package ogc

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class GeoTrellisOgcSource(name: String, title: String, sourceUri: String, defaultStyle: Option[String], styles: List[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy, timeMetadataKey: Option[String] = "times".some) extends RasterOgcSource with Product with Serializable
  2. case class MapAlgebraOgcLayer(name: String, title: String, crs: CRS, parameters: Map[String, SimpleOgcLayer], algebra: Expression, style: Option[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy) extends OgcLayer with Product with Serializable
  3. case class MapAlgebraSource(name: String, title: String, sources: Map[String, RasterSource], algebra: Expression, defaultStyle: Option[String], styles: List[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy, timeMetadataKey: Option[String]) extends OgcSource with Product with Serializable

    A complex layer, constructed from an Expression and one or more RasterSource mappings which allow evaluation of said Expression

  4. case class MapAlgebraSourceMetadata(name: SourceName, crs: CRS, bandCount: Int, cellType: CellType, gridExtent: GridExtent[Long], resolutions: List[CellSize], sources: Map[String, RasterMetadata]) extends RasterMetadata with Product with Serializable
  5. case class MapAlgebraTiledOgcLayer(name: String, title: String, crs: CRS, layout: LayoutDefinition, parameters: Map[String, SimpleTiledOgcLayer], algebra: Expression, style: Option[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod = ResampleMethod.DEFAULT, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy = OverviewStrategy.DEFAULT) extends TiledOgcLayer with Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait OgcLayer extends AnyRef

    OgcLayer instances are sufficient to produce visual rasters as the end product of 'get map' requests.

    OgcLayer instances are sufficient to produce visual rasters as the end product of 'get map' requests. They are produced from a combination of a WMS 'GetMap' (or whatever the analogous request in whatever OGC service is being produced) and an instance of OgcSource

  7. trait OgcSource extends AnyRef

    This trait and its implementing types should be jointly sufficient, along with a WMS 'GetMap' (or a WMTS 'GetTile' or a WCS 'GetCoverage' etc etc) request to produce a visual layer (represented more fully by OgcLayer.

    This trait and its implementing types should be jointly sufficient, along with a WMS 'GetMap' (or a WMTS 'GetTile' or a WCS 'GetCoverage' etc etc) request to produce a visual layer (represented more fully by OgcLayer. This type represents *merely* that there is some backing by which valid OGC layers can be realized. Its purpose is to provide the appropriate level of abstraction for OGC services to conveniently reuse the same data about underlying imagery

  8. case class OgcSourceRepository(store: List[OgcSource]) extends Repository[List, OgcSource] with Product with Serializable
  9. sealed trait OgcTime extends AnyRef
  10. final case class OgcTimeInterval(start: ZonedDateTime, end: ZonedDateTime, interval: Option[String]) extends OgcTime with Product with Serializable

    Represents the TimeInterval used in TimeSequence requests

    Represents the TimeInterval used in TimeSequence requests

    If end is provided, a TimeInterval is assumed. Otherwise, a TimePosition.


    The start time for this TimePosition or TimeInterval


    The end time for this TimeInterval. If None, a TimePosition is assumed from the start param.


    ISO 8601:2000 provides a syntax for expressing time periods: the designator P, followed by a number of years Y, months M, days D, a time designator T, number of hours H, minutes M, and seconds S. Unneeded elements may be omitted. Here are a few examples: EXAMPLE 1 - P1Y, 1 year EXAMPLE 2 - P1M10D, 1 month plus 10 days EXAMPLE 3 - PT2H, 2 hours


    This param is not validated. It is up to the user to ensure that it is encoded directly

  11. final case class OgcTimePositions(list: NonEmptyList[ZonedDateTime]) extends OgcTime with Product with Serializable

    Represents the TimePosition used in TimeSequence requests

  12. sealed trait OutputFormat extends AnyRef
  13. sealed trait RasterOgcLayer extends AnyRef
  14. trait RasterOgcSource extends OgcSource
  15. case class SimpleOgcLayer(name: String, title: String, crs: CRS, source: RasterSource, style: Option[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy) extends OgcLayer with RasterOgcLayer with Product with Serializable
  16. case class SimpleSource(name: String, title: String, source: RasterSource, defaultStyle: Option[String], styles: List[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy, timeMetadataKey: Option[String]) extends RasterOgcSource with Product with Serializable

    An imagery source with a RasterSource that defines its capacities

  17. case class SimpleTiledOgcLayer(name: String, title: String, crs: CRS, layout: LayoutDefinition, source: RasterSource, style: Option[OgcStyle], resampleMethod: ResampleMethod = ResampleMethod.DEFAULT, overviewStrategy: OverviewStrategy = OverviewStrategy.DEFAULT) extends TiledOgcLayer with Product with Serializable
  18. sealed trait TiledOgcLayer extends AnyRef

    Layer instances are sufficent to produce displayed the end product of 'get map' requests.

    Layer instances are sufficent to produce displayed the end product of 'get map' requests. They are produced in RasterSourcesModel from a combination of a WMS 'GetMap' (or whatever the analogous request in whatever OGC service is being produced) and an instance of OgcSource

Value Members

  1. object OgcSourceRepository extends Serializable
  2. object OgcTime
  3. object OgcTimeEmpty extends OgcTime with Product with Serializable
  4. object OgcTimeInterval extends Serializable
  5. object OgcTimePositions extends Serializable
  6. object OutputFormat
  7. object Render
  8. object SimpleOgcLayer extends Serializable
  9. object SimpleTiledOgcLayer extends Serializable
  10. object URN
