Interface FeedRange

  • @Beta(value=V4_9_0,
          warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
    public interface FeedRange
    Represents a feed range.
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        static FeedRange fromString​(String json)
        Creates a range from a previously obtained string representation.
        json - A string representation of a feed range
        A feed range
      • toString

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        String toString()
        Gets a json representation of the feed range - the returned json string can be used to create a new feed range instance from it - (use factory method fromJsonString to do so)
        toString in class Object
        a JSON string representing the feed range
      • forLogicalPartition

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        static FeedRange forLogicalPartition​(PartitionKey partitionKey)
        Creates a range for a certain logical partition
        partitionKey - the logical partition key value
        A feed range for a certain logical partition
      • forFullRange

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        static FeedRange forFullRange()
        Creates a range for an entire container
        A feed range for an entire container