Class CosmosAsyncTrigger

  • public class CosmosAsyncTrigger
    extends Object
    The type Cosmos async trigger. This contains methods to operate on a cosmos trigger asynchronously
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public Mono<CosmosTriggerResponse> read()
        Reads a cosmos trigger

        After subscription the operation will be performed. The Mono upon successful completion will contain a single resource response for the read trigger. In case of failure the Mono will error.

        an Mono containing the single resource response for the read cosmos trigger or an error.
      • replace

        public Mono<CosmosTriggerResponse> replace​(CosmosTriggerProperties triggerProperties)
        Replaces a cosmos trigger.

        After subscription the operation will be performed. The Mono upon successful completion will contain a single resource response with the replaced trigger. In case of failure the Mono will error.

        triggerProperties - the cosmos trigger properties.
        an Mono containing the single resource response with the replaced cosmos trigger or an error.
      • delete

        public Mono<CosmosTriggerResponse> delete()
        Deletes a cosmos trigger.

        After subscription the operation will be performed. The Mono upon successful completion will contain a single resource response for the deleted trigger. In case of failure the Mono will error.

        an Mono containing the single resource response for the deleted cosmos trigger or an error.