

package bobcats

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package unsafe

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Algorithm extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait Crypto[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  3. class GeneralSecurityException extends Exception
  4. sealed trait Hash[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait HashAlgorithm extends Algorithm
  6. sealed trait Hmac[F[_]] extends HmacPlatform[F]
  7. sealed trait HmacAlgorithm extends Algorithm
  8. class InvalidKeyException extends KeyException
  9. sealed trait Key[+A <: Algorithm] extends KeyPlatform
  10. class KeyException extends GeneralSecurityException
  11. sealed trait PrivateKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with PrivateKeyPlatform
  12. sealed trait PublicKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with PublicKeyPlatform
  13. sealed trait SecretKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with SecretKeyPlatform
  14. final case class SecretKeySpec[+A <: Algorithm](key: ByteVector, algorithm: A) extends SecretKey[A] with SecretKeySpecPlatform[A] with Product with Serializable
  15. trait SecureEq[A] extends Eq[A]

Value Members

  1. object Crypto extends CryptoCompanionPlatform
  2. object Hash extends HashCompanionPlatform
  3. object HashAlgorithm
  4. object Hmac extends HmacCompanionPlatform
  5. object HmacAlgorithm
  6. object SecureEq extends Serializable
