Class RunnableConsumerImpl<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values in kafka ConsumerRecords
All Implemented Interfaces:
RunnableConsumer, Runnable

public class RunnableConsumerImpl<V> extends Object implements RunnableConsumer
A runnable wrapper for a Consumer that will continually poll the consumer.
Joey Jackson (jjackson at dropbox dot com)
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Description copied from interface: RunnableConsumer
      Stop the RunnableConsumer instance.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface RunnableConsumer
    • isRunning

      protected boolean isRunning()
      Determine whether the consumer thread is running.
      true if running false if not running.