
class Error(    val message: String,     val locations: List<Error.Location>?,     val path: List<Any>?,     val extensions: Map<String, Any?>?,     val nonStandardFields: Map<String, Any?>?)

Represents an error response returned from the GraphQL server See


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fun Error(    message: String,     locations: List<Error.Location>?,     path: List<Any>?,     extensions: Map<String, Any?>?,     nonStandardFields: Map<String, Any?>?)


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class Location(val line: Int, val column: Int)

Represents the location of the error in the GraphQL operation sent to the server. This location is represented in terms of the line and column number.


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open override fun toString(): String


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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_0_0)
val customAttributes: Map<String, Any?>

Custom attributes associated with this error

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val extensions: Map<String, Any?>?

Extensions if any.

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val locations: List<Error.Location>?

Locations of the errors in the GraphQL operation It may be null if the location cannot be determined

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val message: String

Server error message

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val nonStandardFields: Map<String, Any?>?

Other non-standard fields (discouraged but allowed in the spec), if any.

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val path: List<Any>?

If this error comes from a field, the path of the field where the error happened. Values in the list can be either Strings or Int Can be null if the error doesn't come from a field, like validation errors.