Package com.apollographql.apollo3


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class ApolloCall<D : Operation.Data> : MutableExecutionOptions<ApolloCall<D>>

An ApolloCall is a thin class that builds a ApolloRequest and calls ApolloClient.execute() with it. ApolloCall is mutable and designed to allow chaining calls.

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class ApolloClient : ExecutionOptions, Closeable

The main entry point for the Apollo runtime. An ApolloClient is responsible for executing queries, mutations and subscriptions

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class AutoPersistedQueryInfo(val hit: Boolean) : ExecutionContext.Element

Information about auto persisted queries

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class ConcurrencyInfo(val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) : ExecutionContext.Element


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val <D : Operation.Data> ApolloResponse<D>.autoPersistedQueryInfo: AutoPersistedQueryInfo?