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AddonAuthenticationType - Enum in com.atlassian.connect.spring
AddonAuthenticationType specifies the authentication scheme that the app uses to communicate with Atlassian products for the host site.
AddonInstalledEvent - Class in com.atlassian.connect.spring
A Spring application event fired when the add-on has been successfully installed on a host.
AddonInstalledEvent(Object, AtlassianHost) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonInstalledEvent
Creates a new event.
AddonUninstalledEvent - Class in com.atlassian.connect.spring
A Spring application event fired when the add-on has been successfully uninstalled from a host.
AddonUninstalledEvent(Object, AtlassianHost) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonUninstalledEvent
Creates a new event.
AtlassianHost - Class in com.atlassian.connect.spring
An Atlassian host in which the add-on is or has been installed.
AtlassianHost() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Creates a new empty Atlassian host (used by persistence mechanism).
AtlassianHostRepository - Interface in com.atlassian.connect.spring
A Spring Data repository for information about Atlassian hosts in which the add-on is or has been installed.
AtlassianHostRestClients - Interface in com.atlassian.connect.spring
A helper class for obtaining preconfigured RestTemplates to make authenticated requests to Atlassian hosts.
AtlassianHostUser - Class in com.atlassian.connect.spring
The Spring Security authentication principal for requests coming from an Atlassian host application in which the add-on is installed.
AtlassianHostUser() - Constructor for class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser
Creates a new empty Atlassian host principal (used for deserialization).
AtlassianHostUser.AtlassianHostUserBuilder - Class in com.atlassian.connect.spring
Builder used to create an AtlassianHostUser.
authenticatedAs(AtlassianHostUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making requests to the given Atlassian host using OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token authentication.
authenticatedAsAddon() - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making requests to Atlassian hosts using JWT authentication.
authenticatedAsAddon(AddonAuthenticationType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making authenticated requests to Atlassian hosts.
authenticatedAsAddon(AtlassianHost) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making requests to Atlassian hosts using JWT authentication.
authenticatedAsAddon(AtlassianHost, AddonAuthenticationType) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making authenticated requests to Atlassian hosts for a specified.
authenticatedAsHostActor() - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Returns a RestTemplate for making requests to the currently authenticated Atlassian host using OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token authentication.


build() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser.AtlassianHostUserBuilder
Builds an AtlassianHostUser from the provided details.
builder(AtlassianHost) - Static method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser
Creates an AtlassianHostUser.AtlassianHostUserBuilder using the provided host.


com.atlassian.connect.spring - package com.atlassian.connect.spring
Provides classes for building Atlassian Connect add-ons using Spring Boot and atlassian-connect-spring-boot.
ContextJwt - Annotation Type in com.atlassian.connect.spring
An annotation used on Spring Web MVC Controllers or individual controller methods to denote that a context JWT is acceptable on this endpoint.
createJwt(HttpMethod, URI) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Creates a JSON Web Token for use when the RestTemplate provided by AtlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAsAddon() cannot be used to make requests to Atlassian hosts, such as when using Jersey.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser


findFirstByBaseUrlOrderByLastModifiedDateDesc(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRepository


getAccessToken(AtlassianHostUser) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Get the access token for use when authenticating as the host user AtlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAs(AtlassianHostUser).
getAuthentication() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Returns the authentication type to use when communicating with the host products.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The URL prefix for the Atlassian product instance.
getClientKey() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The identifying key for the Atlassian product instance that the add-on was installed into.
getCloudId() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Returns the tenant identifier for use with OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The key of the Atlassian user that first installed the add-on on the host, if any.
getCreatedDate() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The time at which the add-on was first installed on the host.
getDescription() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The host product description.
getHost() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonInstalledEvent
Returns the host for which the event occurred.
getHost() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonUninstalledEvent
Returns the host for which the event occurred.
getHost() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser
Returns the host from which the request originated.
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The key of the Atlassian user that last modified the add-on installation, if any.
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The time at which the add-on installation was last modified.
getOauthClientId() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Returns the client identifier for use with OAuth 2.0 authentication.
getProductType() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The identifier of the category of Atlassian product.
getServiceEntitlementNumber() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The Support Entitlement Number (SEN) is the add-on license identifier.
getSharedSecret() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
The shared secret issued by the Atlassian product instance on installation of the add-on.
getUserAccountId() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser
The Atlassian Account ID of the user on whose behalf a request was made.


hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser


IgnoreJwt - Annotation Type in com.atlassian.connect.spring
An annotation used on Spring Web MVC Controllers or individual controller methods to denote that authentication by JSON Web Token is not required.
isAddonInstalled() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Returns true if the add-on is currently installed on the host.
isClientCredentialsAvailable(AtlassianHost) - Method in interface com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostRestClients
Checks whether the AddonAuthenticationType is enabled by the AtlassianHost.


JWT - com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonAuthenticationType
Default JWT authentication scheme for connect apps


OAUTH2 - com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonAuthenticationType
OAuth 2.0 authentication scheme for connect-on-forge apps


setAddonInstalled(boolean) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setAuthentication(AddonAuthenticationType) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setClientKey(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setCloudId(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setCreatedDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setLastModifiedBy(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setLastModifiedDate(Calendar) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setOauthClientId(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setProductType(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setServiceEntitlementNumber(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.
setSharedSecret(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
Used by persistence mechanism.


toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonInstalledEvent
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonUninstalledEvent
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHost
toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonAuthenticationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.atlassian.connect.spring.AddonAuthenticationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withUserAccountId(String) - Method in class com.atlassian.connect.spring.AtlassianHostUser.AtlassianHostUserBuilder
Adds an Atlassian Account ID to the AtlassianHostUser.AtlassianHostUserBuilder.
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