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class ApolloClientAwarenessInterceptor(clientName: String, clientVersion: String) : HttpInterceptor
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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_0_0)
class BatchingHttpEngine @JvmOverloads constructor(    val delegate: HttpEngine = DefaultHttpEngine(),     batchIntervalMillis: Long = 10,     maxBatchSize: Int = 10,     exposeErrorBody: Boolean = false) : HttpEngine
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class BatchingHttpInterceptor @JvmOverloads constructor(    batchIntervalMillis: Long = 10,     maxBatchSize: Int = 10,     exposeErrorBody: Boolean = false) : HttpInterceptor

An HttpInterceptor that batches HTTP queries to execute multiple at once. This reduces the number of HTTP round trips at the price of increased latency as every request in the batch is now as slow as the slowest one. Some servers might have a per-HTTP-call cache making it faster to resolve 1 big array of n queries compared to resolving the n queries separately.

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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_2_3)
class BearerTokenInterceptor(tokenProvider: TokenProvider) : HttpInterceptor
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fun interface DataTaskFactory
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actual class DefaultHttpEngine : HttpEngine
expect class DefaultHttpEngine : HttpEngine
actual class DefaultHttpEngine : HttpEngine
actual class DefaultHttpEngine : HttpEngine
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class HeadersInterceptor(headers: List<HttpHeader>) : HttpInterceptor
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class HttpCall(    engine: HttpEngine,     method: HttpMethod,     url: String)
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interface HttpEngine

A wrapper around platform specific engines

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class HttpInfo constructor(    val startMillis: Long,     val endMillis: Long,     val statusCode: Int,     val headers: List<HttpHeader>) : ExecutionContext.Element
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interface HttpInterceptor
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interface HttpInterceptorChain
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class HttpNetworkTransport : NetworkTransport
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class LoggingInterceptor(level: LoggingInterceptor.Level, log: (String) -> Unit = { println(it) }) : HttpInterceptor

An interceptor that logs requests and responses.

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class StreamingNSURLSessionHttpEngine(timeoutMillis: Long) : HttpEngine

An HttpEngine based on NSURLSession with the ability to stream data as it is received when using Transfer-Encoding: Chunked. This is useful when using @defer.

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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_2_3)
interface TokenProvider
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typealias UrlSessionDataTaskCompletionHandler = (NSData?, NSURLResponse?, NSError?) -> Unit


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fun HttpEngine.get(url: String): HttpCall
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fun String): HttpCall