Class CosmosBulkItemResponse

    • Method Detail

      • getActivityId

        public String getActivityId()
        Gets the activity ID that identifies the server request made to execute this operation.
        the activity ID that identifies the server request made to execute this operation.
      • getETag

        public String getETag()
        Gets the entity tag associated with the current item. ETags are used for concurrency checking when updating resources.
        Entity tag associated with the current item.
      • getRequestCharge

        public double getRequestCharge()
        Gets the request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the current operation.

        For more information about the RU and factors that can impact the effective charges please visit Request Units in Azure Cosmos DB

        the request charge.
      • getItem

        public <T> T getItem​(Class<T> type)
        Gets the item associated with the current result.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type parameter
        type - class type for which deserialization is needed.
        item associated with the current result.
      • getRetryAfterDuration

        public Duration getRetryAfterDuration()
        Gets retry after.
        the retry after
      • getSubStatusCode

        public int getSubStatusCode()
        Gets sub status code associated with the current result.
        the sub status code
      • isSuccessStatusCode

        public boolean isSuccessStatusCode()
        Gets a value indicating whether the current operation completed successfully.
        true if the current operation completed successfully; false otherwise.
      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
        Gets the HTTP status code associated with the current result.
        the status code.
      • getSessionToken

        public String getSessionToken()
        Gets the token used for managing client's consistency requirements.
        the session token.
      • getResponseHeaders

        public Map<String,​String> getResponseHeaders()
        Gets the headers associated with the response.
        the response headers.
      • getDuration

        public Duration getDuration()
        Gets the end-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service.
        end-to-end request latency for the current request to Azure Cosmos DB service.