Class Identifier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Identifier
    extends SimpleNode
    This class is used to represent all the indentifies in the SQL grammar, ie. class names, property names, index names, variables and so on so forth.

    Instances of this class are immutable and can be recycled multiple times in the same or in different queries.

    • Field Detail

      • value

        protected String value
      • quoted

        protected boolean quoted
      • internalAlias

        protected boolean internalAlias
        set to true by the query executor/optimizer for internally generated aliases for query optimization
    • Constructor Detail

      • Identifier

        public Identifier​(Identifier copyFrom,
                          boolean quoted)
      • Identifier

        public Identifier​(String content)
      • Identifier

        protected Identifier​(int id)
      • Identifier

        public Identifier​(SqlParser p,
                          int id)