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acquire() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.lock.Lock
Acquire the lock.
acquire() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.lock.RetryLock
acquire() - Method in class
All(CacheControl...) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.All
All of items should validate the cache.
All(Collection<CacheControl>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.All
All of items should validate the cache.
asBytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
Recourse as bytes.
asciiString() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.PublisherAs
Reads bytes from content as StandardCharsets.US_ASCII string.
asInputStream() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
Recourse as Input stream.
asPath() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
Obtains resources from context loader.
AsyncContent - Interface in com.artipie.asto


BlockingStorage - Class in com.artipie.asto.blocking
More primitive and easy to use wrapper to use Storage.
BlockingStorage(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Wrap a Storage in order get a blocking version of it.
boxedBytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ByteArray
Return primitive byte array.
ByteArray - Class in com.artipie.asto
Byte array wrapper with ability to transform it to boxed and primitive array.
ByteArray(List<Byte>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ByteArray
Ctor for a list of byes.
ByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ByteArray
Ctor for a primitive array.
ByteArray(Byte[]) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ByteArray
bytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Bytes digest.
bytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.PublisherAs
Reads bytes from content into memory.
bytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Remaining
Obtain remaining bytes.


Cache - Interface in com.artipie.asto.cache
Generic reactive cache which returns cached content by key of exist or loads from remote and cache if doesn't exit.
CacheControl - Interface in com.artipie.asto.cache
Cache control.
CacheControl.All - Class in com.artipie.asto.cache
All cache controls should validate the cache.
CacheControl.Standard - Enum in com.artipie.asto.cache
Standard cache controls.
com.artipie.asto - package com.artipie.asto
Abstract Storage.
com.artipie.asto.blocking - package com.artipie.asto.blocking
Blocking version of asto.
com.artipie.asto.cache - package com.artipie.asto.cache
Caching objects.
com.artipie.asto.ext - package com.artipie.asto.ext
Storage and content extensions.
com.artipie.asto.fs - package com.artipie.asto.fs
File system implementation of asto.
com.artipie.asto.lock - package com.artipie.asto.lock
Locks for controlling access to shared resources. - package
Storage implementation for Lock.
com.artipie.asto.memory - package com.artipie.asto.memory
In memory implementation of Storage.
com.artipie.asto.rx - package com.artipie.asto.rx
RxJava version of asto.
com.artipie.asto.s3 - package com.artipie.asto.s3
Implementation of storage that holds data in S3.
com.artipie.asto.test - package com.artipie.asto.test
Classes for tests, do not use this package in the main code.
commit() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
commit() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
commit() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransaction
A reactive version of Transaction.commit().
commit() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
commit() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Transaction
Commit the transaction.
Concatenation - Class in com.artipie.asto
Concatenation of ByteBuffer instances.
Concatenation(Publisher<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Concatenation
Content - Interface in com.artipie.asto
Content that can be stored in Storage.
Content.Empty - Class in com.artipie.asto
Empty content.
Content.From - Class in com.artipie.asto
Key built from byte buffers publisher and total size if it is known.
Content.OneTime - Class in com.artipie.asto
A content which can be consumed only once.
ContentDigest - Class in com.artipie.asto.ext
Digest of specified Content.
ContentDigest(Publisher<ByteBuffer>, Supplier<MessageDigest>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Digest of content.
ContentDigest(Publisher<ByteBuffer>, Supplier<MessageDigest>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Digest of content.
ContentDigest(Content, Supplier<MessageDigest>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Digest of content.
ContentDigest(Content, Supplier<MessageDigest>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Digest of content.
ContentIs - Class in com.artipie.asto.test
Matcher for Content.
ContentIs(String, Charset) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.test.ContentIs
Content is a string with encoding.
ContentIs(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.test.ContentIs
Content is a byte array.
ContentIs(Matcher<byte[]>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.test.ContentIs
Content matches for byte array matcher.
Copy - Class in com.artipie.asto
Storage synchronization.
Copy(Storage, List<Key>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Copy
copy(Storage) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Copy
Copy keys to the specified storage.
copy(RxStorage) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxCopy
Copy key to storage.


delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Removes value from storage.
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
delete() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
Delete file.
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
delete(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Removes value from storage.
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
delete(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Removes value from storage.
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
delete(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
describeTo(Description) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.ContentIs
Digests - Enum in com.artipie.asto.ext
Common digests.
Digests.FromString - Class in com.artipie.asto.ext
Digest enum item from string digest algorithm, case insensitive.
DigestVerification - Class in com.artipie.asto.cache
By digest verification.
DigestVerification(Supplier<MessageDigest>, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.cache.DigestVerification
New digest verification.


EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.artipie.asto.AsyncContent
Empty async content.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.artipie.asto.Content
Empty content.
Empty() - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.Empty
equals(Object) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
This file exists?
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
exists(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
This file exists?
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
exists(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
This file exists?
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
exists(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage


FileStorage - Class in com.artipie.asto.fs
Simple storage, in files.
FileStorage(Path, Object) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
Use FileStorage(Path) ctor instead.
FileStorage(Path) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
FileStorage(Path, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
FileSystemTransaction - Class in com.artipie.asto.fs
Transaction on FileStorage.
FileSystemTransaction(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
flow() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
Read file content as a flow of bytes.
From(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
From(Publisher<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
From(long, Publisher<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
From(Optional<Long>, Publisher<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
From(String) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
From(String...) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
From(Key, Key) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
Key from two keys.
From(Key, String...) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
From base path and parts.
From(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
FromString(String) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.Digests.FromString


get() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.AsyncContent
get() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.Digests.FromString
Returns Digests enum item.
get() - Method in enum com.artipie.asto.ext.Digests
get() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.KeyLastPart
Get last part of the key.


hashCode() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
hex() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.ContentDigest
Hex of the digest.


InMemoryStorage - Class in com.artipie.asto.memory
Simple implementation of Storage that holds all data in memory.
InMemoryStorage() - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
InMemoryTransaction - Class in com.artipie.asto.memory
Transaction on InMemoryStorage.
InMemoryTransaction(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction


Key - Interface in com.artipie.asto
Storage key.
Key.From - Class in com.artipie.asto
Key from something.
Key.Wrap - Class in com.artipie.asto
Default decorator.
KeyLastPart - Class in com.artipie.asto.ext
Last part of the storage Key.
KeyLastPart(Key) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.KeyLastPart


list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Return the list of keys that start with this prefix, for example "foo/bar/".
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
list(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Return the list of keys that start with this prefix, for example "foo/bar/".
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
list(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Return the list of keys that start with this prefix, for example "foo/bar/".
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
list(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
load(Key, AsyncContent, CacheControl) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.cache.Cache
Try to load content from cache or fallback to remote publisher if cached key doesn't exist.
load(Key, AsyncContent, CacheControl) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.cache.StorageCache
Lock - Interface in com.artipie.asto.lock
Asynchronous lock that might be successfully obtained by one thread only at a time.
LoggingStorage - Class in com.artipie.asto
Storage that logs performed operations.
LoggingStorage(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
LoggingStorage(Level, Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage


matchesSafely(Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.ContentIs
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Moves value from one location to another.
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
move(Path) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
Move file to new location.
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
move(Key, Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Moves value from one location to another.
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
move(Key, Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Moves value from one location to another.
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
move(Key, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage


NOP - Static variable in interface com.artipie.asto.cache.Cache
No cache, just load remote resource.


OneTime(Content) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Content.OneTime
OneTimePublisher<T> - Class in com.artipie.asto
A publish which can be consumed only once.
OneTimePublisher(Publisher<T>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.OneTimePublisher
Wrap a publish in a way it can be used only once.


parent() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
parent() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Key
Parent key.
parent() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.Wrap
PrefixedKed(Key, Key) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage.PrefixedKed
Key with prefix.
primitiveBytes() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ByteArray
Return primitive byte array.
PublisherAs - Class in com.artipie.asto.ext
Read bytes from content to memory.
PublisherAs(Content) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.PublisherAs
PublisherAs(Publisher<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.ext.PublisherAs


release() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.lock.Lock
Release the lock.
release() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.lock.RetryLock
release() - Method in class
Remaining - Class in com.artipie.asto
Remaining bytes in a byte buffer.
Remaining(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Remaining
Remaining(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Remaining
RetryLock - Class in com.artipie.asto.lock
Lock that tries to obtain origin Lock with retries.
RetryLock(ScheduledExecutorService, Lock) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.lock.RetryLock
RetryLock(ScheduledExecutorService, Lock, RetryConfig) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.lock.RetryLock
rollback() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
rollback() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
rollback() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransaction
A reactive version of Transaction.rollback().
rollback() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
rollback() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Transaction
Rollback the transaction.
ROOT - Static variable in interface com.artipie.asto.Key
Root key.
RxCopy - Class in com.artipie.asto.rx
A reactive version of Copy.
RxCopy(RxStorage, List<Key>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxCopy
RxCopy(RxStorage, List<Key>, Integer) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxCopy
RxFile - Class in com.artipie.asto.fs
The reactive file allows you to perform read and write operations via RxFile.flow() and methods respectively.
RxFile(Path) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
RxFile(Path, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
RxStorage - Interface in com.artipie.asto.rx
A reactive version of Storage.
RxStorageWrapper - Class in com.artipie.asto.rx
Reactive wrapper over Storage.
RxStorageWrapper(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
RxTransaction - Interface in com.artipie.asto.rx
A reactive version of Transaction.
RxTransactionWrapper - Class in com.artipie.asto.rx
A reactive wrapper of RxTransaction.
RxTransactionWrapper(Transaction) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper


S3Storage - Class in com.artipie.asto.s3
Storage that holds data in S3 storage.
S3Storage(S3AsyncClient, String) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
S3Storage(S3AsyncClient, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
save(Key, byte[]) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Save the content.
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
save(Flowable<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
Save a flow of bytes to a file.
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
save(Key, Content) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Saves the bytes to the specified key.
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
save(Key, Content) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Saves the bytes to the specified key.
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
save(Key, Content) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
saveTo(Storage, Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
Reads recourse and saves it to storage by given key.
saveTo(Storage) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
Reads recourse and saves it to storage by given path as a key.
single() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Concatenation
Concatenates all buffers into single one.
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Get value size.
size() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.Empty
size() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
size() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.OneTime
size() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Content
Provides size of content in bytes if known.
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
size() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.RxFile
Get file size.
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
size(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Get value size.
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
size(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Get value size.
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
size(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
Storage - Interface in com.artipie.asto
The storage.
Storage.Wrap - Class in com.artipie.asto
Forwarding decorator for Storage.
StorageCache - Class in com.artipie.asto.cache
Storage cache implementation.
StorageCache(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.cache.StorageCache
New storage cache.
StorageLock - Class in
Lock allowing to obtain lock on target Key in specified Storage.
StorageLock(Storage, Key) - Constructor for class
StorageLock(Storage, Key, String) - Constructor for class
string(Charset) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.ext.PublisherAs
Reads bytes from content as string.
string() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
string() - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Key
string() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.Wrap
subscribe(Subscriber<? super ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.Empty
subscribe(Subscriber<? super ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.From
subscribe(Subscriber<? super ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Content.OneTime
subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.OneTimePublisher
SubStorage - Class in com.artipie.asto
Sub storage is a storage in storage.
SubStorage(Key, Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
Sub storage with prefix.
SubStorage.PrefixedKed - Class in com.artipie.asto
Key with prefix.


TestResource - Class in com.artipie.asto.test
Test resource.
TestResource(String) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.test.TestResource
toString() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.From
toString() - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Key.Wrap
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Start a transaction with specified keys.
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Start a transaction with specified keys.
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
transaction(List<Key>) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
Transaction - Interface in com.artipie.asto
Transaction is an atomic operation performed under a certain scope.


validate(Key, AsyncContent) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.All
validate(Key, AsyncContent) - Method in enum com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.Standard
validate(Key, AsyncContent) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl
Validate cached item: checks if cached value can be used or needs to be updated by fresh value.
validate(Key, AsyncContent) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.cache.DigestVerification
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.blocking.BlockingStorage
Obtain value for the specified key.
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.fs.FileSystemTransaction
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.LoggingStorage
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryStorage
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.memory.InMemoryTransaction
value(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorage
Obtain bytes by key.
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxStorageWrapper
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.rx.RxTransactionWrapper
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.s3.S3Storage
value(Key) - Method in interface com.artipie.asto.Storage
Obtain bytes by key.
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
value(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.asto.SubStorage
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.Standard
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.artipie.asto.ext.Digests
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.artipie.asto.cache.CacheControl.Standard
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.artipie.asto.ext.Digests
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


Wrap(Key) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Key.Wrap
Wrap(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.asto.Storage.Wrap
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