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addAll(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.authentication.ParameterBuilder
Adds all parameter from a map
addAuthenticationParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.SignUpRequest
Add additional parameters to be sent only when logging the user in.
addContentView(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.app.Activity
addContentView(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.app.Activity
addHeader(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Adds an additional header for the request
addHeader(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.ProfileRequest
Adds a header to the request, e.g.
addHeader(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Adds an additional header for the request
addHeader(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.SignUpRequest
Add a header to the sign up request and to the authentication request, provided it's of type AuthenticationRequest.
addParameter(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Add parameter to the request with a given name
addParameter(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.ProfileRequest
Add parameter to the request with a given name
addParameter(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Add parameter to the request with a given name
addParameter(String,String) - function in com.auth0.android.request.SignUpRequest
Add parameter to the request with a given name
addParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Add parameters to the request as a Map of Object with the keys as String
addParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.ProfileRequest
Adds additional parameters for the login request
addParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.Request
Add parameters to the request as a Map of Object with the keys as String
addParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.SignUpRequest
Add additional parameters to be sent both when creating the user and logging in the user.
addSignUpParameters(Map) - function in com.auth0.android.request.SignUpRequest
Add additional parameters to be sent only when creating a user.
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in kotlin.Throwable
AlgorithmHelper - class in com.auth0.android.provider
ANDROID_LINK - enum entry in com.auth0.android.authentication.PasswordlessType
applyOverrideConfiguration(Configuration) - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
applyOverrideConfiguration(Configuration) - function in android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
areAllPermissionsGranted(Activity,Array) - function in com.auth0.android.provider.PermissionHandler
Checks if the given Android Manifest Permissions have been granted by the user to this application before.
asDictionary() - function in com.auth0.android.authentication.ParameterBuilder
Create a Map with all the parameters
AsymmetricSignatureVerifier - class in com.auth0.android.provider
Token signature verifier for RS256 algorithms.
attachBaseContext(Context) - function in android.app.Activity
attachBaseContext(Context) - function in android.app.Activity
Auth0 - class in com.auth0.android
Represents your Auth0 account information (clientId & domain), and it's used to obtain clients for Auth0's APIs.
Auth0Exception - class in com.auth0.android
Base Exception for any error found during a request to Auth0's API
Auth0Exception.Companion - class in com.auth0.android.Auth0Exception
Auth0UserAgent - class in com.auth0.android.util
Responsible for building the custom user agent header data sent on requests to Auth0.
Auth0UserAgent.Companion - class in com.auth0.android.util.Auth0UserAgent
AuthCallback - class in com.auth0.android.provider
Callback called on success/failure of an Identity Provider authentication.
Authentication - class in com.auth0.android.result
The result of a successful authentication against Auth0 Contains the logged in user's Credentials and UserProfile.
AuthenticationActivity - class in com.auth0.android.provider
AuthenticationAPIClient - class in com.auth0.android.authentication
API client for Auth0 Authentication API.
AuthenticationCallback - class in com.auth0.android.callback
AuthenticationException - class in com.auth0.android.authentication
AuthenticationRequest - class in com.auth0.android.request
Request to authenticate a user with Auth0 Authentication API
AuthHandler - class in com.auth0.android.provider
authorize(int,int,Intent) - function in com.auth0.android.provider.AuthProvider
Finishes the authentication flow by passing the data received in the activity's onActivityResult() callback.The final authentication result will be delivered to the callback specified when calling start().
authorize(Intent) - function in com.auth0.android.provider.AuthProvider
Finishes the authentication flow by passing the data received in the activity's onNewIntent() callback.The final authentication result will be delivered to the callback specified when calling start().The default implementation will return false, you need to override it if you want to customize the logic.
AuthorizeResult - class in com.auth0.android.provider
AuthProvider - class in com.auth0.android.provider
Class that can handle authentication flows for different cases, asking for the required permissions before attempting to start the process.
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