Interface Edge

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Document, Identifiable, Record
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ImmutableEdge, ImmutableLightEdge, MutableEdge

    public interface Edge
    extends Document
    An Edge represents the connection between two vertices in a Property Graph. The edge can have properties and point to the same vertex. The direction of the edge goes from the source vertex to the destination vertex. By default edges are bidirectional, that means they can be traversed from both sides. Unidirectional edges can only be traversed from the direction they were created, never backwards. Edges can be Immutable (read-only) and Mutable.
    Luca Garulli ([email protected])
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getOut

        RID getOut()
      • getOutVertex

        Vertex getOutVertex()
      • getIn

        RID getIn()
      • getInVertex

        Vertex getInVertex()
      • asEdge

        default Edge asEdge()
        Description copied from interface: Identifiable
        Returns the edge record. If the record is not an edge, a UnsupportedOperationException exception is thrown. *
        Specified by:
        asEdge in interface Identifiable
        the Edge
      • asEdge

        default Edge asEdge​(boolean loadContent)
        Description copied from interface: Identifiable
        Returns the edge record. If the record is not an edge, a UnsupportedOperationException exception is thrown.
        Specified by:
        asEdge in interface Identifiable
        loadContent - specifies if pre-load the record content
        the Edge