Class CosmosClientBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:<CosmosClientBuilder>,<CosmosClientBuilder>,<CosmosClientBuilder>

public class CosmosClientBuilder extends Object implements<CosmosClientBuilder>,<CosmosClientBuilder>,<CosmosClientBuilder>
Helper class to build CosmosAsyncClient CosmosAsyncClient and CosmosClient CosmosClient instances as logical representation of the Azure Cosmos database service.

When building client, endpoint() and key() are mandatory APIs, without these the initialization will fail.

Though consistencyLevel is not mandatory, but we strongly suggest to pay attention to this API when building client. By default, account consistency level is used if none is provided.

By default, direct connection mode is used if none specified.

     Building Cosmos Async Client minimal APIs (without any customized configurations)
 CosmosAsyncClient client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
     Building Cosmos Async Client with customizations
 CosmosAsyncClient client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
         .directMode(directConnectionConfig, gatewayConnectionConfig)
         .preferredRegions(Collections.singletonList("West US", "East US"))
     Building Cosmos Sync Client minimal APIs (without any customized configurations)
 CosmosClient client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
     Building Cosmos Sync Client with customizations
 CosmosClient client = new CosmosClientBuilder()
         .directMode(directConnectionConfig, gatewayConnectionConfig)
         .preferredRegions(Collections.singletonList("West US", "East US"))
  • Constructor Details

    • CosmosClientBuilder

      public CosmosClientBuilder()
      Instantiates a new Cosmos client builder.
  • Method Details

    • sessionCapturingOverrideEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder sessionCapturingOverrideEnabled(boolean sessionCapturingOverrideEnabled)
      Session capturing is enabled by default for ConsistencyLevel.SESSION. For other consistency levels, it is not needed, unless if you need occasionally send requests with Session Consistency while the client is not configured in session.

      enabling Session capturing for Session mode has no effect.

      sessionCapturingOverrideEnabled - session capturing override
      current cosmosClientBuilder
    • connectionSharingAcrossClientsEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder connectionSharingAcrossClientsEnabled(boolean connectionSharingAcrossClientsEnabled)
      Enables connections sharing across multiple Cosmos Clients. The default is false.

       CosmosAsyncClient client1 = new CosmosClientBuilder()
       CosmosAsyncClient client2 = new CosmosClientBuilder()
       // when configured this way client1 and client2 will share connections when possible.

      When you have multiple instances of Cosmos Client in the same JVM interacting to multiple Cosmos accounts, enabling this allows connection sharing in Direct mode if possible between instances of Cosmos Client.
      Please note, when setting this option, the connection configuration (e.g., socket timeout config, idle timeout config) of the first instantiated client will be used for all other client instances.
      connectionSharingAcrossClientsEnabled - connection sharing
      current cosmosClientBuilder
    • authorizationTokenResolver

      public CosmosClientBuilder authorizationTokenResolver(CosmosAuthorizationTokenResolver cosmosAuthorizationTokenResolver)
      Sets the token resolver
      cosmosAuthorizationTokenResolver - the token resolver
      current cosmosClientBuilder
    • endpoint

      public CosmosClientBuilder endpoint(String endpoint)
      Sets the Azure Cosmos DB endpoint the SDK will connect to
      Specified by:
      endpoint in interface<CosmosClientBuilder>
      endpoint - the service endpoint
      current Builder
    • key

      public CosmosClientBuilder key(String key)
      Sets either a master or readonly key used to perform authentication for accessing resource.
      key - master or readonly key
      current Builder.
    • resourceToken

      public CosmosClientBuilder resourceToken(String resourceToken)
      Sets a resource token used to perform authentication for accessing resource.
      resourceToken - resourceToken for authentication
      current Builder.
    • credential

      public CosmosClientBuilder credential( credential)
      Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service. Refer to the Azure SDK for Java identity and authentication documentation for more details on proper usage of the TokenCredential type.
      Specified by:
      credential in interface<CosmosClientBuilder>
      credential - TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
      the updated CosmosClientBuilder
      NullPointerException - If credential is null.
    • permissions

      public CosmosClientBuilder permissions(List<CosmosPermissionProperties> permissions)
      Sets the permission list, which contains the resource tokens needed to access resources.
      permissions - Permission list for authentication.
      current Builder.
    • consistencyLevel

      public CosmosClientBuilder consistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel desiredConsistencyLevel)
      Sets the ConsistencyLevel to be used
      By default, ConsistencyLevel.SESSION consistency will be used.
      desiredConsistencyLevel - ConsistencyLevel
      current Builder
    • credential

      public CosmosClientBuilder credential( credential)
      Sets the AzureKeyCredential to be used
      Specified by:
      credential in interface<CosmosClientBuilder>
      credential - AzureKeyCredential
      current cosmosClientBuilder
    • contentResponseOnWriteEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder contentResponseOnWriteEnabled(boolean contentResponseOnWriteEnabled)
      Sets the boolean to only return the headers and status code in Cosmos DB response in case of Create, Update and Delete operations on CosmosItem.
      If set to false (which is by default), service doesn't return payload in the response. It reduces networking and CPU load by not sending the payload back over the network and serializing it on the client.
      This feature does not impact RU usage for read or write operations.
      By-default, this is false.
      contentResponseOnWriteEnabled - a boolean indicating whether payload will be included in the response or not
      current cosmosClientBuilder
    • gatewayMode

      public CosmosClientBuilder gatewayMode()
      Sets the default GATEWAY connection configuration to be used.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • gatewayMode

      public CosmosClientBuilder gatewayMode(GatewayConnectionConfig gatewayConnectionConfig)
      Sets the GATEWAY connection configuration to be used.
      gatewayConnectionConfig - gateway connection configuration
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • directMode

      public CosmosClientBuilder directMode()
      Sets the default DIRECT connection configuration to be used.
      By default, the builder is initialized with directMode()
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • directMode

      public CosmosClientBuilder directMode(DirectConnectionConfig directConnectionConfig)
      Sets the DIRECT connection configuration to be used.
      By default, the builder is initialized with directMode()
      directConnectionConfig - direct connection configuration
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • directMode

      public CosmosClientBuilder directMode(DirectConnectionConfig directConnectionConfig, GatewayConnectionConfig gatewayConnectionConfig)
      Sets the DIRECT connection configuration to be used. gatewayConnectionConfig - represents basic configuration to be used for gateway client.
      Even in direct connection mode, some of the meta data operations go through gateway client,
      Setting gateway connection config in this API doesn't affect the connection mode, which will be Direct in this case.
      directConnectionConfig - direct connection configuration to be used
      gatewayConnectionConfig - gateway connection configuration to be used
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • userAgentSuffix

      public CosmosClientBuilder userAgentSuffix(String userAgentSuffix)
      sets the value of the user-agent suffix.
      userAgentSuffix - The value to be appended to the user-agent header, this is used for monitoring purposes.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • throttlingRetryOptions

      public CosmosClientBuilder throttlingRetryOptions(ThrottlingRetryOptions throttlingRetryOptions)
      Sets the retry policy options associated with the DocumentClient instance.

      Properties in the RetryOptions class allow application to customize the built-in retry policies. This property is optional. When it's not set, the SDK uses the default values for configuring the retry policies. See RetryOptions class for more details.

      throttlingRetryOptions - the RetryOptions instance.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if an error occurs
    • preferredRegions

      public CosmosClientBuilder preferredRegions(List<String> preferredRegions)
      Sets the preferred regions for geo-replicated database accounts. For example, "East US" as the preferred region.

      When EnableEndpointDiscovery is true and PreferredRegions is non-empty, the SDK will prefer to use the regions in the container in the order they are specified to perform operations.

      If EnableEndpointDiscovery is set to false, this property is ignored.

      preferredRegions - the list of preferred regions.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • endpointDiscoveryEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder endpointDiscoveryEnabled(boolean endpointDiscoveryEnabled)
      Sets the flag to enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts.

      When EnableEndpointDiscovery is true, the SDK will automatically discover the current write and read regions to ensure requests are sent to the correct region based on the capability of the region and the user's preference.

      The default value for this property is true indicating endpoint discovery is enabled.

      endpointDiscoveryEnabled - true if EndpointDiscovery is enabled.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • multipleWriteRegionsEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder multipleWriteRegionsEnabled(boolean multipleWriteRegionsEnabled)
      Sets the flag to enable writes on any regions for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

      When the value of this property is true, the SDK will direct write operations to available writable regions of geo-replicated database account. Writable regions are ordered by PreferredRegions property. Setting the property value to true has no effect until EnableMultipleWriteRegions in DatabaseAccount is also set to true.

      DEFAULT value is true indicating that writes are directed to available writable regions of geo-replicated database account.

      multipleWriteRegionsEnabled - flag to enable writes on any regions for geo-replicated database accounts.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • clientTelemetryEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder clientTelemetryEnabled(boolean clientTelemetryEnabled)
      Sets the flag to enable client telemetry which will periodically collect database operations aggregation statistics, system information like cpu/memory and send it to cosmos monitoring service, which will be helpful during debugging.

      DEFAULT value is false indicating this is opt in feature, by default no telemetry collection.

      clientTelemetryEnabled - flag to enable client telemetry.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • readRequestsFallbackEnabled

      public CosmosClientBuilder readRequestsFallbackEnabled(boolean readRequestsFallbackEnabled)
      Sets whether to allow for reads to go to multiple regions configured on an account of Azure Cosmos DB service.

      DEFAULT value is true.

      If this property is not set, the default is true for all Consistency Levels other than Bounded Staleness, The default is false for Bounded Staleness. 1. endpointDiscoveryEnabled is true 2. the Azure Cosmos DB account has more than one region

      readRequestsFallbackEnabled - flag to enable reads to go to multiple regions configured on an account of Azure Cosmos DB service.
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • openConnectionsAndInitCaches

      public CosmosClientBuilder openConnectionsAndInitCaches(CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfig proactiveContainerInitConfig)
      Sets the CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfig which enable warming up of caches and connections associated with containers obtained from CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfig.getCosmosContainerIdentities() to replicas obtained from the first k preferred regions where k evaluates to CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfig.getProactiveConnectionRegionsCount().

      Use the CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfigBuilder class to instantiate CosmosContainerProactiveInitConfig class

      proactiveContainerInitConfig - which encapsulates a list of container identities and no of proactive connection regions
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • endToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig

      public CosmosClientBuilder endToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig(CosmosEndToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig cosmosEndToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig)
      cosmosEndToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig - the CosmosEndToEndOperationLatencyPolicyConfig
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • clientTelemetryConfig

      public CosmosClientBuilder clientTelemetryConfig(CosmosClientTelemetryConfig telemetryConfig)
      Returns the client telemetry config instance for this builder
      telemetryConfig - the client telemetry configuration to be used
      current CosmosClientBuilder
    • buildAsyncClient

      public CosmosAsyncClient buildAsyncClient()
      Builds a cosmos async client with the provided properties
    • buildClient

      public CosmosClient buildClient()
      Builds a cosmos sync client with the provided properties