
actual class DefaultHttpEngine : HttpEngine



The timeout interval to use when connecting or waiting for additional data.

  • on iOS (NSURLRequest), it is used to set NSMutableURLRequest.setTimeoutInterval

  • on Android (OkHttp), it is used to set both OkHttpClient.connectTimeout and OkHttpClient.readTimeout

  • on Js (Ktor), it is used to set both HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.connectTimeoutMillis and HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.requestTimeoutMillis



The timeout interval to use when connecting or waiting for additional data.

  • on iOS (NSURLRequest), it is used to set NSMutableURLRequest.setTimeoutInterval

  • on Android (OkHttp), it is used to set both OkHttpClient.connectTimeout and OkHttpClient.readTimeout

  • on Js (Ktor), it is used to set both HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.connectTimeoutMillis and HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.requestTimeoutMillis


The connection timeout in milliseconds. The connection timeout is the time period in which a client should establish a connection with a server.


The request timeout in milliseconds. The request timeout is the time period required to process an HTTP call: from sending a request to receiving a response.

actual class DefaultHttpEngine



The timeout interval to use when connecting or waiting for additional data.

  • on iOS (NSURLRequest), it is used to set NSMutableURLRequest.setTimeoutInterval

  • on Android (OkHttp), it is used to set both OkHttpClient.connectTimeout and OkHttpClient.readTimeout

  • on Js (Ktor), it is used to set both HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.connectTimeoutMillis and HttpTimeoutCapabilityConfiguration.requestTimeoutMillis


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constructor(timeoutMillis: Long, dataTaskFactory: DataTaskFactory)
actual constructor(timeoutMillis: Long)
expect constructor(timeoutMillis: Long)
constructor(connectTimeoutMillis: Long, readTimeoutMillis: Long)
actual constructor(timeoutMillis: Long)
constructor(connectTimeout: Long, readTimeout: Long)
constructor(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient)
constructor(httpCallFactory: Call.Factory)
actual constructor(timeoutMillis: Long)
actual constructor(timeoutMillis: Long)


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object Companion


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actual open override fun dispose()
expect open override fun dispose()

Disposes any resources used by the HttpEngine

actual open override fun dispose()

Disposes any resources used by the HttpEngine

actual open fun dispose()
actual open override fun dispose()

Disposes any resources used by the HttpEngine

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actual open suspend override fun execute(request: HttpRequest): HttpResponse
expect open suspend override fun execute(request: HttpRequest): HttpResponse

Executes the given HttpRequest

actual open suspend override fun execute(request: HttpRequest): HttpResponse

Executes the given HttpRequest

actual open suspend fun execute(request: HttpRequest): HttpResponse
actual open suspend override fun execute(request: HttpRequest): HttpResponse

Executes the given HttpRequest

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