Class AggregateProjectionSplit

  • public class AggregateProjectionSplit
    extends Object
    This class is used by the query planner to split projections in three parts:
    • pre-aggregate projections
    • aggregate projections
    • post-aggregate projections

    An example: select max(a + b) + (max(b + c * 2) + 1 + 2) * 3 as foo, max(d) + max(e), f from " + className will become <p> a + b AS _$$$OALIAS$$_1, b + c * 2 AS _$$$OALIAS$$_3, d AS _$$$OALIAS$$_5, e AS _$$$OALIAS$$_7, f <p> max(_$$$OALIAS$$_1) AS _$$$OALIAS$$_0, max(_$$$OALIAS$$_3) AS _$$$OALIAS$$_2, max(_$$$OALIAS$$_5) AS _$$$OALIAS$$_4, max(_$$$OALIAS$$_7) AS _$$$OALIAS$$_6, f <p> _$$$OALIAS$$_0 + (_$$$OALIAS$$_2 + 1 + 2) * 3 AS `foo`, _$$$OALIAS$$_4 + _$$$OALIAS$$_6 AS `max(d) + max(e)`, f

    Luigi Dell'Aquila (luigi.dellaquila-(at)