Class CredentialBuilderBase<T extends CredentialBuilderBase<T>>

    • Method Detail

      • maxRetry

        public T maxRetry​(int maxRetry)
        Specifies the max number of retries when an authentication request fails.
        maxRetry - the number of retries
        An updated instance of this builder with the max retry set as specified.
      • retryTimeout

        public T retryTimeout​(Function<Duration,​Duration> retryTimeout)
        Specifies a Function to calculate seconds of timeout on every retried request.
        retryTimeout - the Function that returns a timeout in seconds given the number of retry
        An updated instance of this builder with the retry timeout set as specified.
      • proxyOptions

        public T proxyOptions​( proxyOptions)
        Configure the proxy options on the HttpClient instead and then set that client on the credential using httpClient(HttpClient).
        Specifies the options for proxy configuration.
        proxyOptions - the options for proxy configuration
        An updated instance of this builder with the proxy options set as specified.
      • httpPipeline

        public T httpPipeline​( httpPipeline)
        Specifies the HttpPipeline to send all requests. This setting overrides the others.
        httpPipeline - the HttpPipeline to send all requests
        An updated instance of this builder with the http pipeline set as specified.
      • httpClient

        public T httpClient​( client)
        Sets the HTTP client to use for sending and receiving requests to and from the service.
        client - The HTTP client to use for requests.
        An updated instance of this builder with the http client set as specified.
        NullPointerException - If client is null.
      • configuration

        public T configuration​( configuration)
        Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the credential. The default configuration store is a clone of the global configuration store.
        configuration - The configuration store used to load Env variables and/or properties from.
        An updated instance of this builder with the configuration store set as specified.
      • enableAccountIdentifierLogging

        public T enableAccountIdentifierLogging()
        Enables account identifiers to be logged on client side for debugging/monitoring purposes. By default, it is disabled.

        The Account Identifier logs can contain sensitive information and should be enabled on protected machines only. Enabling this logs Application ID, Object ID, Tenant ID and User Principal Name at INFO level when an access token is successfully retrieved. Ensure that INFO level logs are enabled to see the account identifier logs.

        An updated instance of this builder.