Class CosmosContainerProperties

  • public final class CosmosContainerProperties
    extends Object
    Represents a container in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. A cosmos container is a named logical container for cosmos items.

    A database may contain zero or more named containers and each container consists of zero or more JSON items. Being schema-free, the items in a container do not need to share the same structure or fields. Since containers are application resources, they can be authorized using either the master key or resource keys.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CosmosContainerProperties

        public CosmosContainerProperties​(String id,
                                         String partitionKeyPath)
        id - id of the Container
        partitionKeyPath - partition key path
    • Method Detail

      • getIndexingPolicy

        public IndexingPolicy getIndexingPolicy()
        Gets the container's indexing policy.
        the indexing policy.
      • getUniqueKeyPolicy

        public UniqueKeyPolicy getUniqueKeyPolicy()
        Gets the containers unique key policy
        the unique key policy
      • setUniqueKeyPolicy

        public CosmosContainerProperties setUniqueKeyPolicy​(UniqueKeyPolicy uniqueKeyPolicy)
        Sets the Containers unique key policy
        uniqueKeyPolicy - the unique key policy
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • getPartitionKeyDefinition

        public PartitionKeyDefinition getPartitionKeyDefinition()
        Gets the containers's partition key definition.
        the partition key definition.
      • setPartitionKeyDefinition

        public CosmosContainerProperties setPartitionKeyDefinition​(PartitionKeyDefinition partitionKeyDefinition)
        Sets the containers's partition key definition.
        partitionKeyDefinition - the partition key definition.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • getConflictResolutionPolicy

        public ConflictResolutionPolicy getConflictResolutionPolicy()
        Gets the conflictResolutionPolicy that is used for resolving conflicting writes on items in different regions, in a container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
      • setConflictResolutionPolicy

        public CosmosContainerProperties setConflictResolutionPolicy​(ConflictResolutionPolicy value)
        Sets the conflictResolutionPolicy that is used for resolving conflicting writes on items in different regions, in a container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        value - ConflictResolutionPolicy to be used.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • getChangeFeedPolicy

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public ChangeFeedPolicy getChangeFeedPolicy()
        Gets the changeFeedPolicy for this container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
      • setChangeFeedPolicy

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public CosmosContainerProperties setChangeFeedPolicy​(ChangeFeedPolicy value)
        Sets the changeFeedPolicy for this container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        value - ChangeFeedPolicy to be used.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • getDefaultTimeToLiveInSeconds

        public Integer getDefaultTimeToLiveInSeconds()
        Gets the container's default time-to-live value.
        the default time-to-live value in seconds.
      • setDefaultTimeToLiveInSeconds

        public CosmosContainerProperties setDefaultTimeToLiveInSeconds​(Integer timeToLive)
        Sets the container's default time-to-live value.

        The default time-to-live value on a container is an optional property. If set, the items within the container expires after the specified number of seconds since their last write time. The value of this property should be one of the following:

        null - indicates evaluation of time-to-live is disabled and items within the container will never expire, regardless whether individual items have their time-to-live set.

        nonzero positive integer - indicates the default time-to-live value for all items within the container. This value can be overridden by individual items time-to-live value.

        -1 - indicates by default all items within the container never expire. This value can be overridden by individual items time-to-live value.

        timeToLive - the default time-to-live value in seconds.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • setAnalyticalStoreTimeToLiveInSeconds

        public CosmosContainerProperties setAnalyticalStoreTimeToLiveInSeconds​(Integer timeToLive)
        Sets the analytical store time to live in seconds for items in a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service. It is an optional property. A valid value must be either a nonzero positive integer, '-1', or 0. By default, AnalyticalStoreTimeToLive is set to 0 meaning the analytical store is turned off for the container; -1 means items in analytical store never expire. The unit of measurement is seconds. The maximum allowed value is 2147483647.
        timeToLive - the analytical store time to live in seconds.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.
      • getAnalyticalStoreTimeToLiveInSeconds

        public Integer getAnalyticalStoreTimeToLiveInSeconds()
        Gets the analytical store time to live in seconds for items in a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service. It is an optional property. A valid value must be either a nonzero positive integer, '-1', or 0. By default, AnalyticalStoreTimeToLive is set to 0 meaning the analytical store is turned off for the container; -1 means items in analytical store never expire. The unit of measurement is seconds. The maximum allowed value is 2147483647.
        analytical ttl
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Gets the name of the resource.
        the name of the resource.
      • getResourceId

        public String getResourceId()
        Gets the ID associated with the resource.
        the ID associated with the resource.
      • getTimestamp

        public Instant getTimestamp()
        Get the last modified timestamp associated with the resource. This is only relevant when getting response from the server.
        the timestamp.
      • getETag

        public String getETag()
        Get the entity tag associated with the resource. This is only relevant when getting response from the server.
        the e tag.
      • getClientEncryptionPolicy

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public ClientEncryptionPolicy getClientEncryptionPolicy()
        Gets the ClientEncryptionPolicy that is used for encrypting item fields
      • setClientEncryptionPolicy

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public CosmosContainerProperties setClientEncryptionPolicy​(ClientEncryptionPolicy value)
        Sets the ClientEncryptionPolicy that is used for encrypting item fields
        value - ClientEncryptionPolicy to be used.
        the CosmosContainerProperties.