All Classes and Interfaces

Specialization of Calculator directly supporting streaming calculations over Quantity and CalculatedValue streams.
Serves as a base class for actor-based sources.
ActorSource BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Representation of aggregated data; also known as a statistic.
Builder implementation for AggregatedData.
Class for building on-the-wire bytes for messages.
Publisher to send data to an upstream aggregation server over HTTP.
Implementation of builder pattern for ${code AggregationServerHttpSink}.
Publisher to send data to an upstream aggregation server.
Implementation of builder pattern for ${code AggregationServerSink}.
Performs aggregation of Record instances per Duration.
Builder implementation for Aggregator.
Representation of TsdAggregator configuration.
Builder implementation for AggregatorConfiguration.
This class provides searchable access to runtime annotations.
Assists Guice-instantiated classes in shutting down.
A calculator base class.
Abstract base class for Configuration implementations which implements the shared convenience methods which rely core methods.
Common base class for Configuration implementations based on Jackson's ObjectMapper.
Builder implementation for BaseJacksonConfiguration.
Abstract base class for JsonNodeSource implementations.
Builder implementation for BaseJsonNodeSource.
Abstract base class for common functionality for publishing PeriodicData.
Base BaseSink.Builder implementation.
Abstract base class for common functionality for obtaining Record.
Base Builder implementation for Source subclasses.
A statistic base class.
Base source that listens on a tcp port.
BaseTcpSource BaseTcpSource.Builder implementation.
Represents a value that is reaggregatable.
Builder implementation for CalculatedValue.
Interface for classes providing computation of a statistic.
Processes HTTP requests from the metrics client, extracts data and emits metrics.
ClientHttpSourceV1 BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Processes HTTP requests from the metrics client, extracts data and emits metrics.
ClientHttpSourceV2 BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Processes HTTP requests from the metrics client, extracts data and emits metrics.
ClientHttpSourceV3 BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Processes HTTP requests from Collectd, extracts data and emits metrics.
CollectdHttpSourceV1 BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Parses Collectd JSON data as a Record.
Represents one record in a Collectd post body.
Builder implementation for CollectdJsonToRecordParser.CollectdRecord.
Message class to hold general command data.
Interface for classes which provide configuration.
Manages configuration and reconfiguration of a Launchable instance using a POJO representation of its configuration.
Defines a factory for creating Launchable objects from a config object.
Akka message to hold new connection data.
Actor class to hold the state for a single connection.
Jackson JsonDeserializer implementation for Consumer.
Interface for classes that handle the records polled by a kafka Consumer.
Counts the entries.
Actor that logs dead letters.
Resolves the host name by returning it without modification.
Default implementation of the Key interface.
A variable and data to describe the input to a statistic calculator.
Builder implementation for DefaultMetric.
Default sample implementation.
Builder implementation for Quantity.
Default implementation of the Record interface.
Builder implementation for DefaultRecord.
Sink adds any specified dimensions.
Implementation of builder pattern for DimensionInjectingSink.
Implementation of DynamicConfigurationFactory which maps keys to file names in a directory.
Builder implementation for DirectoryDynamicConfigurationFactory.
${link Trigger} implementation based on the contents of a directory.
Builder implementation for DirectoryTrigger.
Dynamic configuration implementation of Configuration.
Interface for classes which create DynamicConfiguration instances.
Key descriptor.
The aggregation is performed with a user-defined expression.
Implementation of PositionStore which stores the read position in a file on local disk.
Builder implementation for FilePositionStore.
Produce instances of FileSourcefrom a file.
Implementation of builder pattern for FileSource.
Actor for handling messages related to live log reporting.
Trigger implementation based on a file's modified date and its hash.
Builder implementation for FileTrigger.
Parses Graphite plaintext data as a Record.
Builder implementation for GraphitePlaintextToRecordParser.
Processes heartbeat messages.
Histogram statistic.
A simple histogram implementation.
Represents a snapshot of immutable histogram data.
Supporting data based on a histogram.
Builder implementation for HistogramStatistic.HistogramSupportingData.
Typesafe config based configuration sourced from a file and mapped to a JsonNode.
Builder for HoconFileSource.
Interface for classes which resolve host names.
Publishes to an HTTP endpoint.
Implementation of abstract builder pattern for HttpPostSink.
Actor that sends HTTP requests via a Ning HTTP client.
Message class to wrap a list of AggregatedData.
Represents a parsable HTTP request.
Source that uses HTTP POSTs as input.
HttpSource BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Represents the initial position for a tailer.
An adapter used to facilitate the instrumentation of work pools.
This class provides searchable access to classes by interface.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a directory.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a file.
Builder for JsonNodeFileSource.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a literal string.
Json based configuration sourced by merging zero or more JsonNodeSource instances together.
Builder implementation for JsonNodeMergingSource.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a paginated URI.
Interface for sourcing JsonNode based configuration.
JsonNode based configuration sourced from a file.
Builder for JsonNodeUriSource.
Implementation of Parser for the JSON metrics formats.
Builder implementation for JsonToRecordParser.
Produce instances of Record from the values of entries from a Kafka topic.
Builder pattern class for KafkaSource.
Interface for aggregation context (e.g.
Interface for components which can be started and stopped.
Provides a way to register for lifecycle events, ensuring that Guice-instantiated classes can be notified.
Interface for consumers registered for configuration events.
Message class to indicate a log file became existent in the expected path.
Message class to indicate a log file is not longer existent in the target path.
Message class to hold data about a log entry that should be sent to clients.
Represents raw log lines read from a file.
Drops all log messages so they aren't "unhandled" and DOS us.
Processes log-based messages.
Message class to hold data about a log entry that should be sent to clients.
Actor responsible for discovering files that are created or removed.
Message class to hold a list of logs.
Message class to request a list of known logs.
Class containing entry point for Metrics Data Aggregator (MAD).
Implementation of Source which wraps another Source and merges Metric instances within each Record together if the name matches a regular expression with a new name generated through replacement of all matches in the original name.
Implementation of builder pattern for MappingSource.
Max statistic (e.g.
Accumulator computing the maximum of values.
Takes the mean of the entries.
Calculator computing the average.
Top median statistic (aka 50th percentile).
Implementation of DynamicConfigurationFactory which maps keys to zero or more subordinate DynamicConfigurationFactory instances.
Builder implementation for MergingDynamicConfigurationFactory.
A factory that creates a List of MessagesProcessor that implement a protocol version.
Defines simple interface for a message processor.
Interface for a type of collected data.
Processes metrics-based messages.
Processes metric-based messages.
Message class to hold data about a metric that should be sent to clients.
Message class to hold a tree of metrics.
Message class to request a list of known metrics.
The type of data.
Min statistic (e.g.
Accumulator computing the minimum of values.
A publisher that wraps multiple others and publishes to all of them.
Implementation of builder pattern for MultiSink.
Message class to inform clients of a new log.
Message class to inform clients of a new metric.
A PositionStore that always returns absent.
Marker interface for statistics which require values to be ordered from smallest to largest.
Interface for classes which create instances of Parser.
Exception thrown when a Parser fails to parse the data.
A publisher that wraps another, filters the metrics with specific periods, and forwards included metrics to the wrapped sink.
Base PeriodFilteringSink.Builder implementation.
Contains the data for a specific period in time.
Builder implementation for PeriodicData.
Helper class to convert PeriodicDatas to metrics-aggregator-protocol protobuf messages.
Contains the StatisticSetRecord protobuf and its corresponding population size.
Aggregates and periodically logs metrics about the aggregated data being record; effectively, this is metrics about metrics.
Implementation of builder pattern for PeriodicStatisticsSink.
Single data pathway through the time series data aggregator.
Representation of TsdAggregator pipeline configuration.
Builder implementation for .PipelineConfiguration.
Interface to storage for tracking the read position in a file.
Factory for creating all the processors needed to process a v1 message.
A processor factory that creates a V2 protocol processor list.
Processes Prometheus messages, extracts data and emits metrics.
PrometheusHttpSource BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Parses the Prometheus protobuf binary protocol into records.
Parses the Inscope Metrics protobuf binary protocol into records.
Parses the Inscope Metrics protobuf binary protocol into records.
Parses the Inscope Metrics protobuf binary protocol in the body of an http request into records.
Parses the Inscope Metrics protobuf binary protocol into records.
Represents a sample.
Reconfigurator<T extends Relaunchable<? super S>,S>
Manages configuration and reconfiguration of a Relaunchable instance using a POJO representation of its configuration.
The interface to a record.
Interface for components which can be restarted.
Contains the info for a http request.
Builder implementation for RequestEntry.
Holds an HTTP request and a reply future.
Http server routes.
Interface for classes which use a kafka Consumer to continually poll a kafka topic.
A runnable wrapper for a Consumer that will continually poll the consumer.
Builder implementation for RunnableConsumerImpl.
Interface to describe a class that publishes PeriodicData.
Interface for sources of Record data entries.
A reimplementation of the Apache Commons IO tailer based on the 2.5 snapshot version.
Builder implementation for StatefulTailer.
Static configuration implementation of Configuration.
Builder for StaticConfiguration.
Interface for a statistic calculator.
Jackson JsonDeserializer implementation for Statistic using StatisticFactory.
Creates statistics.
Source that uses Statsd as input.
StatsdSource BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Parses Statsd data as a Record.
Actor to determine the status of the system.
Takes the sum of the entries.
Accumulator computing the sum of values.
Supplemental http server routes.
Interface for classes which stream data from files (or other sources).
Based on the Apache TailerListener but uses a Tailer interface instead of a class for improved extensibility.
Source that uses line delimited data over tcp.
TcpLineSource BaseSource.Builder implementation.
Model for the telegraf JSON format.
Builder implementation for Telegraf.
Parses Telegraf JSON data as a Record.
Builder implementation for TelegrafJsonToRecordParser.
Timestamp units for Telegraf JSON data.
Actor responsible for holding the set of connected websockets and publishing metrics to them.
A publisher that sends a message to the Telemetry actor.
Base TelemetrySink.Builder implementation.
A Trigger that waits a set amount of time then fires.
Implementation of Source which wraps another Source and sets the time stamp of the Records received from the wrapped Source to the current time.
Builder pattern for TimeStampingSource.
A sink to filter old data.
Base TimeThresholdSink.Builder implementation.
Top 75th percentile statistic.
Top 90th percentile statistic.
Top percentile 95% statistic.
Top 99.9th percentile statistic.
Top 99th percentile statistic.
Base class for percentile based statistics.
Calculator computing the percentile of values.
A publisher that looks for certain metrics and reports on their occurrences.
Implementation of builder pattern for TracingSink.
Interface for classes which evaluate when to reload configuration.
A simple interface that blocks the current thread.
Specifies the unit on a counter variable.
The unit type classification.
Trigger implementation based on a uri's last modified date and ETag.
Builder implementation for UriTrigger.
Model for the version 2c query log line.
Represents the set of annotations on a line.
Builder implementation for Version2c.Annotations.
Builder implementation for Version2c.
Model for the version 2d query log line.
Represents the set of annotations on a line.
Builder implementation for Version2d.Annotations.
Builder implementation for Version2d.
Represents a counter, timer, or gauge element.
Builder implementation for Version2d.Element.
Represents a single sample.
Builder implementation for Version2d.Sample.
Model for the version 2e query log line.
Represents the set of annotations on a line.
Builder implementation for Version2e.Annotations.
Builder implementation for Version2e.
Represents the metrics data or payload in the container.
Builder implementation for Data class.
Represents a counter, timer, or gauge element.
Builder implementation for Version2e.Element.
Represents a single sample.
Builder implementation for Version2e.Sample.
Model for the version 2f query log line.
Represents the set of annotations on a line.
Builder implementation for Version2f.Annotations.
Builder implementation for Version2f.
Represents a counter, timer, or gauge element.
Builder implementation for Version2f.Element.
Represents a single sample.
Builder implementation for Version2f.Sample.
Model for the version 2f query log line wrapped in a Steno container.
Represents the set of annotations on a line.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.Annotations.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.
Represents the context in the container.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.Context.
Represents the metrics data or payload in the container.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.Data.
Represents a counter, timer, or gauge element.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.Element.
Represents a single sample.
Builder implementation for Version2fSteno.Sample.
Model for the version 2g query log line.
Builder implementation for Version2g.
Composite Unit used in 2g file format.
Scalar values.
Composite unit data type.
Represents a counter, timer, or gauge element.
Builder implementation for Version2g.Element.
Represents a single sample.
Builder implementation for Version2g.Sample.
2G format Unit class.
Builder implementation for Version2g.Sample.Unit.
Abstract publisher to send data to a server via Vertx NetSocket.
Implementation of base builder pattern for VertxSink.