Class UsersImportOptions


public class UsersImportOptions extends BaseFilter
Class used to change the behavior of a Users Imports Job. Related to the JobsEntity entity.

This class is not thread-safe.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UsersImportOptions

      public UsersImportOptions()
  • Method Details

    • withSendCompletionEmail

      public UsersImportOptions withSendCompletionEmail(boolean sendCompletionEmail)
      When set to true, sends a completion email to all tenant owners when the import job is finished. If you do not want emails sent, you must explicitly set this parameter to false.
      sendCompletionEmail - whether to send a completion email to all tenant owners when the import job is finished. Defaults to true.
      this filter instance
    • withExternalId

      public UsersImportOptions withExternalId(String externalId)
      Sets an optional user-defined string that can be used to correlate multiple jobs.
      externalId - the external ID to use.
      this filter instance
    • withUpsert

      public UsersImportOptions withUpsert(boolean upsert)
      When set to false, pre-existing users that match on email address, user ID, or username will fail. When set to true, pre-existing users that match on any of these fields will be updated, but only with upsertable attributes. For a list of user profile fields that can be upserted during import, see the following article.

      upsert - Whether to update users if they already exist (true) or to ignore them (false). Defaults to false.
      this filter instance