Class AddonUninstalledEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AddonUninstalledEvent
    extends ApplicationEvent
    A Spring application event fired when the add-on has been successfully uninstalled from a host.

    To listen to this event, use the EventListener annotation:

     public void addonUninstalled(AddonUninstalledEvent event) {

    NOTE: This event is fired asynchronously and cannot affect the HTTP response returned to the Atlassian host.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AddonUninstalledEvent

        public AddonUninstalledEvent​(Object source,
                                     AtlassianHost host)
        Creates a new event.
        source - the object on which the event initially occurred (never null)
        host - the host for which the event occurred
    • Method Detail

      • getHost

        public AtlassianHost getHost()
        Returns the host for which the event occurred.
        the Atlassian host