Class BooleanExpression

    • Constructor Detail

      • BooleanExpression

        public BooleanExpression​(int id)
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • extractSubQueries

        public abstract void extractSubQueries​(SubQueryCollector collector)
      • transformToUpdateItem

        public Optional<UpdateItem> transformToUpdateItem()
        returns the equivalent of current condition as an UPDATE expression with the same syntax, if possible.

        Eg. name = 3 can be considered a condition or an assignment. This method transforms the condition in an assignment. This is used mainly for UPSERT operations.

        the equivalent of current condition as an UPDATE expression with the same syntax, if possible.
      • getMatchPatternInvolvedAliases

        public abstract List<String> getMatchPatternInvolvedAliases()
      • isAlwaysTrue

        public boolean isAlwaysTrue()
        returns true only if the expression does not need any further evaluation (eg. "true") and always evaluates to true. It is supposed to be used as and optimization, and is allowed to return false negatives