Class ChangeFeedProcessorState

  • public class ChangeFeedProcessorState
    extends Object
    Specifies the ChangeFeedProcessor state for a particular lease/worker.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeFeedProcessorState

        public ChangeFeedProcessorState()
    • Method Detail

      • getLeaseToken

        public String getLeaseToken()
        Gets the token of the lease item representing the persistent state of a change feed processor worker.

        A lease token is a unique identifier representing a specific scope that a CFP worker will operate on.

        a string token uniquely representing the scope for one worker unit.
      • setLeaseToken

        public ChangeFeedProcessorState setLeaseToken​(String leaseToken)
        Sets the token of the lease item representing the persistent state of a change feed processor worker.

        A lease token is a unique identifier representing a specific scope that a CFP worker will operate on.

        leaseToken - a unique string representing a specific scope that a CFP worker will operate on.
        the current ChangeFeedProcessorState instance.
      • getHostName

        public String getHostName()
        Gets the name of the host which operates on the lease item.

        When using multiple CFP instances distributing the work for a given feed container, each host must have a unique name.

        the host name that has ownership of this lease item or null if no host is currently operating on this lease.
      • setHostName

        public ChangeFeedProcessorState setHostName​(String hostName)
        Sets the name of the host which operates on the lease item.

        When using multiple CFP instances distributing the work for a given feed container, each host must have a unique name.

        hostName - the host name that has ownership of this lease item.
        the current ChangeFeedProcessorState instance.
      • getContinuationToken

        public String getContinuationToken()
        Gets a marker representing the last item that was processed.
        the marker representing the last item that was processed.
      • setContinuationToken

        public ChangeFeedProcessorState setContinuationToken​(String continuationToken)
        Sets a marker representing the last item that was processed.
        continuationToken - the marker representing the last item that was processed.
        the current ChangeFeedProcessorState instance.
      • getEstimatedLag

        public int getEstimatedLag()
        Gets an approximation of the difference between the last processed item in the feed container and the latest change recorded.
        the estimated lag.
      • setEstimatedLag

        public ChangeFeedProcessorState setEstimatedLag​(int estimatedLag)
        Sets the estimated lag.
        estimatedLag - the estimated lag.
        the current ChangeFeedProcessorState instance.