which edge is used to close a fill path for drawing lines.
fillDirection - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
fillPaint - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
fingerDistance(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Calculates the distance between two finger motion events.
fingerDistance(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Calculates the distance between two finger motion events.
fingersRect - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
finish() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
Internally, this causes the refresh thread to exit.
finishDrawingCell(Canvas, RectF, RectF, LegendItem) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
Done at the end of rendering a new cell.
FIRST_FINGER - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
FixedSizeEditableXYSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
An efficient implementation of EditableXYSeries intended for use cases where the total number of points visible is known ahead of time and is fairly static.
FixedSizeEditableXYSeries(String, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
FixedTableModel - Class in com.androidplot.ui
FixedTableModel(float, float, TableOrder) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
floatValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
FontUtils - Class in com.androidplot.util
FontUtils() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.FontUtils
formatter - Variable in class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendItem
Formatter<PlotType extends Plot> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Base class of all Formatters.
Formatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
Formatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
Formatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
Formatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
formatter - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
Formatter(Integer, Integer, PointLabelFormatter) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter


generateRange(int, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
get(SeriesType) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
get() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack.StackElement
get(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
get(Value) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Mapping
getAbove(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
getAbsolutePosition(float, PositionMetric.Origin) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getAnchor() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
getAnchor() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getAnchorCoordinates(RectF, Anchor) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getAnchorCoordinates(float, float, float, float, Anchor) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getAnchorOffset(float, float, Anchor) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getBackgroundPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getBackgroundPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getBackgroundPaint() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.CursorLabelFormatter
getBarComparator(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
getBarGroupWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
getBarGroupWidthMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
getBarOrientation() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
getBeneath(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
getBodyStyle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getBodyWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getBorderPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getBorderPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getBorderPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
getBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
getBounds() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getBounds() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getBubbleScaleMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
getCalculatedLowerBoundary(BoundaryMode, Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getCalculatedUpperBoundary(BoundaryMode, Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getCellHeight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
getCellRect(RectF, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
Calculates the dimensions of a single element of this table with tableRect representing the overall dimensions of the table.
getCellWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
getClose() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
getCloseSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
getColor() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYRegionFormatter
getContainingSegment(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Retrieve the segment containing the specified point.
getCursorLabelFormatter() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDefaultFillPaint(int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getDefaultLineLabelRenderers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDefaultLineLabelStyles() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDefaultStrokePaint(int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getDelegate() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getDisplayDimensions() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getDomainCursorPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDomainCursorPosition() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDomainCursorVal() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDomainFramingModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getDomainGridLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Get the paint used to draw the domain grid line.
getDomainLowerBoundaryMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getDomainOrigin() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getDomainOriginLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getDomainStepMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getDomainStepModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getDomainStepValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getDomainSubGridLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Get the paint used to draw the domain grid line.
getDomainTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getDomainUpperBoundaryMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getElements() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack
getEstimator() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRegistry
getExtentDegs() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
getFallingBodyFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getFallingBodyStrokePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getFillDirection() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
getFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
getFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Get the Paint used to fill series areas.
getFingersRect() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getFontHeight(Paint) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.FontUtils
Determines the height of the tallest character that can be drawn by paint.
getFormat() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
getFormatter(SeriesType, Class<? extends RendererType>) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getFormatter() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderBundle
getFormatter() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesBundle
getFormatter(SeriesType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
getFormatter(int, XYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
Retrieves the BarFormatter instance that corresponds with the series passed in.
getGraph() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getGridBackgroundPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getGridInsets() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Grid insets
getGridRect() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getHeight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
getHeight() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getHeightMetric() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getHeightPix(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getHigh() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
getHighSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
getIconSize() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
getInnerEdgePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getInnerInset() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getInnerLimits() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getInterpolationParams() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
getInterpolator(InterpolationParams) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
TODO: retrieve from a persistent registry
getInterpolatorClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
getInterpolatorClass() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.InterpolationParams
getIterator(RectF, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
getIterator(RectF, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
getIterator(RectF, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.TableModel
getKeysAsList() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
getLabel(SeriesType, int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.PointLabeler
getLabel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getLabelMarkerPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getLabelPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getLabelPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
getLabelRect() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLabelText(Number, Number) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.CursorLabelFormatter
getLayoutManager() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
getLegend() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
getLegend() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getLegendEnabledItems() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
getLegendItemComparator() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
getLegendItems() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendWidget
getLegendItems() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
getLegendItems() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendWidget
getLineExtensionBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLineExtensionLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLineExtensionRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLineExtensionTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLineLabelInsets() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Domain / Range label insets
getLineLabelRenderer(XYGraphWidget.Edge) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLineLabelStyle(XYGraphWidget.Edge) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
getLinePaint(int, int, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
By default, simply returns the line paint as-is.
getLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Get the Paint used to draw lines.
getLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getLinesPerDomainLabel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLinesPerDomainLabel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convenience method - wraps XYGraphWidget.getLinesPerDomainLabel().
getLinesPerRangeLabel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getLinesPerRangeLabel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convenience method - wraps XYGraphWidget.getLinesPerRangeLabel().
getListeners() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getLow() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
getLowerCapPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getLowerCapWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getLowSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
getMarginatedRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
Returns a RectF instance describing the inner edge of the margin layer.
getMarginatedRect(RectF) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
Returns a RectF instance describing the inner edge of the margin layer.
getMarginatedRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getMarginBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getMarginBottom() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getMarginBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getMarginBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getMarginLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getMarginLeft() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getMarginLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getMarginLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getMarginPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
getMarginRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getMarginRight() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getMarginRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getMarginRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getMarginTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getMarginTop() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getMarginTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getMarginTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getMax() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
getMaxBubbleRadius() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
getMaxX() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getMaxX() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getMaxY() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getMaxY() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getMaxZoomFactor() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getMin() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
getMinBubbleRadius() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
getMinX() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getMinX() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getMinY() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getMinY() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModel
getNullRegion(XYSeries, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
Determine the minMax iVals of the xVals surrounding a range of one or more null values.
getNumColumns() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
getNumRows() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
getOffset() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getOpen() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
getOpenSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
getOrder() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.TableModel
getOrientation() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
getOrigin() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getOriginMinMax(BoundaryMode, Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getOuterEdgePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getOuterInset() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getOuterLimits() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getOutlinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
getOutlineShadowPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
getPackedStringDimensions(String, Paint) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.FontUtils
Get the smallest rect that ecompasses the text to be drawn using paint.
getPaddedRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
Returns a RectF instance describing the inner edge of the padding layer.
getPaddedRect(RectF) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
Returns a RectF instance describing the inner edge of the padding layer.
getPaddedRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getPaddingBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getPaddingBottom() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getPaddingBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getPaddingLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getPaddingLeft() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getPaddingLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getPaddingPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
getPaddingRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getPaddingRight() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getPaddingRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getPaddingTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
getPaddingTop() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
getPaddingTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getPaint(Number) - Method in interface com.androidplot.LineLabelFormatter
getPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
getPaint(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
getPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
getPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYRegionFormatter
Advanced users can use this method to access the Paint instance to add transparency etc.
getPan() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getPie() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
getPixelValue(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPosition
getPixelValue(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SizeMetric
getPixelValue(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPosition
getPlot() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
getPlotMarginBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotMarginLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotMarginRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotMarginTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotPaddingBottom() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotPaddingLeft() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotPaddingRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPlotPaddingTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getPointLabeler() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
getPointLabelFormatter() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
getPointPerSegment() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
getPointsCache(XYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
Retrieves or initializes a list for storing calculated screen-coords to render as points.
getPositionMetrics() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getRadialEdgePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getRadialInset() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getRadius(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
getRangeCursorPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getRangeCursorPosition() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getRangeCursorVal() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getRangeFramingModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getRangeGridLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Get the paint used to draw the range grid line.
getRangeLowerBoundaryMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getRangeOrigin() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRangeOriginLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
getRangeStepMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRangeStepModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRangeStepValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRangeSubGridLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Get the paint used to draw the range grid line.
getRangeTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRangeUpperBoundaryMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
getRatio() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getRectCenterY(RectF) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
getRectF(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
Calculates a RectF with calculated width and height.
getRegionFormatter(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
getRegions() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
Can be used to access z-index manipulation methods of ZIndexable.
getRegistry() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Associates lists series and getFormatter pairs with the class of the Renderer used to render them.
getRegistryInstance() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
getRegistryInstance() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getRegistryInstance() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getRelativePosition(float, PositionMetric.Origin) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric
getRenderer(Class<T>) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
getRendererClass() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepFormatter
getRendererInstance(PlotType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
getRendererList() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getRenderers() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Used for caching renderer instances.
getRenderMode() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getRight() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
getRisingBodyFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getRisingBodyStrokePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getRotation() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getRotation() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
getScale() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
getScale() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
getSeries(SeriesType, Class<? extends RendererType>) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getSeries(SeriesType) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderBundle
getSeries() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesBundle
getSeriesAndFormatterList() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
getSeriesAndFormatterList() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
getSeriesList() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
getSeriesList() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
getSize() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getStartDegs() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
getState() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getStep(XYPlot, Axis, RectF) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYStepCalculator
Convenience method - wraps other form of getStep().
getStep(StepMode, double, Region, Region) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYStepCalculator
getStepCount() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.Step
getStepPix() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.Step
getSteps() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
getStepVal() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.Step
getStringDimensions(String, Paint) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.FontUtils
Like getPackedStringDimensions except adds extra space to accommodate all characters that can be drawn regardless of whether or not they exist in text.
getStrokePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
getText() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
getText() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getTextMargin() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
Currently not implemented.
getTextOrientation() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getTextPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
getTextPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
getTextPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getTextPaint() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.CursorLabelFormatter
getTextPosition() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getThreshold() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.Segment
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
getTitle() - Method in interface com.androidplot.Series
getTitle() - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
getTitle() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem
getTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
getTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
getType() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
getUniqueRegionFormatters() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRenderer
TODO: get rid of this method!
getUpperCapPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getUpperCapWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.Segment
getValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModel
getValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
getValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
getValue() - Method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.Edge
getValues() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Retreive the raw values being rendered from each Segment.
getVertexPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Get the Paint used to draw vertices (points).
getWickPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
getWidgetDimensions() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
getWidth() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getWidthMetric() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getWidthPix(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
getX(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
getX(int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYSeries
Returns the x-value for an index within a series.
getXOrder() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.OrderedXYSeries
The order of XVals as they appear in this series.
getXOrder() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getXOrder() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Retrieve the current x-ordering specified for this series.
getXPositionMetric() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
getxRegion() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getXVal(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getXVal(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getxVals() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
getXValueMarkers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getXYOrder(XYSeries) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
Determine the XVal order of an XYSeries.
getY() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
getY(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
getY(int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYSeries
Returns the y-value for an index within a series.
getYPositionMetric() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
getyRegion() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
getYVal(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getYVal(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getyVals() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
getYValueMarkers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
getZ(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
getZoom() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getZoomIndex(double, double) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getZoomLevels() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
getZoomLimit() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
getZVals() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
GroupRenderer<FormatterType extends XYSeriesFormatter<XYRegionFormatter>> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders data to an XYPlot that potentially contains more than a single yVal per index, or in other words data with potentially more than two dimensions.
GroupRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.GroupRenderer


hasFillPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
hashCode() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
hasLinePaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
hasPointLabelFormatter() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
hasTextPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
hasVertexPaint() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
HIGH_INDEX - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
hOffset - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
HorizontalPosition - Class in com.androidplot.ui
HorizontalPosition(float, HorizontalPositioning) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPosition
HorizontalPositioning - Enum in com.androidplot.ui


i - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
iBounds(XYSeries, RectRegion) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
Compute the range of visible i-vals in the specified series.
iBoundsMax(XYSeries, double, float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
TODO: This is a poor alternative to a true binary search implementation.
iBoundsMin(XYSeries, double, float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
TODO: This is a poor alternative to a true binary search implementation.
init(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
init(Context) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
Recalculates scale value etc.
initFillPaint(Integer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
initLinePaint(Integer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
initLinePaint(Integer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
initTextPaint(Integer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
initVertexPaint(Integer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Insets - Class in com.androidplot.ui
A set of insets for a rect space.
Insets() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
Insets(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
interpolate(XYSeries, CatmullRomInterpolator.Params) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator
This method will calculate the Catmull-Rom interpolation curve, returning it as a list of Coord coordinate objects.
interpolate(XYSeries, int, CatmullRomInterpolator.Params) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator
Given a list of control points, this will create a list of pointsPerSegment points spaced uniformly along the resulting Catmull-Rom curve.
interpolate(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator
Unlike the other implementation here, which uses the default "uniform" treatment of t, this computation is used to calculate the same values but introduces the ability to "parameterize" the t values used in the calculation.
interpolate(XYSeries, ParamsType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.Interpolator
InterpolationParams<InterpolatorType extends Interpolator> - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
Created by nick_f on 9/25/14.
interpolationParams - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Interpolator<ParamsType extends InterpolationParams> - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
Created by nick_f on 9/25/14.
intersect(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
The result of an intersect will always be an equal or smaller size region.
intersect(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
The result of an intersect is always a RectRegion with an equal or smaller area.
intersects(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
intersects(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
Tests whether this segment intersects another
intersects(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
intersects(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Tests whether this region intersects the region defined by params.
intersects(List<RectRegion>) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Returns a list of XYRegions that either completely or partially intersect the area defined by params.
intValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
isAutoPackEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
isClippingEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
isDefined() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
isDrawAnchorsEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
isDrawGridOnTop() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
isDrawIconBackgroundEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
isDrawIconBorderEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
isDrawMarginsEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
isDrawMarkersEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
isDrawOutlinesEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
isDrawOutlineShadowsEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
isDrawPaddingEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
isEmpty() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
isEmpty() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
isEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack.StackElement
isEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
isFullyDefined() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
isGridClippingEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
isHwAccelerationSupported() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Can be overridden by derived classes to control hardware acceleration state.
isLegendIconEnabled() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
isLineLabelEnabled(XYGraphWidget.Edge) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
isMaxSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
isMaxXSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
isMaxYSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
isMinSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
isMinXSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
isMinYSet() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
isValidScale(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
isVisible() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Item(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
An individual candlestick value.
item - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem


keys() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash


Layerable<ElementType> - Interface in com.androidplot.util
Encapsulates the concept of "layerable" objects; Each object is stored above or below each other object and may be moved up and down in the queue relative to other elements in the hash or absolutely to the front or back of the queue.
LayerHash<KeyType,ValueType> - Class in com.androidplot.util
An implementation of Layerable.
LayerHash() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
LayerListOrganizer<ElementType> - Class in com.androidplot.util
Utility class providing additional element organization operations.
LayerListOrganizer(List<ElementType>) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
layout(DisplayDimensions) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
layout(DisplayDimensions) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
layout(DisplayDimensions) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.Resizable
Called when a change to the class' dimensions is made.
layout(DisplayDimensions) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
LayoutManager - Class in com.androidplot.ui
LayoutManager() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
LegendItem - Interface in com.androidplot.ui.widget
An item to be displayed by LegendWidget.
LegendWidget<ItemT extends LegendItem> - Class in com.androidplot.ui.widget
Provides core functionality for displaying a legend widget within a Plot.
LegendWidget(TableModel, LayoutManager, Size, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
length() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
LineAndPointFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Defines the visual aesthetics of an XYSeries; outline color and width, fill style, vertex size and color, shadowing, etc.
LineAndPointFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
LineAndPointFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Should only be used in conjunction with calls to configure()...
LineAndPointFormatter(Integer, Integer, Integer, PointLabelFormatter) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
LineAndPointFormatter(Integer, Integer, Integer, PointLabelFormatter, FillDirection) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
LineAndPointRenderer<FormatterType extends LineAndPointFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders a point as a line with the vertices marked.
LineAndPointRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
LineLabelFormatter - Interface in com.androidplot
LineLabelRenderer() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelRenderer
LineLabelStyle() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
linePaint - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
LinkedLayerList<Type> - Class in com.androidplot.util
A implementation of Layerable backed by a LinkedList.
LinkedLayerList() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
longValue() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
LOW_INDEX - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
LTTBSampler - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Adapted from: Note that this implementation does not yet support null values.
LTTBSampler() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.LTTBSampler


make(XYPlot, CandlestickFormatter, XYSeries, XYSeries, XYSeries, XYSeries) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickMaker
Adds a candlestick chart to the specified plot using the specified high, low, open and close values.
make(XYPlot, CandlestickFormatter, CandlestickSeries) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickMaker
Add a candlestick chart to the specified plot using the specified CandlestickSeries.
Mapping<Key,Value> - Interface in com.androidplot.util
Essentially just a version of the Map interface used to associate a key of a given type with a value of a given type, does impose a 1:1 relationship between keys and values and defines no method for insertion or deletion.
marginatedRect - Variable in class com.androidplot.util.DisplayDimensions
MAX_BUBBLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_DP - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
measure(Number, Number) - Static method in class com.androidplot.Region
MIN_BUBBLE_RADIUS_DEFAULT_DP - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
MIN_DIST_2_FING - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
minMax(List<XYSeries>) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax(XYSeries...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax(XYConstraints, List<XYSeries>) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax(XYConstraints, XYSeries...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax(Region, List<Number>...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax(List<Number>...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMax() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.FastXYSeries
TIP: You can use RectRegion.union(Number, Number) during to keep a running tally of min/max values when iterating.
minMax() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
minMaxX(XYSeries...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
minMaxY(XYSeries...) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
moveAbove(ElementType, ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move above the specified element
moveAbove(KeyType, KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveAbove(ElementType, ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveAbove(Type, Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
moveBeneath(ElementType, ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move beneath the specified element
moveBeneath(KeyType, KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveBeneath(ElementType, ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveBeneath(Type, Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
moveDown(ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move down by one element
moveDown(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveDown(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveDown(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
moveToBottom(ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move beneath all other elements
moveToBottom(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveToBottom(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveToBottom(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
moveToTop(ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move above all other elements
moveToTop(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveToTop(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveToTop(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList
moveUp(ElementType) - Method in interface com.androidplot.util.Layerable
Move up by one element
moveUp(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
moveUp(ElementType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerListOrganizer
moveUp(Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LinkedLayerList


newSeriesBundle(Segment, SegmentFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentRegistry
newSeriesBundle(SeriesType, FormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
newSeriesBundle(XYSeries, XYSeriesFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRegistry
Norm(Region) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries.Norm
Norm(Region, double, boolean) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries.Norm
normalize(NormedXYSeries.Norm, NormedXYSeries.Norm) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
NormedXYSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Wrapper implementation of XYSeries that wraps another XYSeries, normalizing values in the range of 0 to 1.
NormedXYSeries(XYSeries) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
Normalizes yVals only, auto calculating min/max.
NormedXYSeries(XYSeries, NormedXYSeries.Norm, NormedXYSeries.Norm) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
NormedXYSeries.Norm - Class in com.androidplot.xy
notifyListenersAfterDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
notifyListenersBeforeDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
notifyListenersBeforeDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot


onAfterConfig() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Invoked immediately following configurator / styleable attr application.
onAfterConfig() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
onAfterDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in interface com.androidplot.PlotListener
Fired immediately after the Plot "source" is drawn onto canvas.
onAfterDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.PlotStatistics
onAfterDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
onBeforeDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in interface com.androidplot.PlotListener
Fired immediately before the Plot "source" is drawn onto canvas.
onBeforeDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.PlotStatistics
onBeforeDraw(Plot, Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Called whenever the plot needs to be drawn via the Handler, which invokes invalidate().
ONE - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
onMetricsChanged(Size, Size) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
onMetricsChanged(Size, Size) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Can be overridden by subclasses to respond to resizing events.
onPostInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
Invoked immediately following XML configuration.
onPostInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
onPostInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Can be overridden by subclasses to handle any final resizing etc.
onPreInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
onPreInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Concrete implementations may do any final setup / initialization here.
onPreInit() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
onRender(Canvas, RectF, Segment, SegmentFormatter, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, SeriesType, SeriesFormatterType, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, List<SeriesBundle<XYSeries, ? extends FormatterType>>, int, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, BubbleSeries, FormatterType, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, List<SeriesBundle<XYSeries, ? extends FormatterType>>, int, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, FastLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FastLineAndPointRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, FormatterType, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.GroupRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, List<SeriesBundle<XYSeries, ? extends FormatterType>>, int, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.GroupRenderer
onRender(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, FormatterType, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
onResize(RectF, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Called whenever the height or width of the Widget's reserved space has changed, immediately before Widget.doOnDraw(Canvas, RectF).
onResize(RectF, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
OPEN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickRenderer
OrderedXYSeries - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
An implementation of XYSeries that gives hints to it's renderer about the order of the data being rendered.
OrderedXYSeries.XOrder - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
orNull(Number) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
Safe-instantiator of FastNumber; returns a null result if the input Number is also null.


pack() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
Sets the dimensions of the widget to exactly contain the text contents
paddedRect - Variable in class com.androidplot.util.DisplayDimensions
pan(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
PanZoom - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Enables basic pan/zoom touch behavior for an XYPlot.
PanZoom(XYPlot, PanZoom.Pan, PanZoom.Zoom) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
PanZoom(XYPlot, PanZoom.Pan, PanZoom.Zoom, PanZoom.ZoomLimit) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
PanZoom.DragState - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
PanZoom.Pan - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
PanZoom.State - Class in com.androidplot.xy
PanZoom.Zoom - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
PanZoom.ZoomLimit - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
Limits imposed on the zoom.
Params(int, CatmullRomInterpolator.Type) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
pause() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
Temporarily stop redrawing the plot.
PieChart - Class in com.androidplot.pie
Basic representation of a Pie Chart that displays a title and pie widget.
PieChart(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
PieChart(Context, String, Plot.RenderMode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
PieChart(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
PieLegendItem - Class in com.androidplot.pie
An item in a PieLegendWidget corresponding to a Segment in a PieChart.
PieLegendItem(Segment, SegmentFormatter) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendItem
PieLegendWidget - Class in com.androidplot.pie
PieLegendWidget(LayoutManager, PieChart, Size, TableModel, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendWidget
PieRenderer - Class in com.androidplot.pie
Basic renderer for drawing pie charts.
PieRenderer(PieChart) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
PieRenderer.DonutMode - Enum in com.androidplot.pie
PieWidget - Class in com.androidplot.pie
Visualizes data as a pie chart.
PieWidget(LayoutManager, PieChart, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.PieWidget
PixelUtils - Class in com.androidplot.util
PixelUtils() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
Plot<SeriesType extends Series,FormatterType extends Formatter,RendererType extends SeriesRenderer,BundleType extends SeriesBundle<SeriesType,FormatterType>,RegistryType extends SeriesRegistry<BundleType,SeriesType,FormatterType>> - Class in com.androidplot
Base class for all Plot implementations.
Plot(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Plot
Plot(Context, String, Plot.RenderMode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Plot
Used for programmatic instantiation.
Plot(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Plot
Required by super-class.
Plot(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Plot
Required by super-class.
Plot.BorderStyle - Enum in com.androidplot
Plot.RenderMode - Enum in com.androidplot
The RenderMode used by a Plot to draw it's self onto the screen.
PlotListener - Interface in com.androidplot
Defines methods used for monitoring events generated by a Plot.
PlotStatistics - Class in com.androidplot.util
!!! THIS CLASS IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND MAY CONTAIN BUGS !!! Gathers performance statistics from a Plot.
PlotStatistics(long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.PlotStatistics
PointLabeler<SeriesType extends XYSeries> - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
PointLabelFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
PointLabelFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
PointLabelFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
PointLabelFormatter(int, float, float) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
pointsCaches - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
position(float, HorizontalPositioning, float, VerticalPositioning) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Same as Widget.position(float, HorizontalPositioning, float, VerticalPositioning, Anchor) but with the anchor parameter defaulted to the upper left corner.
position(float, HorizontalPositioning, float, VerticalPositioning, Anchor) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
PositionMetric<LayoutType extends java.lang.Enum> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
PositionMetric(float, LayoutType) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric
PositionMetric.LayoutMode - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
PositionMetric.Origin - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
PositionMetrics - Class in com.androidplot.ui
PositionMetrics(float, HorizontalPositioning, float, VerticalPositioning, Anchor) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
processAttrs(TypedArray) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
processAttrs(TypedArray) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
If a styleable is available for the derived class, this method will be invoked with those attrs.
processAttrs(TypedArray) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Apply xml attrs
processAttrs(TypedArray) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot


ratio(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
ratio(double, double) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
recalculateSizes(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
RectFUtils - Class in com.androidplot.util
Convenience methods for dealing with RectF
RectFUtils() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.RectFUtils
RectRegion - Class in com.androidplot.xy
RectRegion is just a rectangle with additional methods for determining intersections with other RectRegion instances.
RectRegion() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
RectRegion(XYCoords, XYCoords) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
RectRegion(Number, Number, Number, Number, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
RectRegion(RectF) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
RectRegion(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
redraw() - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Causes the plot to be redrawn.
Redrawer - Class in com.androidplot.util
Utility class for invoking Plot.redraw() on a background thread at a set frequency.
Redrawer(List<Plot>, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
Redrawer(Plot, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
refreshLayout() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
Recalculates layouts for all widgets using last set DisplayDimensions.
refreshLayout() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Causes the pixel dimensions used for rendering this Widget to be recalculated.
Region - Class in com.androidplot
A one dimensional region represented by a starting and ending value.
Region() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Region
Region(Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.Region
remove(SeriesType, Class) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
remove(SeriesType) - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
Remove all occurrences of series regardless of the associated Renderer.
remove(KeyType) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
removeFirst() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
removeLast() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
removeListener(PlotListener) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
removeMarker(YValueMarker) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Removes the specified marker from the plot.
removeMarker(XValueMarker) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Removes the specified marker from the plot.
removeMarkers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convenience method - combines removeYMarkers() and removeXMarkers().
removeRegion(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
removeSegment(Segment) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
removeSeries(SeriesType, Class<? extends RendererType>) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Remove a series for a specific Renderer only.
removeSeries(SeriesType) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Remove all occurrences of series regardless of the associated Renderer.
removeXMarkers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Removes all XValueMarker instances from the plot.
removeYMarkers() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Removes all YValueMarker instances from the plot.
render(Canvas, RectF, SeriesBundle<SeriesType, SeriesFormatterType>, RenderStack) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
RenderBundle<RenderBundleType extends RenderBundle,SeriesType extends Series,SeriesFormatterType extends XYSeriesFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
RenderBundle(SeriesType, SeriesFormatterType) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.RenderBundle
renderOnCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Renders the plot onto a canvas.
renderPath(Canvas, RectF, Path, PointF, PointF, LineAndPointFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
renderPoints(Canvas, RectF, XYSeries, int, int, List<PointF>, LineAndPointFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
RenderStack<SeriesType extends Series,FormatterType extends Formatter> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
A stack of series to be rendered.
RenderStack(Plot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack
RenderStack.StackElement<SeriesType extends Series,FormatterType extends Formatter> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
An element on the render stack.
rendersWith(SeriesRenderer) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesBundle
resample() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
reset() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Resizable - Interface in com.androidplot.ui
Used by classes that depend on dimensional values to lay themselves out and draw.
resize(int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.EditableXYSeries
Resize to accommodate the specified number of x/y pairs.
resize(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
May be used to dynamically resize the series.
resize(List, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
resize(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
run() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
run(XYPlot, XYSeriesBundle) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.Estimator
run(XYSeries, EditableXYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LTTBSampler
run(XYSeries, EditableXYSeries) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.Sampler
run(XYPlot, XYSeriesBundle) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ZoomEstimator


SampledXYSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
An implementation of FastXYSeries that samples its self into multiple levels to achieve faster rendering / zoom behavior.
SampledXYSeries(XYSeries, OrderedXYSeries.XOrder, float, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
SampledXYSeries(XYSeries, float, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
Generate a SampledXYSeries from the input series.
Sampler - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
An algorithm used to to resample a larger set of data into a smaller set.
ScalingXYSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Wraps an existing XYSeries allowing easy scaling of that series' xy values.
ScalingXYSeries(XYSeries, double, ScalingXYSeries.Mode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
ScalingXYSeries.Mode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
screenToSeries(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Convenience method.
screentoSeries(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convert a screen point into a series xy value.
screenToSeriesX(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Convenience method.
screenToSeriesX(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Converts an x pixel into an x value.
screenToSeriesX(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
screenToSeriesY(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Convenience method.
screenToSeriesY(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Converts a y pixel to a y value.
screenToSeriesY(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
SECOND_FINGER - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
segment - Variable in class com.androidplot.pie.PieLegendItem
Segment - Class in com.androidplot.pie
An implementation of Series representing a segment in a pie chart.
Segment(String, Number) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.Segment
SegmentBundle - Class in com.androidplot.pie
Manages the association between a given Segment and the SegmentFormatter that will be used to render it.
SegmentBundle(Segment, SegmentFormatter) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentBundle
SegmentFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.pie
SegmentFormatter(Integer) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
SegmentFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
SegmentFormatter(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
SegmentFormatter(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
SegmentRegistry - Class in com.androidplot.pie
SeriesRegistry implementation to be used in a PieChart.
SegmentRegistry() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentRegistry
Series - Interface in com.androidplot
Base interface for all Series implementations
series - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
SeriesBundle<SeriesType extends Series,FormatterType extends Formatter> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Defines a relationship between a Series instance and other elements needed to unique render that instance such as a Formatter etc.
SeriesBundle(SeriesType, FormatterType) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesBundle
seriesOrder - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
SeriesRegistry<BundleType extends SeriesBundle<SeriesType,FormatterType>,SeriesType extends Series,FormatterType extends Formatter> - Class in com.androidplot
Manages a list of Series and their associated Formatter in the context of a Plot.
SeriesRegistry() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
SeriesRenderer<PlotType extends Plot,SeriesType extends Series,SeriesFormatterType extends Formatter> - Class in com.androidplot.ui
SeriesRenderer(PlotType) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
seriesToScreen(XYCoords) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
seriesToScreen(XYCoords) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convert a series xy value into a screen point.
seriesToScreenX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
seriesToScreenX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convert a series xVal into a screen x coord
seriesToScreenY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
seriesToScreenY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convert a series yVal into a screen y coord
SeriesUtils - Class in com.androidplot.util
Utilities for dealing with Series data.
SeriesUtils() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.util.SeriesUtils
set(SeriesBundle<SeriesType, FormatterType>) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack.StackElement
set(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setAlgorithm(Sampler) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
setAnchor(Anchor) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
setAnchor(Anchor) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setAnnotatePlotEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.PlotStatistics
setAutoPackEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
setBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setBarGroupWidth(BarRenderer.BarGroupWidthMode, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
setBarOrientation(BarRenderer.BarOrientation) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer
setBodyStyle(CandlestickFormatter.BodyStyle) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setBodyWidth(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Set's the paint used to draw the border.
setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setBorderStyle(Plot.BorderStyle, Float, Float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Sets the visual style of the plot's border.
setBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
setBounds(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
setBubbleScaleMode(BubbleRenderer.BubbleScaleMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
setCapAndWickPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
Convenience method to set caps and wick to a single color in one call.
setCellHeight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
setCellWidth(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.FixedTableModel
setClippingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setClose(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
setCloseSeries(SimpleXYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
setColor(TypedArray, Paint, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
setColor(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYRegionFormatter
setCursorLabelFormatter(XYGraphWidget.CursorLabelFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setCursorPosition(Float, Float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set domain and range cursor position using screen coordinates
setCursorPosition(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set domain and range cursor position using screen coordinates
setCursorPosition(PointF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setCursorPosition(float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDelegate(View.OnTouchListener) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
Set a delegate to receive onTouch calls before this class does.
setDomainBoundaries(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
setDomainBoundaries(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setDomainBoundaries(Number, BoundaryMode, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setDomainCursorPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setDomainCursorPosition(Float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set domain cursor position using screen coordinates
setDomainFramingModel(XYFramingModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setDomainFramingModel(XYFramingModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainGridLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set the paint used to draw the domain grid line.
setDomainLabel(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainLowerBoundary(Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setDomainLowerBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setDomainLowerBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainOriginLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setDomainStep(StepMode, double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainStepMode(StepMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainStepModel(StepModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainStepValue(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainSubGridLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set the paint used to draw the domain grid line.
setDomainTitle(TextLabelWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDomainUpperBoundary(Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setDomainUpperBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setDomainUpperBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setDonutSize(float, PieRenderer.DonutMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Set the size of the pie's empty inner space.
setDrawAnchorsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setDrawGridOnTop(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setDrawIconBackgroundEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
setDrawIconBorderEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
setDrawMarginsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setDrawMarkersEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setDrawOutlinesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setDrawOutlineShadowsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setDrawPaddingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack.StackElement
Enable or disable a stack element for rendering.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.PlotStatistics
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
setEstimator(Estimator) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRegistry
setExtentDegs(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Set the size in degrees of the pie chart, extending from the startDegs.
setFallingBodyFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setFallingBodyStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setFillDirection(FillDirection) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
Sets which edge to use to close the line's path for filling purposes.
setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
setFingersRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
setFormat(Format) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
setFormatter(SeriesFormatterType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderBundle
setGraph(XYGraphWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setGridBackgroundPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setGridClippingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setGridInsets(Insets) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setGridRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setHeight(SizeMetric) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
setHeight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setHeight(float, SizeMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setHigh(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
setHighSeries(SimpleXYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
setIconSize(Size) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
setInnerEdgePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setInnerInset(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setInterpolationParams(InterpolationParams) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setLabelMarkerPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setLabelPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setLabelPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
setLabelRect(RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLatestIndex(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer
setLayoutManager(LayoutManager) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setLayoutType(HorizontalPositioning) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPosition
setLayoutType(SizeMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SizeMetric
setLayoutType(VerticalPositioning) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPosition
setLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
setLegend(PieLegendWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
setLegend(XYLegendWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setLegendIconEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Formatter
Sets whether or not a legend icon should be drawn for the series associated with this formatter.
setLegendItemComparator(Comparator<ItemT>) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
Set a scheme for sorting the display order or legend items.
setLineExtensionBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineExtensionLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineExtensionRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineExtensionTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelEdges(XYGraphWidget.Edge...) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelEdges(Collection<XYGraphWidget.Edge>) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelEdges(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelInsets(Insets) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelRenderer(XYGraphWidget.Edge, XYGraphWidget.LineLabelRenderer) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLineLabelStyle(XYGraphWidget.Edge, XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.AdvancedLineAndPointRenderer.Formatter
setLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
setLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setLinesPerDomainLabel(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLinesPerDomainLabel(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convenience method - wraps XYGraphWidget.setLinesPerDomainLabel().
setLinesPerRangeLabel(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setLinesPerRangeLabel(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Convenience method - wraps XYGraphWidget.setLinesPerRangeLabel().
setLow(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
setLowerCapPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setLowerCapWidth(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setLowSeries(SimpleXYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
setMarginBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setMarginBottom(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setMarginBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setMarginBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setMarginLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setMarginLeft(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setMarginLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setMarginLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setMarginPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setMarginRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setMarginRight(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setMarginRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setMarginRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setMargins(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setMargins(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setMargins(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setMarginTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setMarginTop(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setMarginTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setMarginTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BarFormatter
setMarkupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setMarkupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setMax(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
setMaxBubbleRadius(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
setMaxRefreshRate(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
Set the maximum refresh rate that Redrawer should use.
setMaxX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setMaxX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setMaxY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setMaxY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setMin(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
setMinBubbleRadius(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer
setMinMax(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
setMinX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setMinX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setMinY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setMinY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setMode(StepMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModel
setModel(List<? extends Number>, SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Use the provided list of Numbers as yVals and their corresponding indexes as xVals.
setNumColumns(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
setNumRows(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.DynamicTableModel
setOffset(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
Set an offset relative to the center of the pie chart at which this segment should be drawn; generally used to highlight specific segments.
setOpen(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries.Item
setOpenSeries(SimpleXYSeries) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickSeries
setOrder(TableOrder) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.TableModel
setOrientation(TextOrientation) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
setOuterEdgePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setOuterInset(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setOutlinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setOutlineShadowPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setPadding(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setPadding(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setPadding(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setPaddingBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setPaddingBottom(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setPaddingBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setPaddingLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setPaddingLeft(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setPaddingLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setPaddingPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager
setPaddingRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setPaddingRight(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setPaddingRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setPaddingTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.BoxModel
setPaddingTop(float) - Method in interface com.androidplot.ui.BoxModelable
setPaddingTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
setPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
setPan(PanZoom.Pan) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
setPie(PieWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieChart
setPlot(PlotType) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer
setPlotMarginBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotMarginLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotMarginRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotMargins(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Convenience method - wraps the individual setMarginXXX methods into a single method.
setPlotMarginTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotPadding(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Convenience method - wraps the individual setPaddingXXX methods into a single method.
setPlotPaddingBottom(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotPaddingLeft(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotPaddingRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPlotPaddingTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setPointLabeler(PointLabeler) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
setPointLabelFormatter(PointLabelFormatter) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
setPointPerSegment(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
setPositionMetrics(PositionMetrics) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setRadialEdgePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
setRadialInset(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.SegmentFormatter
Set an inset in degrees for the radial edges of this segment.
setRangeBoundaries(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
setRangeBoundaries(Number, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setRangeBoundaries(Number, BoundaryMode, Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setRangeCursorPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setRangeCursorPosition(Float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set range cursor position using screen coordinates
setRangeFramingModel(XYFramingModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setRangeFramingModel(XYFramingModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeGridLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set the Paint used to draw the range grid line.
setRangeLabel(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeLowerBoundary(Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setRangeLowerBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setRangeLowerBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeOriginLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
setRangeStep(StepMode, double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeStepMode(StepMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeStepModel(StepModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeStepValue(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeSubGridLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
Set the Paint used to draw the range grid line.
setRangeTitle(TextLabelWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRangeUpperBoundary(Number, BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
Setup the boundary mode, boundary values only applicable in FIXED mode.
setRangeUpperBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
setRangeUpperBoundaryMode(BoundaryMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setRatio(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
setRegistry(RegistryType) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setRenderMode(Plot.RenderMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
Sets the render mode used by the Plot.
setRight(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
setRisingBodyFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setRisingBodyStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setRotation(Widget.Rotation) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setRotation(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle
setSample(XYSeries, EditableXYSeries, int, int, RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LTTBSampler
setSample(EditableXYSeries, Number, Number, int, RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LTTBSampler
setScale(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
setScale(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
setSeries(Series) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderBundle
setSize(Size) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setStartDegs(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Set the starting point in degrees from which series will be drawn in order.
setState(PanZoom.State) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
setSteps(double[]) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleFormatter
setTableModel(TableModel) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
setText(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
setText(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setTextMargin(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setTextOrientation(TextOrientation) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
Currently not implemented.
setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.LegendWidget
setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter
setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setTextPosition(PositionMetricType) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setTextSize(TypedArray, Paint, int) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.AttrUtils
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.Segment
setTitle(TextLabelWidget) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.Plot
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
setTop(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Insets
setType(CatmullRomInterpolator.Type) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Params
setUpperCapPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setUpperCapWidth(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setUserDomainOrigin(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setUserMaxX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setUserMaxY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setUserMinX(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setUserMinY(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setUserRangeOrigin(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
setValue(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.pie.Segment
setValue(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModel
setValue(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
setVertexPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setWickPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter
setWidth(SizeMetric) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.Size
setWidth(float) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setWidth(float, SizeMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
setX(Number, int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.EditableXYSeries
setX(Number, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
setX(Number, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Sets individual x value based on index
setXOrder(OrderedXYSeries.XOrder) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
If XVals are in strict ascending order, use this method to set OrderedXYSeries.XOrder.ASCENDING to provide an optimization hint to the renderer.
setXPositionMetric(HorizontalPosition) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
setxRegion(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setXY(Number, Number, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Sets xy values based on index
setY(Number, int) - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.EditableXYSeries
setY(Number, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
setY(Number, int) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Sets individual y value based on index
setYPositionMetric(VerticalPosition) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetrics
setyRegion(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
setZoom(PanZoom.Zoom) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
setZoomFactor(double) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
Set zoom factor; 2.5 = 2.5x zoom, 10.0 = 10x zoom etc.
setZoomLimit(PanZoom.ZoomLimit) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
signedDistance(double, double) - Static method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Compute the signed shortest angular distance between two angles
SimpleLineLabelFormatter - Class in com.androidplot
A basic implementation of a LineLabelFormatter.
SimpleLineLabelFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
SimpleLineLabelFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
SimpleLineLabelFormatter(Paint) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.SimpleLineLabelFormatter
SimpleXYSeries - Class in com.androidplot.xy
A convenience class used to create instances of XYPlot generated from Lists of Numbers.
SimpleXYSeries(String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
SimpleXYSeries(SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat, String, Number...) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
SimpleXYSeries(List<? extends Number>, SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Generates an XYSeries instance from the List of numbers passed in.
SimpleXYSeries(List<? extends Number>, List<? extends Number>, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.SeriesRegistry
Size - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Defines physical dimensions & scaling characteristics
Size(float, SizeMode, float, SizeMode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Size
Convenience constructor.
Size(SizeMetric, SizeMetric) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.Size
Creates a new SizeMetrics instance using the specified size layout algorithm and value.
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.LayerHash
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.BubbleSeries
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.FixedSizeEditableXYSeries
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.NormedXYSeries
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SampledXYSeries
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries
size() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
size() - Method in interface com.androidplot.xy.XYSeries
SizeMetric - Class in com.androidplot.ui
Encapsulates a sizing algorithm and an associated value.
SizeMetric(float, SizeMode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.SizeMetric
SizeMode - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
Algorithms available for calculating an arbitrary dimension of a widget.
spToPix(float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
Converts an sp value to pixels.
StackElement(SeriesBundle<SeriesType, FormatterType>) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack.StackElement
start() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.Redrawer
Start/resume redrawing the plot.
State() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.State
Step - Class in com.androidplot.xy
An immutable object generated by XYStepCalculator representing a stepping model to be used by an XYPlot.
Step(double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.Step
StepFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
StepFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.StepFormatter
Should only be used in conjunction with calls to configure()...
StepFormatter(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.StepFormatter
StepMode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
INCREMENTAL_VALUE - (default) draw a tick every n values.
StepModel - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Encapsulates a set of stepping parameters for a single axis.
StepModel(StepMode, double) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.StepModel
StepModelFit - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Subclass of StepModel that chooses from predefined step values.
StepModelFit(Region, double[], double) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
StepRenderer - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Renders a point as a line with the vertices marked.
StepRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.StepRenderer
stringToDimension(String) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
sub(PointF, PointF) - Static method in class com.androidplot.util.PixelUtils
sync() - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.RenderStack
Syncs the stack structure with plot's current state.


TableModel - Class in com.androidplot.ui
TableModel(TableOrder) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.TableModel
TableModel.Axis - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
TableModel.CellSizingMethod - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
TableOrder - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
TableSizingMethod - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
The sizing methods available to a table.
TextLabelWidget - Class in com.androidplot.ui.widget
TextLabelWidget(LayoutManager, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
TextLabelWidget(LayoutManager, String, Size, TextOrientation) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
TextLabelWidget(LayoutManager, Size, TextOrientation) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget
TextOrientation - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
toString() - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
toString() - Method in class com.androidplot.util.FastNumber
toString() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
toString() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.StepModelFit
toString() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
transform(double, Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
Transform a value relative to this region into it's corresponding value relative to the specified region.
transform(double, Region, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
transform(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
transform(Number, Number, RectRegion, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transform(Number, Number, RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transform(XYCoords, RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transform(RectRegion, RectRegion, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Transform a region (r) from the current region space (this) into the specified one (r2)
transform(PointF, Number, Number, RectF, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transform(Number, Number, RectF, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transform(XYCoords, RectF, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Convenience method to transform into screen coordinate space.
transformScreen(Number, Number, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Convenience method to transform into screen coordinate space.
transformScreen(PointF, Number, Number, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
transformScreen(XYCoords, RectF) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
type - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem


union(Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
union(Region) - Method in class com.androidplot.Region
Compares the input bounds min/max against this instance's current min/max.
union(Number, Number) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
union(RectRegion) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion
Compares the input bounds xy min/max vals against this instance's current xy min/max vals.
updateDomainMinMaxForOriginModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
updateRangeMinMaxForOriginModel() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
useImplicitXVals() - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries
Use index value as xVal, instead of explicit, user provided xVals.


validateInputDegs(float) - Static method in class com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the input value is outside of the range of 0.0 to 360.0
validatePair(float, HorizontalPositioning) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPosition
Throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem.
validatePair(float, SizeMode) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.SizeMetric
validatePair(float, VerticalPositioning) - Method in class com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPosition
Throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem.
validateValue(float, PositionMetric.LayoutMode) - Static method in class com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric
Throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem.
ValueMarker<PositionMetricType extends PositionMetric> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Encapsulates a single axis line marker drawn onto an XYPlot at a specified value.
ValueMarker(Number, String, PositionMetricType) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
ValueMarker(Number, String, PositionMetricType, Paint, Paint) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
ValueMarker(Number, String, PositionMetricType, int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.ValueMarker
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer.DonutMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.Plot.BorderStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.Plot.RenderMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.Anchor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPositioning
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric.LayoutMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.SizeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableModel.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableModel.CellSizingMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableSizingMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TextOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPositioning
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget.Rotation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarGroupWidthMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BoundaryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer.BubbleScaleMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter.BodyStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.FillDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.OrderedXYSeries.XOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.DragState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.Pan
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.Zoom
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.ZoomLimit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.StepMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYFramingModel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.Edge
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot.PreviewMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer.DonutMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.Plot.BorderStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.Plot.RenderMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.Anchor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.HorizontalPositioning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric.LayoutMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.PositionMetric.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.SizeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableModel.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableModel.CellSizingMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TableSizingMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.TextOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPositioning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget.Rotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarGroupWidthMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.BarOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BoundaryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.BubbleRenderer.BubbleScaleMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.CandlestickFormatter.BodyStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.CatmullRomInterpolator.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.FillDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.OrderedXYSeries.XOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.DragState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.Pan
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.Zoom
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom.ZoomLimit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.ScalingXYSeries.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.SimpleXYSeries.ArrayFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.StepMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYFramingModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget.Edge
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot.PreviewMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vertexPaint - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointFormatter
VerticalPosition - Class in com.androidplot.ui
VerticalPosition(float, VerticalPositioning) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.VerticalPosition
VerticalPositioning - Enum in com.androidplot.ui
vOffset - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.PointLabelFormatter


Widget - Class in com.androidplot.ui.widget
A Widget is a graphical sub-element of a Plot that can be positioned relative to the bounds of the Plot.
Widget(LayoutManager, SizeMetric, SizeMetric) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Widget(LayoutManager, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.ui.widget.Widget
Widget.Rotation - Enum in com.androidplot.ui.widget
withDefaults(Region) - Static method in class com.androidplot.Region
withDefaults(RectRegion) - Static method in class com.androidplot.xy.RectRegion


x - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.XYCoords
xPix - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
XValueMarker - Class in com.androidplot.xy
XValueMarker(Number, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XValueMarker
XValueMarker(Number, String, VerticalPosition, Paint, Paint) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XValueMarker
XValueMarker(Number, String, VerticalPosition, int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XValueMarker
XYConstraints - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Calculates the min/max constraints for an xy plane.
XYConstraints() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
XYConstraints(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYConstraints
XYCoords - Class in com.androidplot.xy
A pair of x/y coordinates
XYCoords() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYCoords
XYCoords(Number, Number) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYCoords
XYFramingModel - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
XYGraphWidget - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Displays graphical data (lines, points, etc.) annotated with domain and range tick markers.
XYGraphWidget(LayoutManager, XYPlot, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget
XYGraphWidget.CursorLabelFormatter - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
XYGraphWidget.Edge - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
XYGraphWidget.LineLabelRenderer - Class in com.androidplot.xy
XYGraphWidget.LineLabelStyle - Class in com.androidplot.xy
XYLegendItem - Class in com.androidplot.xy
XYLegendItem(XYLegendItem.Type, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendItem
XYLegendItem.Type - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
XYLegendWidget - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Displays a legend for each series added to the owning XYPlot.
XYLegendWidget(LayoutManager, XYPlot, Size, TableModel, Size) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYLegendWidget
XYPlot - Class in com.androidplot.xy
A View to graphically display x/y coordinates.
XYPlot(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
XYPlot(Context, String, Plot.RenderMode) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
XYPlot(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
XYPlot(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYPlot
XYPlot.PreviewMode - Enum in com.androidplot.xy
XYRegionFormatter - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Base class of all XYRegionFormatters.
XYRegionFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYRegionFormatter
Provided as a convenience to users; allows instantiation and xml configuration to take place in a single line
XYRegionFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYRegionFormatter
XYSeries - Interface in com.androidplot.xy
Represents a two dimensional series of data represented as xy values.
XYSeriesBundle - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Created by halfhp on 10/6/16.
XYSeriesBundle(XYSeries, XYSeriesFormatter) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesBundle
XYSeriesFormatter<XYRegionFormatterType extends XYRegionFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
XYSeriesFormatter() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
XYSeriesFormatter(Context, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesFormatter
XYSeriesRegistry - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Maintains the "registry" of mappings of XYSeries instances and their associated formatters.
XYSeriesRegistry() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRegistry
XYSeriesRenderer<SeriesType extends XYSeries,XYFormatterType extends XYSeriesFormatter> - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Base class for all Renderers that render XYSeries data.
XYSeriesRenderer(XYPlot) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYSeriesRenderer
XYStepCalculator - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Calculates "stepping" values for a plot.
XYStepCalculator() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.XYStepCalculator


y - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.XYCoords
yPix - Variable in class com.androidplot.xy.BarRenderer.Bar
YValueMarker - Class in com.androidplot.xy
YValueMarker(Number, String) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.YValueMarker
YValueMarker(Number, String, HorizontalPosition, Paint, Paint) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.YValueMarker
YValueMarker(Number, String, HorizontalPosition, int, int) - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.YValueMarker


ZERO - Static variable in class com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer
zoom(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.androidplot.xy.PanZoom
ZoomEstimator - Class in com.androidplot.xy
Estimates optimal zoom level to be applied to a SampledXYSeries based on the current visible bounds of the owning XYPlot.
ZoomEstimator() - Constructor for class com.androidplot.xy.ZoomEstimator
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