Class DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions

  • @Beta(value=V4_15_0,
          warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
    public final class DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions
    extends Object
    Dedicated Gateway Request Options
    • Constructor Detail

      • DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxIntegratedCacheStaleness

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public Duration getMaxIntegratedCacheStaleness()
        Gets the staleness value associated with the request in the Azure CosmosDB service. For requests where the ConsistencyLevel is ConsistencyLevel.EVENTUAL or ConsistencyLevel.SESSION, responses from the integrated cache are guaranteed to be no staler than value indicated by this maxIntegratedCacheStaleness.

        Default value is null

        Cache Staleness is supported in milliseconds granularity. Anything smaller than milliseconds will be ignored.

        Duration of maxIntegratedCacheStaleness
      • setMaxIntegratedCacheStaleness

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions setMaxIntegratedCacheStaleness​(Duration maxIntegratedCacheStaleness)
        Sets the staleness value associated with the request in the Azure CosmosDB service. For requests where the ConsistencyLevel is ConsistencyLevel.EVENTUAL or ConsistencyLevel.SESSION, responses from the integrated cache are guaranteed to be no staler than value indicated by this maxIntegratedCacheStaleness.

        Default value is null

        Cache Staleness is supported in milliseconds granularity. Anything smaller than milliseconds will be ignored.

        maxIntegratedCacheStaleness - Max Integrated Cache Staleness duration
        this DedicatedGatewayRequestOptions