Class ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder

        public ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • pemCertificate

        public ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder pemCertificate​(String certificatePath)
        Sets the path of the PEM certificate for authenticating to AAD.
        certificatePath - the PEM file containing the certificate
        An updated instance of this builder.
      • pfxCertificate

        public ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder pfxCertificate​(String certificatePath,
                                                                 String clientCertificatePassword)
        Sets the path and password of the PFX certificate for authenticating to AAD.
        certificatePath - the password protected PFX file containing the certificate
        clientCertificatePassword - the password protecting the PFX file
        An updated instance of this builder.
      • tokenCachePersistenceOptions

        public ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder tokenCachePersistenceOptions​(TokenCachePersistenceOptions tokenCachePersistenceOptions)
        Configures the persistent shared token cache options and enables the persistent token cache which is disabled by default. If configured, the credential will store tokens in a cache persisted to the machine, protected to the current user, which can be shared by other credentials and processes.
        tokenCachePersistenceOptions - the token cache configuration options
        An updated instance of this builder with the token cache options configured.
      • sendCertificateChain

        public ClientCertificateCredentialBuilder sendCertificateChain​(boolean sendCertificateChain)
        Specifies if the x5c claim (public key of the certificate) should be sent as part of the authentication request and enable subject name / issuer based authentication. The default value is false.
        sendCertificateChain - the flag to indicate if certificate chain should be sent as part of authentication request.
        An updated instance of this builder.