Class CosmosBulkExecutionOptions

  • public final class CosmosBulkExecutionOptions
    extends Object
    Encapsulates options that can be specified for operations used in Bulk execution. It can be passed while processing bulk operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CosmosBulkExecutionOptions

        public CosmosBulkExecutionOptions​(CosmosBulkExecutionThresholdsState thresholdsState)
        thresholdsState - thresholds
      • CosmosBulkExecutionOptions

        public CosmosBulkExecutionOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxMicroBatchConcurrency

        public int getMaxMicroBatchConcurrency()
        The maximum concurrency for executing requests for a partition key range. By default, the maxMicroBatchConcurrency is 1.
        max micro batch concurrency
      • setMaxMicroBatchConcurrency

        public CosmosBulkExecutionOptions setMaxMicroBatchConcurrency​(int maxMicroBatchConcurrency)
        Set the maximum concurrency for executing requests for a partition key range. By default, the maxMicroBatchConcurrency is 1. It only allows values ≥1 and ≤5. Attention! Please adjust this value with caution. By increasing this value, more concurrent requests will be allowed to be sent to the server, in which case may cause 429 or request timed out due to saturate local resources, which could degrade the performance.
        maxMicroBatchConcurrency - the micro batch concurrency.
        the bulk processing options.
      • getThresholdsState

        public CosmosBulkExecutionThresholdsState getThresholdsState()
        Returns threshold state that can be passed to other CosmosBulkExecutionOptions in the future