Class ParsedOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ParsedOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents list of arguments parsed against a Options descriptor.

    It allows querying of a boolean hasOption(String opt), in addition to retrieving the getValue(String opt) for options requiring arguments.

    Additionally, any left-over or unrecognized arguments, are available for further processing.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected ParsedOptions()
      Creates a command line.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void addArg​(java.lang.String arg)
      Add left-over unrecognized option/argument.
      protected void addOption​(Option opt)
      Add an option.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getArgList()
      Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments.
      java.lang.String[] getArgs()
      Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments.
      Option[] getOptions()
      Returns an array of the processed Options.
      java.util.Properties getProperties​(Option option)
      Retrieve the map of values associated to the option.
      java.util.Properties getProperties​(java.lang.String opt)
      Retrieve the map of values associated to the option.
      <T> T getTypedValue​(char opt)
      Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
      <T> T getTypedValue​(Option option)
      Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
      <T> T getTypedValue​(java.lang.String opt)
      Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
      java.lang.String getValue​(char opt)
      Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
      java.lang.String getValue​(char opt, java.lang.String defaultValue)
      Retrieve the argument, if any, of an option.
      java.lang.String getValue​(Option option)
      Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
      java.lang.String getValue​(Option option, java.lang.String defaultValue)
      Retrieve the first argument, if any, of an option.
      java.lang.String getValue​(java.lang.String opt)
      Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
      java.lang.String getValue​(java.lang.String opt, java.lang.String defaultValue)
      Retrieve the first argument, if any, of an option.
      java.lang.String[] getValues​(char opt)
      Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
      java.lang.String[] getValues​(Option option)
      Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
      java.lang.String[] getValues​(java.lang.String opt)
      Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
      boolean hasArgs()
      Checks if non-recognized options or arguments exists.
      boolean hasOption​(char opt)
      Query to see if an option has been set.
      boolean hasOption​(Option opt)
      Query to see if an option has been set.
      boolean hasOption​(java.lang.String opt)
      Query to see if an option has been set.
      boolean hasOptions()
      Checks if options exists.
      java.util.Iterator<Option> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over the Option members of ParsedOptions.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParsedOptions

        protected ParsedOptions()
        Creates a command line.
    • Method Detail

      • hasOption

        public boolean hasOption​(Option opt)
        Query to see if an option has been set.
        opt - the option to check
        true if set, false if not
      • hasOption

        public boolean hasOption​(java.lang.String opt)
        Query to see if an option has been set.
        opt - short name of the option
        true if set, false if not
      • hasOption

        public boolean hasOption​(char opt)
        Query to see if an option has been set.
        opt - character name of the option
        true if set, false if not
      • hasOptions

        public boolean hasOptions()
        Checks if options exists.
        true if options exists; false otherwise
      • getTypedValue

        public <T> T getTypedValue​(Option option)
                            throws OptionParserException
        Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type to attempt to convert to
        option - the option
        the value parsed into a particular object
        OptionParserException - if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
      • getTypedValue

        public <T> T getTypedValue​(java.lang.String opt)
                            throws OptionParserException
        Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type to attempt to convert to
        opt - the name of the option
        the value parsed into a particular object
        OptionParserException - if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
      • getTypedValue

        public <T> T getTypedValue​(char opt)
                            throws OptionParserException
        Return a version of this Option converted to a particular type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type to attempt to convert to
        opt - the name of the option
        the value parsed into a particular object
        OptionParserException - if there are problems turning the option value into the desired type
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(Option option)
        Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
        option - the name of the option
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(java.lang.String opt)
        Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
        opt - the name of the option
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(char opt)
        Retrieve the first argument, if any, of this option.
        opt - the character name of the option
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValues

        public java.lang.String[] getValues​(Option option)
        Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
        option - string name of the option
        the values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValues

        public java.lang.String[] getValues​(java.lang.String opt)
        Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
        opt - string name of the option
        the values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValues

        public java.lang.String[] getValues​(char opt)
        Retrieves the array of values, if any, of an option.
        opt - character name of the option
        Values of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise null
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(Option option,
                                         java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Retrieve the first argument, if any, of an option.
        option - the name of the option
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the option is not specified
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise defaultValue
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(java.lang.String opt,
                                         java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Retrieve the first argument, if any, of an option.
        opt - the name of the option
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the option is not specified
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise defaultValue
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue​(char opt,
                                         java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Retrieve the argument, if any, of an option.
        opt - character name of the option
        defaultValue - the default value to be returned if the option is not specified
        the value of the argument if option is set, and has an argument, otherwise defaultValue
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties​(Option option)
        Retrieve the map of values associated to the option. This is convenient for options specifying Java properties like -Dparam1=value1 -Dparam2=value2. The first argument of the option is the key, and the 2nd argument is the value. If the option has only one argument (-Dfoo) it is considered as a boolean flag and the value is "true".
        option - the option to be processed
        the Properties mapped by the option, never null even if the option doesn't exists
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties​(java.lang.String opt)
        Retrieve the map of values associated to the option. This is convenient for options specifying Java properties like -Dparam1=value1 -Dparam2=value2. The first argument of the option is the key, and the 2nd argument is the value. If the option has only one argument (-Dfoo) it is considered as a boolean flag and the value is "true".
        opt - the name of the option
        the Properties mapped by the option, never null even if the option doesn't exists
      • addOption

        protected void addOption​(Option opt)
        Add an option. The values of the option are stored.
        opt - the option to be processed
      • iterator

        public java.util.Iterator<Option> iterator()
        Returns an iterator over the Option members of ParsedOptions.
        an Iterator over the processed Option members of this ParsedOptions
      • getOptions

        public Option[] getOptions()
        Returns an array of the processed Options.
        an array of the processed Options
      • hasArgs

        public boolean hasArgs()
        Checks if non-recognized options or arguments exists.
        true if non-recognized options or arguments exists; false otherwise
      • getArgs

        public java.lang.String[] getArgs()
        Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments.
        remaining items passed in but not parsed as an array
      • getArgList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getArgList()
        Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments.
        remaining items passed in but not parsed as a List
      • addArg

        protected void addArg​(java.lang.String arg)
        Add left-over unrecognized option/argument.
        arg - the unrecognized option/argument