
Type members


object Bernoulli
object Beta
object Density
object Dirichlet
trait Distribution[F[_], -P, X] extends P => F[X]
object Gamma
object Gaussian
object LogNormal
trait PseudoRandom[F[_]] extends Random[F]

A pseudo-random F is a random that can be transformed deterministically to a G via a seed S.

A pseudo-random F is a random that can be transformed deterministically to a G via a seed S.

trait Random[F[_]] extends Serializable

A type class which is a source of uniform random Ints and Longs.

A type class which is a source of uniform random Ints and Longs.

object Random
object Uniform


type Bernoulli[P, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[P], X]
type Beta[R] = [F[_]] =>> GenBeta[R, R, R][F]
type Categorical[S, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[S], X]
type CategoricalMap[A, R] = [F[_]] =>> Categorical[Map[A, R], A][F]
type Density[F[_], R] = [X] =>> Normalized[F, R, X]
type Dirichlet[C, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[C], X]
type Exponential[R] = [F[_]] =>> GenExponential[R, R][F]
type Gamma[R] = [F[_]] =>> GenGamma[R, R, R][F]
type Gaussian[R] = [F[_]] =>> GenGaussian[R, R, R][F]
type GenBeta[A, B, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[A, B], X]
type GenExponential[R, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[R], X]
type GenGamma[S, R, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[S, R], X]
type GenGaussian[M, S, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[M, S], X]
type GenLogNormal[M, S, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[M, S], X]
type LogNormal[R] = [F[_]] =>> GenLogNormal[R, R, R][F]
type Multinomial[S, N, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[S, N], X]
type Uniform[S, X] = [F[_]] =>> Distribution[F, Params[S], X]
type UniformRange[F[_]] = Uniform[Range, Int][F]
type UnnormalizedDensity[F[_], R] = [X] =>> Unnormalized[F, R, X]