
An WsProtocol that uses It can carry queries in addition to subscriptions over the websocket


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@ApolloDeprecatedSince(version = ApolloDeprecatedSince.Version.v3_7_2)
constructor(connectionPayload: suspend () -> Map<String, Any?>? = { null }, pingPayload: Map<String, Any?>? = null, pongPayload: Map<String, Any?>? = null, connectionAcknowledgeTimeoutMs: Long, pingIntervalMillis: Long, frameType: WsFrameType, webSocketConnection: WebSocketConnection, listener: WsProtocol.Listener, scope: CoroutineScope)


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open fun close()

Closes the connection gracefully. It is expected that a future call to WsProtocol.Listener.networkError is made

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open suspend override fun connectionInit()

Initializes the connection and suspends until the server acknowledges it.

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open override fun handleServerMessage(messageMap: Map<String, Any?>)

Handles a server message and notifies listener appropriately

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open suspend override fun run()

Read the WebSocket

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open override fun <D : Operation.Data> startOperation(request: ApolloRequest<D>)

Starts the given operation

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open override fun <D : Operation.Data> stopOperation(request: ApolloRequest<D>)

Stops the given operation