Interface AmqpTrait<T extends AmqpTrait<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - The concrete type that implements the trait. This is required so that fluent operations can continue to return the concrete type, rather than the trait type.

public interface AmqpTrait<T extends AmqpTrait<T>>
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of AMQP-specific settings.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • retryOptions

      T retryOptions(AmqpRetryOptions retryOptions)
      Sets the retry policy. If not specified, the default retry options are used.
      retryOptions - The retry options to use.
      Returns the same concrete type with the appropriate properties updated, to allow for fluent chaining of operations.
    • transportType

      T transportType(AmqpTransportType transport)
      Sets the transport type by which all the communication with Azure service occurs. The default value is AmqpTransportType.AMQP.
      transport - The transport type to use.
      Returns the same concrete type with the appropriate properties updated, to allow for fluent chaining of operations.
    • proxyOptions

      T proxyOptions(ProxyOptions proxyOptions)
      Sets the proxy configuration to use. When a proxy is configured, AmqpTransportType.AMQP_WEB_SOCKETS must be used for the transport type.
      proxyOptions - The proxy configuration to use.
      Returns the same concrete type with the appropriate properties updated, to allow for fluent chaining of operations.
    • clientOptions

      T clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions)
      Allows for setting common properties such as application ID, headers, etc.
      clientOptions - A configured instance of ClientOptions.
      Returns the same concrete type with the appropriate properties updated, to allow for fluent chaining of operations.